Sep 102024

(Sept 6)  Ezra Levant spoke with Lawrence Greenspon, defence counsel for Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich. Tamara is facing mischief charges for her involvement in the anti-mandate protests in 2022 in a long-winded trial that started last autumn.

Lawrence provided Ezra with an update on the trial, which is set to wrap up on September 13 with a half day, after which the judge will make a decision. Ezra brought up how five social media clips were submitted as evidence in which Tamara Lich was on the ground protesting in Ottawa, calling for others to “hold the line,” and he asked Lawrence why these videos were presented.

Lawrence responded:

That was the sum total of what they had of Tamara actually on the streets of Ottawa. And I think the Crown was well aware from the beginning that they’ve got nothing on Tamara, as far as her actual involvement on the streets.

Which is why, as I said the next day, they had to resort to talking about metaphorical shoulder-to-shoulder and metaphorical megaphones because there were no actual megaphones and there was no actual shoulder-to-shoulder in the sense that we commonly know it. So the case, really, against Tamara is not for whatever little she did on the street. It’s whether her messaging was such as to encourage others to act unlawfully, and from what I can see, her messaging was exactly the opposite all the way through, it was always peaceful, and lawful.  . . .

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