Oct 132024

EARNED REPUTATION:    “Pfizer” postings since the April list below.

1.  2024-07-09 covid: Yes, Pfizer and Moderna can be sued for vaccine injuries — here’s how. B.C. lawyer Umar Sheikh. Report by Drea Humphrey, Rebel News.

2.  2024-07-24  23 Year-Old (Trent) Killed by Pfizer COVID Vaccine, CHD

3.  2024-07-05 Ontario man (Dan Hartman) sues Pfizer & Health Canada for death of son (Sean) following COVID vaccination. Hartman sent tissue samples to American pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole. Lawyer Umar Sheikh representing.

4.  2024-06- 17   Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach accuses Pfizer of misleading vaccine marketing, filed a civil lawsuit against Pfizer. By Grace Hills, the Kansas Reflector.

5.  2024-06-10   Employees Can Sue L.A. Schools Over COVID Vaccine Mandate Because Shots Don’t Prevent Transmission, Appeals Court Rules. From CHD.↓↓

 6.  2024-04-16 Important legal case, USA  (I am Brook Jackson) has the potential to remove Pfizer’s immunity from lawsuits


  1. 2023-12-01 Texas Sues Pfizer for ‘False’ and ‘Deceptive’ Marketing of COVID Vaccines, from CHD
  2. 2023-10-20 Pfizer Announces Layoffs as COVID Vaccine Revenue Slumps, with thanks to $ Big Pharma Watch. Newsweek report.
  3. 2023-07-09 The Story of Pfizer Inc. – A Case Study in Pharmaceutical Empire and Corporate Corruption, video version by Dr. Sam Bailey
  4. 2016-12-09 Constant Gardener and Pfizer, my story, letter to LeCarre, Deaths (murder) of Nigerian children guinea-pigs, $US 75 million Out-of-Court Settlement with Govt of Nigeria, Pfizer at the University of Saskatchewan
  5. 2022-02-17 Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager, Edward Dowd, Exposes Pfizer Fraud
  6. 2022-02-14 U.S. Big pressure on the FDA, Pfizer vaccine for kids EUA, from citizens and Children’s Health Defense
  7. 2022-02-11 Canada and the Conflict of Interest. Canada owns the gene technology. UBC license agreement. Canada makes money on every injection (Pfizer, Moderna). David Martin takes on AP Fact-checker.
  8. 2022-02-11 Breaking: FDA Postpones Meeting on COVID Shots for Kids Under 5 After Pfizer Says Not Enough Data. But Don’t Let Up the Fight!
  9. 2022-02-09 Pfizer Predicts Record Profits From COVID Products, Says Chances ‘Very High’ FDA Will Authorize Vaccine for Babies and Toddlers
  10. 2021-06-11 Dr. Mike Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer, interview by Del Bigtree
  11. 2022-01-11 Autopsy Confirms 26-Year-Old’s Death From Myocarditis Directly Caused by Pfizer COVID Vaccine
  12. 2021-12-13 Japan’s health ministry officially WARNS of myocarditis heart inflammation as a side-effect of Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines
  13. 2021-12-09 Dr Daniel Nagase Shocking Stats from Pfizer Documents  AND We’ll all be dead before FDA releases full COVID vaccine record, plaintiffs say
  14. 2009-04-06 $75 million. Pfizer settles Nigerian drug case out of court (criminal charges for death of children)
  15. 2007-06-01 Tuberculosis story improbable ?? Same day, Nigerian Government brings criminal charges against Pfizer.
  16. Posted 2024-04-09 from 2019-09-12 LOBBYIST REGISTRY INFO, Big Pharma in New Brunswick in advance of Vote on Vaccination Legislation
  17. 2024-04-02 Shocking Cover-up’: DOJ Lawyers Committed Fraud in Vaccine Injury Case, CHD Attorney Alleges in Motion Filed Today
  18. 2024-03-12 I thought we learned long ago that ALUMINUM is toxic to human health. Seriously toxic. And yet . . . the food industry doesn’t stop using it.
  19. 2024-03-07 Covid. Law firm confronts government over vaccine misinformation in landmark legal case. Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News
  20. 2024-02-26 From loss to lawsuit: Ontario dad’s emotional rollercoaster as government offers deal after son dies suddenly, Tamara Ugolini   (Same case as #3 at top).
  21. For Your Selection December, 2023
  22. 2023-12-15 Lawmakers Dodge U.S. Sovereignty Question During House Hearing on WHO Reform. The connection to Bill 36 in Canada.
  23. 2023-12-13 Canada Reports 300% Increase in ‘Unspecified Causes’ of Death, Sparking Calls for Investigation
  24. 2023-11-30 The Wuhan Cover-Up: EXCLUSIVE Interview With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – – Book by same name. (CHD)
  25. 2023-12-01 ‘We Cannot Allow This to Happen to Our Children and Grandchildren’: National Citizens Inquiry Report Blasts Canadian Government Response to COVID
  26. 2023-11-14 Parallel: Canada and the U.S., can’t trust the Government’s reporting of Covid Vaccine Deaths and other Adverse Events. a. analysis: VAERS manipulation of data, covid shots. b. Two VAERS Systems — The Public Can Access Only One of Them. Reports with thanks to CHD.
  27. 2023-02-19 Ontario Doctors who Dissented from Covid-19 Doctrines Fight for their Professional Lives. by Jason Unrau. C2C Journal.
  28. 2023-10-22 How large a role does Government investment in Covid vaccine production play in the deterioration of Canadian democracy? Can you put your finger on it?
  29. 2023-10-11 Word takes off. International story. Trudeau regime puts Canadian detective HELEN GRUS on trial for investigating link between infant deaths and mRNA vaccines.
  30. 2023-09-10 For your Selection, Updates on Covid Court Challenges. Numerous charges dropped during August. Big in US – an appeals Court finds that Biden Admin did censor free speech.
  31. 2023-07-12 For your Selection July 12, 2023 (plus since then, Pawlowski, UPDATE on the ArriveCan App lawsuit. And an interview re Principles of Law.)
  32. 2022-10-20 Set of postings related to Public Order Emergency Commission, Canada, in context of covid mandates
  33. 2022-10-20 Covid: L’s letter to the Public Order Emergency Commission. With thanks to Ken Drysdale, True Facts C-19
  34. 2022-05-19 Louisiana Governor Reverses ‘Insane Mandate’ Requiring COVID Vaccines for Students, CHD
  35. 2022-02-26 For your selection FEb 26
  36. 2022-02-09 For your selection, February 09. Stoked
  37. 2022-02-09 Your recourse if covid vaccination harms your child
  38. 2022-02-04 ‘Vaccine Mania’: Fauci, Big Pharma Detail Plans for ‘Indefinite’ Rollout of Shots, meeting of the World Economic Forum
  39. 2022-02-01 Joe Rogan Up Against ‘Powerful Interests,’ as More Musicians Threaten to Remove Music From Spotify
  40. 2022-02-01 Trudeau used COVID to short circuit democracy in Canada.
  41. 2022-01-28 Filmmaker Captures True Spirit of ‘Defeat the Mandates’ Rally (U.S.)
  42. 2022-01-24 For your selection, Jan 24-27. Rapid mobilizations
  43. 2022-01-20 Bill Gates, Indian Government Targeted in Lawsuit Alleging AstraZeneca Vaccine Killed 23-Year-Old
  44. 2022-01-04 Rogan and Malone: Most Important Interview of Our Time?
  45. 2022-01-10 The Arrest & Persecution of Physician Activist Dr. Mel Bruchet – Update & Interview with Dr. Daniel Nagase & the ‘5th Doctor’, Sam Dubé – A shocking story of medical tyranny and out-of-control police powers
  46. 2022-01-02 RCMP member sent on unpaid leave writes this powerful letter, Easton Spectator
  47. 2021-12-17 Email sent to Vancouver Island, Chief Medical Health Officer, in case he doesn’t know . . .
  48. 2021-10-05 Lawyer Jeffrey Rath, letter to College of Physicians and Surgeons demanding resignations over mandated vaccines, Melanie Risdon, Western Standard
  49. 2021-10-08 Mandatory vaccination for B.C. school staff up to boards, says B.C. premier – copy
  50. 2021-09-14 to 29 For your selection (most postings related to Forced covid inoculation and propaganda)
  51. 021-09-22 Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Who’s Fighting Back, and How? includes video, commentary by Russell Brand
  52. 2021-09-22 The submissions of now TWO ALBERTA PEDIATRICIANS challenge the mandated covid vaccination
  53. 2021-08-24 Understand the dance behind “approved” and “Emergency Use Authorization” for Vaccines.
  54. 2021-09-13 Response to Biden’s ‘Declaration of War Against Unvaccinated’
  55. 2021-09-19 In the streets
  56. 2021-09-14 Vaccines: From Okanagan Health Professionals, B.C. Canada: Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, and Premier John Horgan
  57. 2021-08-17 U.S. to Recommend Booster Shots for Most Americans 8 Months After Second Dose. Have a look at Projected Revenues!
  58. 2021-08-17 Rutgers University Sued Over COVID Vaccine Mandate
  59. 2021-06-27 Battle to recover scientific honesty
  60. 2007-06-03 Doctors Get Drug Company Pay, New York Times June 3, 2007
  61. 2020-08-14 Letter to activist organization re covid: You can bleat all you want; nothing changes if corruption is not addressed. Unholy alliances.
  62. 2020-08-08 To CBC re mandatory covid vaccine

From: Sandra Finley
Sent: August 8, 2020
To: The House at CBC.CA radio
Subject: Will I be joining those who don’t sign up for a covid vaccination?

Dear Chris Hall (host of The House),

I will be joining those who do not sign up for a covid vaccination.

I have followed the vaccine question for at least 15 years.

It has been announced that Canada has signed up with Pfizer and Moderna.  Are you afraid to ask the Minister of Public Procurement, or the medical authorities, about contracting with a company that has a decades-long public record of big-time corruption?

One Pfizer story to make the point:  In 2007 the news of the criminal charges against Pfizer was little heard in western countries.  It was eclipsed by a same-day scare-story about tuberculosis.  The Globe & Mail carried the latter, for example;  they did Not report the news of criminal charges against Pfizer for the 100 dead Nigerian children.  (When large corporations have bad news, their “Communications Specialists” sometimes manipulate their public image by using fear-mongering press releases to run their bad news off media front pages (bury the bad news).

The criminal charges against Pfizer were initiated by the Government of Nigeria.

In 2009 there was an out-of-court settlement.

PFIZER TO PAY £50m ($75 million) AFTER DEATHS OF NIGERIAN CHILDREN IN DRUG TRIAL EXPERIMENT,  2009-04-06  The Independent (UK newspaper) headline.

Out-of-court settlements come with a gag order.  Convenient?  Absolutely.  There is no public record; “no disclosure”.  “Disclosure” is an extremely important source of information for the public.

The book and movie, “The Constant Gardener”, is based on what Pfizer did to the Nigerian children, during the chaos and confusion of a meningitis outbreak.  Pfizer tested their new “blockbuster” drug Travon, on human guinea pigs.  Illegally, using trickery; deadly.  In a different context it would be called manslaughter or murder.

Pfizer is ruthless in the pursuit of money.  You will know the long list of outrages brought by the pharmaceutical industry.  They are now in the white-washing business, “partnering” with organizations and institutions to sanitize their image.

The corruption in the vaccine (pharmaceutical) industry appears to be immune to media scrutiny.   But good news (potentially).

The earlier talk of mandatory vaccination against covid has been dropped.  I suspect polling results played a role:  the numbers of people who will not comply is too high to attempt forced vaccination.

You may remember what happened not too long ago when the Government of New Brunswick was going forward with a mandatory vaccine schedule for children, desired by Big Pharma.  When confronted by the evidence of the dangers, risks, and inefficacies involved, the Legislature did not pass the legislation.

There are very good reasons for not making a potential covid vaccination mandatory.

What we can now expect is a “communications” plan to convince Canadians of the safety and efficacy of vaccines.  The “new”.   The campaign is already underway.  Expect more clever propaganda and manipulation, some of it coming through the schools.

If it doesn’t work, scare tactics will be employed.


Sandra Finley    (contact info)

UPDATE:  the changed communications strategy is to address “vaccine hesitancy”  (there was no success using phrases such as “anti-vaxers”;   “vaccine choice” which is the actual position put forward, is not acknowledged.

So now the arguments address why, in childish ignorance, people may be “hesitant” about vaccines.

Jesus!  What we need is honest discourse, an effective assault on the corruption, and Governments that will do the job assigned to them:  protect the public interest.  Educate (which is different from Communications Specialists and propaganda).  REGULATE and see that regulations are ENFORCED. . .    I have to laugh, sorry! It seems funny because the basics seem kind of easy.)

  1. 2020-06-10 If I am making a choice about a vaccine, I want to know this.
  2. 2019-05-08 Letter to CBC, re interview, Tuberculosis “in northern Inuit communities”. Far away?
  3. 2017-04-10 Big Pharma. Vaccines. Why would you not ask questions? (Why do we think we know everything?)
  4. 2017-01-17 Vaccines. No doubt, serious fraud at the CDC. Brian Hooker, William Thompson. How are vaccines made? Henrietta Lacks. Attenuation. Anthrax.
  5. 2016-04-25 Acne drug Accutane’s harm to fetus a worry despite prevention efforts, CBC
  6. 2009-11-29 NUKE: “Expert Review Panel” decision due. CONTENTS

“November 28th email  (“URGENT Petition regarding Pfizer appointment to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR”))

  1. 2012-02-19 Tuberculosis. Request for info. Input for people in Guatemala.
  2. 2011-11-15 Entrants Aspire to Advance Parkinson’s and Diabetes Research, Create Stem Cell Knowledgebase, Improve Organic Photovoltaics for Solar Cells and Map Genomic Diversity. In the public interest? Don’t be gullible.
  3. 2010-01-21 A Gift for global citizens (ha ha!): U.S. Supreme Court gives corporations free spending on political campaigns. Resource list re democracy. Organizations involved.
  4. 2009-11-19 H1N1 (or nukes or gmo’s or energy) in the context of “Selling Out”: the larger issue. Immune systems. TB. Constant Gardener.
  5. 2008-05-25 Bill C-51 is not about Natural Health Products
  6. 2005-04-30 Help for Drug Firm (Bayer) illegal, Washington Post
  7. 2004-09-15 Racketeering charges against Monsanto re Aspartame. Rumsfeld. Artifical sweeteners.

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