Jan 312025

UPDATE #2  – A setback I haven’t yet posted.  Will do that as soon as I can.  The cull is to proceed. Pandemonium.


THE UPDATE  (#1),  thanks to Western Standard:   The CFIA has been held in place by Canadians and by a Judge.

A family farm in British Columbia will not have to kill 400 of its ostriches — as least not yet — a court has ruled.

Justice Michael Battista sided with the farm, postponing a final decision on the cull until after the Canadian Food Inspection Agency conducts a full review of its initial order, which would have required the birds to be slaughtered by February 1.

The farm’s legal advocate, Kari Simpson, told the Western Standard she expects to be back in court within 40 days.

BC family farm fighting back after feds order cull of 400 healthy ostriches
Source: Facebook / Katie Pasitney

The CFIA ordered the birds killed after two of their deceased herd-mates tested positive for H5N1, better known as avian flu.

The saga began in December, when an avian flu outbreak was declared at Universal Ostrich farm. Part-owner Karen Espersen said she believed the disease was brought to their property by a flock of migrating ducks, who took shelter in the barn.

Initially, the farm saw as many as four ostriches dying per day, but eventually the deaths petered out. Katie Pasitney, whose mother Karen is also a part-owner, said this was evidence that the birds had acquired herd immunity.

Nonetheless, when the CFIA got wind of the outbreak in December, they sent a team out to investigate, and after testing two carcasses, determined that the entire herd had to be culled. This was incomprehensible to the owners and their families, who have developed strong relationships with each individual bird.

More to come…

= = = = =  ==  = = = = ==


I (Sandra) called the CFIA  Ottawa phone numbers posted at the bottom.  Every one of them.   I left messages with my name and number for them to call back.   So far, no word.

I have a long history with the CFIA and PMRA.   I once travelled to Ottawa to meet with the heads.  I had to see them first-hand,  look in their eyes.  (Karen Dodds at the helm (enter “Dodds” into the Search on my blog.)

CURRENTLY,  “The Heads” are:

Cortnie Fotheringham – Operation Chief Command Officer (responsible for proceeding with the cull )   Cortnie.Fotheringham@inspection.gc.ca

Paul MacKinnon – President    Paul.MacKinnon@inspection.gc.ca

(613) 867-7045

BACK THEN:    another head was

         (2)   Anil Arora (I began my acquaintance with him – he was at StatsCan when Lockheed Martin Corporation was to be put in the driver’s seat for StatsCan.    This eye-opener provides a glimpse into Canada today,  our International Administrative State

2019-05-07 Census Lockheed Martin StatsCan: reply to Chris’ “I’d love to hear your take on the 2019 Census ‘Test’.…”. PLUS Profile of Federal Technocrat Anil Arora. (StatsCan, Health Canada (PHAC), Natural Resources, and NOW! Harvard University.


SUMMARY  of THE OSTRICH FARM followed by the article that provided the details.

  • ostrich farm, approx 400 of them/    Dec 31/2024    outbreak of avian flu declared
  • not a single adult ostrich died.  They are healthy as of Jan 26.
  • This means Canada is now home to a virology research farm which happens to possess the first known flock of naturally H5N1-immune poultry in the world.
  • CFIA orders a cull by Feb 01.  Kill them all.
  • After realizing their birds had survived so successfully, Universal Ostrich informed their research partners of the development, who in turn informed the CFIA, and the CFIA agreed to rescind the order.   Yeeeay! . . .  ??


  • someone at the CFIA . . .  decided to proceed with the cull order anyway. . .   she’s forbidden the farm from having their animals tested any further under threat of hefty fines and imprisonment. . .  she’s declared intentions for the CFIA to seize research material from the farm AND from the farmer’s residence, which is a separate property. The CFIA has no mandate for . . .
  • MODERNA is poised to develop an H5N1 mRNA vaccine, receiving nearly $600 million funding from the U.S. government and holding a long-term agreement with the Canadian government to produce mRNA vaccines at a new facility in Quebec.
  • A plausible explanation for the reversal is that someone in the government is pressing for this action. It’s unlikely any typical agent or officer at the CFIA would engage in such an overreach of authority, in light of a pressing global public interest to preserve these birds, without influence from a political higher-up.. . .    The natural antibodies produced by these birds will be superior to synthetic antibodies created in a lab, rendering Moderna’s planned mRNA vaccine obsolete and inferior. Remember that Moderna made $12 billion from COVID vaccines in 2021 alone.


Sandra speaking:  my introduction to THE OSTRICHES was this article that came through Clear BC:

The Future is Priceless

If you’re unaware of it, Universal Ostrich Farms in Edgewood, BC, suffered

an outbreak of avian flu which was declared on Dec. 31, 2024.


What happened next is unprecedented: not a single adult ostrich died. A

number of the younger birds died, and symptoms persisted in the adults

for about two weeks, but there have been no further indications of

disease for the last 10 or so days (as of writing this on Jan. 26th).


This  resistance to avian flu is a world first, and yet the Canadian Food

Inspection Agency (CFIA) has ordered the flock be culled by Feb. 1st.


Even more incredible is that the farm was already involved in COVID

research studying the science of natural immunity, which is our best long-

term option for combating any virus and comes with no potential for

adverse reactions as vaccines do, especially novel vaccines. Bird eggs are

an ideal environment for producing monocolonial antibodies (cloned

antibodies meant to stimulate the immune system). Ostriches are

especially ideal for this due to their robustness compared to chickens and

other poultry livestock, and because their larger eggs produce more

material to work with.


This means Canada is now home to a virology research farm which

happens to possess the first known flock of naturally H5N1-immune

poultry in the world.


The situation could not be more perfect for studying why these adult ostriches survived infection with a 0% mortality rate.

While focused on natural immunity, the research may too, yield insight

into H5N1 treatments that could protect poultry and other livestock, as

well as wildlife by reducing transmission from livestock into wild

populations. It also contributes to the advancement of treatments for

humans should a dangerous variant emerge that more easily transmits

from animals to people or from person to person which is a distinct

concern among scientists.


After declaring the outbreak, CFIA proceeded to issue a cull order for the

birds which is a tragic but fairly standard response. Once realizing their

birds had survived so successfully, Universal Ostrich informed their

research partners of the development, who in turn informed the CFIA,

and the CFIA agreed to rescind the order.


So, What’s The Big Deal


The point of this document is to inform you the reader that someone at

the CFIA, despite being aware of all this, has decided to proceed with the

cull order anyway. Not only has this official decided to destroy the only

possibility to date for studying a naturally immune animal population, but

she’s forbidden the farm from having their animals tested any further

under threat of hefty fines and even imprisonment. There is no

scientifically-supported reason to forbid testing.

Even more alarming, she’s declared intentions to have the CFIA seize any

research material not only from the farm but from the farmer’s residence,

which is a separate property. The CFIA has no mandate for dealing with

medical or veterinary research. Their jurisdiction is strictly biosecurity

management, certainly not the seizure of information and research

materials, and the farmer’s residence is not the site of any biosecurity

hazard the CFIA would have jurisdiction over. This is something like

having paramedics show up at your house to execute an arrest warrant

for your neighbour, who they already know lives next door.

Moderna is currently poised to develop an H5N1 mRNA vaccine,

receiving nearly $600 million in development funding from the U.S.

government and holding a long-term agreement with the Canadian

government to produce mRNA vaccines in country at a new facility in

Quebec. This suggests the most plausible explanation is unfortunately

that someone in the government is pressing for this action. It’s unlikely

any typical agent or officer at the CFIA would engage in such an

overreach of authority, in light of a pressing global public interest to

preserve these birds, without influence from a political higher-up.

There is a huge amount of private profit to be lost should non-proprietary

treatments become available or a feasible pathway to natural immunity

be discovered. The natural antibodies produced by these birds will be

superior to synthetic antibodies created in a lab, rendering Moderna’s

planned mRNA vaccine obsolete and inferior. Remember that Moderna

made $12 billion from COVID vaccines in 2021 alone. So while there is

no scientific reason for the CFIA to order Universal Ostrich to stop testing,

there is a clear financial motive to suppress information that would show

a cull to be unnecessary. Information that may in fact show a clear reason

to protect these animals from any manner of interference.

What To Do


At the moment, there’s no direct mechanism to prevent this

overreach before the scheduled cull on February 1st, so it’s up to

us to use public pressure and scrutiny instead.

Contact your MPs, the official at CFIA responsible for this

decision, as well as the CFIA senior management (details below).

You might remind them it’s a crime against humanity to deny

access to food, especially on such a massive scale, which they’ll

be doing by interfering with the development of treatments and

disease management strategies for livestock in the face of the

H5N1 pandemic that’s already resulted in the loss of many

millions of animals. You might also remind them it’s a crime

against humanity to deny access to medicine, which they’ll be

doing by destroying research and materials used in studying

potential treatments for, and strategies to overcome, both

COVID, and now H5N1 which has begun to show up in humans.

There is no reasonable grounds for taking such action—

especially in light of the irreplaceable nature of this ostrich flock

which is worth far, far more alive.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, please remain respectful

as most government employees are doing what they believe is

best with the information they have, and may not be aware of the

full scope of the situation unfolding. Borrow what you like from

this document, but it’s best to write in your own words.

Then, inform people you know of the situation and encourage

them to get involved.

Remember, at the Nuremberg trials “I was just following orders”

was not accepted as justification for crimes of this scale and

severity. Let public officials know people are watching, and

please, be prepared to hold them accountable should they

knowingly allow such gross public harm to occur. They will be

unable to say they didn’t know after the public thoroughly

informs them.

It’s easy to write a letter when worked up about a cause, but it’s

far more important to stay involved. Study what’s happening, dig

for answers, and help make sure this kind of thing doesn’t occur

at all.

– – – – – – –

Sandra speaking:  You see?!   I think we can do it!

Health Canada has been badly corrupted for a long time.   The Covid years are nothing new.

Put a smile on your face, be happy, and Canadian-“nice”.   Let’s hit the ball out of the park.

Love those people in the area of Kelowna, give ’em a hand!



Cortnie Fotheringham – Operation Chief Command Officer (responsible for proceeding with the cull )


Paul MacKinnon – President


(613) 867-7045

Linda Nguyen – Chief of Staff


(343) 552-3684

Jean-Guy Forgeron – Executive Vice President


(613) 773-6500

David Nanang – Vice President, Science


(343) 575-0394

Jane Hazel – Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs


(343) 542-2576

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