Nov 072011

Think of the introduction of genetically-modified organisms.  Not a word of public debate about the desirability, the public funding, or the use of the University as the vehicle for introduction.   Now think of the introduction of nuclear reactors needed for tar sands expansion.  

The by-pass mechanisms have been spelt out, e.g. in Maclean’s Magazine,  2006-09-13 Maclean’s Magazine interview, President of the Americas for Lockheed Martin Ron Covais, Meet NAFTA 2.0.

See Radioactive Trinity:  A Study of the Partnerships and Collaborations of Government, Industry and the University of Saskatchewan,

(SPP = Security and Prosperity Partnership with the U.S.;  SPI = SP Initiative; NAU = North American Union).   

The University has been taken over, is a vehicle for the SPP/NAU/corporate agenda  Flagrantly.  And dangerously.  Especially in terms of climate change (University is the vehicle for introducing “small” nuclear reactors for tar sands expansion.)  Not many people understand the critical role of Saskatchewan and within that, of the University, in the larger SPP/NAU game plan.  

The U of S Senators emailed the Board of Governors of the University requesting censure of the president and a permanent stand-down of Nancy Hopkins from the Selection Committee for the next president of the U.  Hopkins is Chair of the Board of Governors, on the Cameco Board,  and had a couple of million dollars worth of Cameco shares as at the end of 2009.  Meanwhile the Government is funneling a minimum of $30 million to the University, ear-marked for nuke,  the Govt signed the $10 million deal for the “small” nuclear reactors with Hitachi / GE.  

The Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation (CCNI) is established at the U of S.   The “small” reactors will be ushered in through the U.  The CCNI is a vehicle for pushing the public money through to serve industry.   The CCNI Board is industry and industry-friendly.  The reporting lines are directly to the Board of Governors, bypassing all the normal processes for accountability.  The CCNI does not do research.  It only pays out the money, nothing to stop the money from going to industry scientists.  On top of that, a couple years back Saskatchewan signed a deal with the Idaho National Laboratory (nuke).  As did Alberta, not long before Sask.

It is to the advantage of Cameco (owns 30% of Bruce Power which is sitting on a pile of 40,000 tonnes of high-level radioactive waste) and to the advantage of Nancy Hopkins’ financial interests that scientists whose research is related to water become eunuchs or are driven out.  The poisoning of water by the uranium mines and/or through deep geological disposal of radioactive waste is contrary to their entrenched financial interests. 

 The SPP is represented on the Board of Governors of the University (David Sutherland is on the CCCE (Canadian Council of Chief Executives) and on the SPI);  the Premier is a darling (“co-spearhead”) of the plans for movement of tar sands south into the States, sending the money for nuke to the University (for cooking the tar sands);  the president of the U is a member of the Family Compact.

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