Nov 072011


It’s pretty exciting! 

The list of news articles  shows growing awareness of the use of the University for back-door promotion of the nuclear industry.  Fukishima  has further lowered the level of public support for nuclear.   When citizens realize that the “small” reactors are for tar sands expansion with its connection to climate change,  support plummets yet again.

The list shows great effort by numbers of people for the “heave-ho” that will shift us off this suicidal path onto a new sustainable one. 

In 2009 most Saskatchewanians thought the job was done (public consultations said “No” to nuclear).   But the articles show there are no intentions to stop the nuclear agenda, it will be accomplished through the University.  

The ousting of the corporate interest at the University of Saskatchewan will set the wheel rolling to take-back all of our Canadian Universities.  It is part of the OCCUPY movement – stop the corporatization of the public space.

Premier Brad Wall is a chief proponent of the nuclear industry.  He is “co-spearhead of the largest on the planet Canada-U.S. Western Energy Corridor” which includes nuclear energy. 

But this list of news reports focuses on the role of Minister Rob Norris in the use of the University as the vehicle for by-passing the public wish.

 The list shows:

–        the extent to which Rob Norris, former employee of the University become cabinet Minister, is a point-man for the Government in the triangle that includes the University (Peter MacKinnon) and the Nuclear Industry (Nancy Hopkins).

–        April 21, Government announced $30 million to the University for the nuclear industry (the Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation – CCNI).  The University is supposed to be autonomous and able to make its own decisions on how to spend tax-payer money.

–        On August 25th Norris announced the deal with Hitachi/GE for ‘small’ reactors that are also part of the CCNI mandate.

–         On Sept 2nd  MacKinnon announced “Rob Norris is the finest minister responsible for post-secondary education that I have been privileged to work with in my (13) years as (president) – .”  

–        October,  MacKinnon approved Norris’ use of the endorsement in election brochure. 

–        November 7th  is election.

–        The news articles provide background and show the growing dissension

= = = = = = =

  1. 2011-10-31   YouTube, Brad Wall on Nuclear
  2. 2011-03-14   NUKE:  Saskatchewan moves ahead with nuclear agenda despite crisis in Japan, Rob Norris Minister tells (Canadian Press) 
  3. 2011-03-15  YouTube, Rob Norris on Fukishima, CBC   (The CBC interviewer doesn’t let Norris get away with “framing”. The framing is explained in   2011-11-07   Words used to FRAME the nuclear propaganda in Saskatchewan: “small”, “science”, “Nuclear medicine”, “university”.
  4. 2011-04-21   Tax-payers give $30 million (or $47?) to Nuke at U of S, Nancy Hopkins Chairs U Board of Governors, is on Cameco Board, has $1.8 million in Cameco shares, Chairs Search for next President + 
  5. 2011-08-16   Revolution Canadian style? U of S Senators challenge conflicts-of-interest at the University while The Walkers challenge the Government’s corporate interests. 
  6. 2011-08-17   Senators want board chair to step aside, Star Phoenix 
  7. 2011-08-25   Minister Rob Norris (former U of S employee) – the Province going ahead with development of “Small nuclear reactors” (for the tar sands) 
  8. 2011-08-26   On Campus News:  Momentum builds for nuclear centre
  9. 2011-08-31   Elected U of S senators take on Board chair (U of S),  The Sheaf
  10. 2011-09-14   University Council approves nuclear innovation centre, On Campus News
  11. 2011-10-06  NUKE:  Chiefs undermined  (Government – University – Industry).  Emil Bell on hunger strike. (Star Phoenix, Kashap)
  12. 2011-10-11    U of S senators want more public input.  Occupy Saskatoon starts at the University.  (Star Phoenix) 
  13. 2011-10-15   My response to Letter from Lawyer, University threatening legal action against me.
  14. 2011-10-15   YouTube, Mary Jean Hande:  Senate Meeting at University of Saskatchewan addresses conflict of interest of Ms. Nancy Hopkins 
  15. 2011-10-17   NUKE / University:  Visions clash at animated U of S senate meeting 
  16. 2011-10-19   The 99% march in Occupy Saskatoon, The Sheaf, U of S  (Corporate University) 
  17. 2011-10-28   U of S: president MacKinnon endorsement of SaskParty candidate a conflict, Professor charges. 
  18. 2011-10-28   Jeremy Rifkin on nuclear – a must hear.  PLUS connect the players and the information. 
  19. 2011-11-02   Offensive move, Letter-to-Editor, Star Phoenix (U of S, President MacKinnon endorsement of SaskParty candidate Rob Norris and vice versa)
  20. 2011-11-03   Letter to Board of Governors from U of S Senators,  re President MacKinnon’s endorsement of SaskParty candidate Rob Norris, Saskatoon-Greystone.  The letter requests that the President be censured and the Chair of the Board of Governors (Nancy Hopkins) be asked to permanently stand-down from the Search Committee for the next president of the University. 
  21. 2011-11-03   Nuclear companies infiltrate universities 
  22. 2011-11-04   University, “Questionable Move”, Letter-to-editor, Star Phoenix, Pulfer regarding MacKinnon’s endorsement of SaskParty candidate, Norris
  23. 2011-11-04    Green Party opposes nuclear “research” funding (excellent statement)
  24. 2011-11-05    Admit mistake, Letter-to-editor, Star Phoenix,  Sharma (re U of S President MacKinnon’s endorsement of SaskParty’s Rob Norris), Star Phoenix

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