Oct 182012

I usually include “action”.

But don’t have time for creating any today.  Oh woe!

The bulleted points below indicate heightened engagement.  Frustrated people, working together in service to community.  Bodes well for us!

It seems impossible to get the Ministers Responsible (Health and Environment) to take action in the face of the evidence.   They extend the invitation for us to undermine faith in them.  That is done simply, by sharing the information.

One possible targeted action related to the first point:  forward this to families who are struggling with alzheimers.

  • Personal experience motivates people to do something so others may be spared from disease:   Mercury fillings: “You Put What In My Mouth?” – Film is up and running!
  • It’s an international movement:   (Denmark/Germany) NoBody needs mercury!” campaign.
  • Dental professionals are working hard to stop the use.  Dr. David Warwick prepared this information for, and attended the 4th Round of Intergovernmental Negotiations in Uruguay.  Valuable information for all of us:   Amalgam Alert, comprehensive document
  • The fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury (INC5) will be held in Geneva, from 13 to 18 January 2013. This is the final round of negotiations.  More information: http://www.unep.org/hazardoussubstances/Mercury/Negotiations/INC5/tabid/3471/Default.aspx


2012-04-16 Mercury: UN Environmental Program, INC, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury

2012-03-20 D’Arcy Hande’s letter to Ministers re Peter Cooney & UN Environmental Treaty on mercury.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

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