Oct 262021

SIZE AND STRENGTH of the resistance.  Every listed group represents many people.  Some items represent rapidly rising numbers of viewers, tens of thousands. THE LIST,  ALPHA SEQUENCE ACTION4CANADA     https://action4canada.com/ AMERICA’S FRONTLINE DOCTORS    www.AmericasFrontlineDoctors.org CANADA HEALTH ALLIANCE     https://www.canadahealthalliance.org/about-us.html CANADIAN COVID CARE ALLIANCE      www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org CANADIAN FRONTLINE NURSES     https://www.canadianfrontlinenurses.ca/ CANADIANS RESISTING UNCONSTITUTIONAL LOCK-DOWNS  (I […]

Oct 262021

Hi, You may be interested in the article about China. Source is Telesur  – – REPLY:    (It’s not only China.) An interesting article. I am not a China fan for various reasons, although I admire some of its history. I read two books from 2 women who experienced Mao time. Quite shocking. When I […]

Oct 262021

From: Robert Subject: URGENT: For the sake of Canada, we need to support our RCMP officers … Byram Bridle believes Canada “is at a critical crossroads.” The University of Guelph viral immunologist is speaking out on the rapid erosion of our fundamental freedoms. Bridle is banned from campus and was publicly smeared by UoG faculty. […]

Oct 262021

The plaintiffs include two rural family physicians, a Calgary anesthesiologist and a Calgary pediatric neurologist Four Alberta doctors are launching a lawsuit against Alberta Health Services and its president in opposition to the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy for staff. The four physicians — the plaintiffs — allege in a statement of claim that the mandatory […]

Oct 262021
2021-10-21   I signed in support:  Mounties for Freedom,  Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki "stand against forced coercive medical intervention & against the undue discrimination experienced by those exercising their lawful right to bodily autonomy."

Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki TO SIGN:     (Note:  The above link takes you off my blog.) go to the above link. scroll way down to the bottom of the Letter fill in the form.    TO RETURN TO MY BLOG   Use the back arrow at top left of the Open Letter page.) […]

Oct 262021

Published 38 mins ago on October 26, 2021  By Linda Slobodian Mounties   Well, they’re taking a stand now, risking careers, possibly pensions, and who knows what other punishment the feds will conjure up, by offering Canadians hope and a means to fight for themselves. To date, 45,000 people from the group Mounties for Freedom have […]

Oct 262021
2021-10-25  Resistance to unethical’ mandatory vaccination policy, forced coercive medical intervention, undue discrimination against those exercising their lawful right to bodily autonomy.  Doctors & Mounties.  Western Standard, Slobodian.

Further to: 2021-10-05 Lawyer Jeffrey Rath, letter to College of Physicians and Surgeons demanding resignations over mandated vaccines, Melanie Risdon, Western Standard (note to self, Sept 10/24:  fix the links.) 2021-10-25   Four Alberta doctors sue AHS over ‘unethical’ mandatory vaccination policy       2021-10-26 Support grows for brave Mounties fighting vaccinations. Western Standard, Slobodian 2021-10-21 I signed […]

Oct 232021
2021-10   Calgary fills the streets opposing the vaccine mandates.  Sample twitter feed.

29.8K views   This is a Rebel News twitter feed.   Cleaned up – – time of tweets, etc deleted.    K2 Calgary fills the streets opposing the vaccine mandates Full story coming by http://RebelNews.com   Chef Michael Hunter government turns their backs on restaurants yet again. It’s ok to drink beer, cheer and eat hotdogs amongst […]