Nov 042023

The previous “For Your Selection” was Sept 10th, with an emphasis on covid Court cases. The number of cases across Canada for which “charges are dropped” is significant and continuing.

NEW POSTINGS (since Sept 10th):

1.   2023-10-20   Are the failed court cases evidence of abuse of process?  (unjustified or unreasonable use of legal proceedings to further a cause.)   Add:  Refusal of Federal & Provincial Governments to do a Constitutional Reference

Did Tamara Lich and Chris Barber REALLY organize the hundreds of thousands of Canadians and international supporters?   
2.  2023-10-20  Self-organizing. Successful social movements . . . emergent, evolving, radically self-organizing (David Korten, When Corporations Rule the World). UPDATE Tamara Lich, Chris Barber trials.

3.  2023-10-22 How large a role does Government investment in Covid vaccine production play in the deterioration of Canadian democracy? Can you put your finger on it?

4.  2018-08-22 Change the world, not yourself; or how Arendt called out Thoreau.  By Katie Fitzpatrick

After October 30th  – – watch for news of the internal processing of charges against Constable Detective HELEN GRUS:

5.  2023-10-11 Word takes off. International story. Trudeau regime puts Canadian detective HELEN GRUS on trial for investigating link between sudden infant deaths (SIDS) and mRNA vaccines.   (there are some misunderstandings, I believe – – as I read it, it’s an “internal regime” of the Ottawa Police Dept that has put Helen Grus on trial.  The Police investigate deaths.  Constable Grus has a lengthy, untarnished record of doing her job well.

There’s a second story in the posting; it comes out of the U.S.   The evidence is the same.  Police personnel have known the link between vaccinations and SIDS for a long time.  They do not talk about it, except amongst colleagues who trust each other.

(The Helen Grus story is a large warning to other police officers, if they want to keep their jobs.)

Worth noting:  The real “Serpico” (born in 1936) is following the Helen Grus story, with encouragement for Helen.  Some of you will know “Serpico” from the biographical movie.

Francesco Vincent Serpico is an American retired New York Police Department detective, best known for whistleblowing on police corruption. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, he was a plainclothes police officer working in Brooklyn, the Bronx and Manhattan to expose vice racketeering.

In the movie version, Frank Serpico (Al Pacino) is an idealistic New York City cop who refuses to take bribes, unlike the rest of the force. His actions get Frank shunned by the other officers, and often placed in dangerous situations by his partners. When his superiors ignore Frank’s accusations of corruption, he decides to go public with the allegations. Although this causes the Knapp Commission to investigate his claims, Frank has also placed a target on himself. The film is based on a true story.  – –  The REAL Serpico is following and offers encouragement to Helen Grus.

– – – – – – –

6.  Kudos to this organization, celebrating the heroes:   


7.   2023-10-18 to Chris Brunet, related to the Helen Grus case (SIDS and mRNA vaccine)

8.   The Coutts 4. UPDATE Chris Carbert, confirmed bail hearing Oct 25, 10AM.  

(Chris Carbert has been held in Remand,  without trial,  bail denied, for well over a year – – 616 days as of the 23rd of Oct.   Related:  Manufacturing the Threat (documentary), last item – below.

9.   2023-10-06 No confusion over covid. Three points.

10.   2023-09-18 Class action lawsuit launched against the Government of Alberta, COVID restrictions



11.  2022-10-27 How Israeli Apartheid Destroyed My Hometown (Hebron). Mini-doc by Dena Takruri, a year ago.

12.   2023-10-17 To CBC, Rachel Maddow’s new book addresses Influential American fascists in lead-up to WW2. Thomas Watson (President of IBM) is not on the list??    (I don’t know Rachel Maddow’s political views.  I heard an interview about her new book.  Given the topic, I expected to hear the name of Thomas Watson at some point.  As far as I know, it was never mentioned.

2008-12-06 MIGHT BE THE MOST IMPORTANT PAGE ON THIS BLOG: The role of mechanized census data in Nazi Europe, Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust. Why we have a Charter Right to privacy of personal information in Canada.

Everyone should be catching on by now!   Look at Mussolini’s Italy.  You put together the STATE  plus  the WEALTHY INFLUENTIAL BUSINESS PEOPLE,  what do you get?   It’s called FASCISM  or NAZIISM.  It parades as CORRUPTION.   Sometimes I call it CORPORATOCRACY.   Today you will see it referred to as ADMINISTRATIVE STATE.

Changing times, change names.   But at root they are basically the same phenomenon??

I need to add “fascist” to the posting about linguistics (what am I?  an activist, an insurgent, a rabble-rouser, . . .  an old lady, ha ha! . . . an anti-fascist?

Oh my God! . . I think that makes me a dreaded supporter of Antifa  )

Antifa (/ænˈtfə, ˈænti(ˌ)fə/) is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States. It consists of a highly decentralized array of autonomous groups that use nonviolent direct action, incivility, and violence to achieve their aims.[1][2] Most antifa political activism is nonviolent, involving poster and flyer campaigns, mutual aid, speeches, protest marches, and community organizing.[3][4][5] However, some who identify as antifa also use tactics involving digital activism, doxing, harassment, physical violence, and property damage. Members of antifa aim to combat far-right extremists, including neo-Nazis and white supremacists.[6]

. . .   there’s more!  . . . With thanks to Wikipedia.

LINGUISTICS (MORE).  This was not actually in the “For Your Selection” I sent out:

13.   2022-10-28 Covid protests, Vocabulary and Context. WE WILL DO BETTER . . .  NEXT TIME! say the Police.

14.  2023-09 Chris Scott, owner of the Whistlestop Cafe, Mirror AB. Hero. Covid mandates & small businesses. “The Administrative State”.

15.  2016-07-08 Democracy overtaken by Corporatocracy = coup d’état. Citizens fight to regain democracy = Revolution (insurgency) . Corporatocracy fights to hold on = counter insurgency.

A Sequence:

16.  Maude Barlow: Millions yearn to escape free-trade deals

17.  David Korten  de-constructs the term “free trade”     

18.  David Barnhizer explains the relationship between linguistics and propaganda

A search on my blog for postings related to “Linguistics” throws up more.  The preceding is enough!


Chris Carbet (one of the “Coutts 4) has been held in Remand,  without trial,  bail denied, for well over a year – – 616 days as of the 23rd of Oct.   Related:  Manufacturing the Threat (documentary), last item – below.

  1. 2023-09-09  Manufacturing The Threat, Amy Miller filmmaker

Shining a light into the murky world of police infiltration, incitement, and agent provocateurs, Manufacturing The Threat shows how Canada’s policing and national security agencies, granted additional powers after 9/11, routinely break laws with little to no accountability or oversight.

For the first time ever, a feature-length documentary examines the issue of agent provocateurs and entrapment in Canada’s national security apparatus. Manufacturing the Threat is a thrilling and emotional film, which examines a deeply disturbing episode in Canadian history, when an impoverished couple was coerced by undercover law enforcement agents into carrying out a (INSERT / S:  an attempted – fake) terrorist bombing. Further, viewers learn that this case is far from unique in the context of Canadian intelligence.

When a young Muslim couple was arrested on Canada Day 2013, caught red-handed planting bombs at the Parliament buildings in Victoria, BC, the news was celebrated as a tour de force for Canada’s national security agencies. Citing the rising threat of Islamic terrorism, the Harper government went on to pass Bill C-51, the Anti-terrorism Act.

However, media and government were relatively silent when the case against the Canada Day bombers fell apart. After the young couple, Omar Nuttall and Ana Korody, had spent three years in prison, they learned that they had been deceived by an elaborate agent provocateur operation managed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).

‘Project Souvenir’ involved over 240 security service operatives, and culminated in their decision to plant fake bombs, constructed with the help of undercover agents, on the BC Parliament Grounds. The Canada Day Bombers had their charges thrown out, and their imprisonment was referred to as a “travesty of justice” by Judge Elizabeth Bennett.

(Check out the facebook page.  The film is showing in Victoria(?), etc..  And will be available for download from a documentary film site for $3 or $4 (?).  Let’s say by Christmas!  Takes a while.    This film is important.)

Manufacturing the Threat  

Amy tells an important story very well.

Check it out on facebook:

It is reinforced by:

 2012-05-19 TO: MP Blake Richards re his private member’s bill to make it a crime to wear a mask at protests. Remember Montebello, it was the police who wore the masks.

= = = = = =  = = =

Rousing video , 17 Jean Valjeans from just some of the worldwide productions assembled on one stage.

Large choir and more cast near the end.  Canada represented by Michael Burgess

17 Jean Valjeans “Les Miserables”



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