Sep 072019
2019-09-04  Bayer’s Roundup Woes Deepen as Germany Bans Key Chemical,  Wall Street Journal

Preface to the article,  MY EXCITEMENT: From: Sandra Finley Sent: September 7 To: Ruth.Bender  (The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) journalist who wrote the article below) Subject: RE: Bayer’s Roundup Woes Deepen as Germany Bans Key Chemical Enormous thanks to you, Ruth, and to the WSJ for publishing this article. I am from the farmlands of […]

Jul 272019

I am unsure.  I think this is from a magazine in a waiting room  – – apologies to the source,  I lost you. When time permits,  I’d like to look further into the two authors quoted:   OUTRAGE, ironically, is a more effective UNIFIER than forgiveness. “People enjoy sharing in consensus, especially when it allows […]

May 082019

Sent to CBC,  The Current,  re the first interview on May 8th (link not yet working). “It’s not fair that TB is still in Canada.”  One Nunavut woman on life with the disease.   MY FEEDBACK TO THE CBC: Jen Skerritt,Winnipeg Free Press, did a 6-part series on tuberculosis in 2009. There are shocking statements […]

Feb 152019
Appreciating the library book  "Call them by their true names : American crises (and essays)", by Rebecca Solnit

With thanks to Nancy 2018 Format: Book Author: Solnit, Rebecca, author. Title: Call them by their true names : American crises (and essays) / Rebecca Solnit. Publisher, Date: Chicago, Illinois : Haymarket Books, 2018. Description: 188 pages ; 19 cm Summary: “Changing the world means changing the story, the names, and the language with which […]

Dec 142018
2019-01     How a World Order Ends And What Comes in Its Wake,   Foreign Affairs Magazine,   January/February 2019 Issue

Comment    By Richard Haass A stable world order is a rare thing. When one does arise, it tends to come after a great convulsion that creates both the conditions and the desire for something new. It requires a stable distribution of power and broad acceptance of the rules that govern the conduct of international relations. […]

Nov 082018

There are good pictures but I don’t know how to copy them, and I don’t know where to find this on-line. Can’t give you a URL.  Maybe you have to be on Instagram? Hey Jammers! What does Design Anarchy mean to you? This past Monday, bright and early, Adbusters infiltrated the viscera of Vancouver’s prestigious […]

Oct 022018

Return to  INDEX, Salish Sea (Excerpt from an earlier note from Howard: I deliberately covered a lot of ground in the Blue Book because I wanted people to see the ‘big picture’ on our inland sea and connections between issues that are often considered in isolation from one another, even though the problems never can be […]