Jul 112018

You may have guessed:  I am making plans now, to attend the following. Please help spread the word.  And let your MP know your position (not necessarily the same as mine!).     Thanks!  Sandra – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – CORRECTION:   I did not write the notice […]

Jun 112018
2018-06-01   Exploring the root causes of inequality &  Changing the way we work to build a more livable society  (The Death of Homo Economicus:   Work, Debt and the Myth of Endless Accumulation Paperback,  Peter Fleming)

The links and background for both segments of the discussion are in this one posting. CBC Radio · June 1 Exploring the root causes of inequality   (Segment 1)     http://www.cbc.ca/radio/thesundayedition/the-sunday-edition-june-3-2018-1.4685998/exploring-the-root-causes-of-inequality-1.4687264 The Death of Homo Economicus: Work, Debt and the Myth of Endless Accumulation by Peter Fleming.  Listen   39:06 This is the first of two interviews with […]

Apr 262018

Jim Harding’s new book (Jan 2018),  Moving Beyond: Neo-liberalism in Saskatchewan Jim writes: See our new website at  QVEA.CA Also I have a new short book out which looks back at our Saskatchewan political history from a “green” perspective. You can download at my webpage: crowsnestecology.wordpress.com – – – – – – – – – […]

Mar 222018

The Guardian is in the U.K.   This article uses the term “fly-tipping”,  not a term we use here.  I looked it up:  as I understand, it is “tipping”  (as in garbage being “tipped” from a truck at a dump) and “on the fly” meaning “in a hurry” or “on the run”.   In this context, it […]

Mar 212018

(Scroll down to the announcement from Tufts.) ECONOMIC INDICATORS: JUST ONE of the problems:   The Accounting system defines what is included in “Operating Costs”.  Then, (simplified):  Revenue minus Expenses (costs) is Profit.   Profits are available for distribution to Investors.   The fewer costs you pay, the more that can be paid to investors (and […]

Mar 032018

With many thanks to Guy for “a fascinating read” from The Atlantic magazine, by Franklin Foer: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/03/paul-manafort-american-hustler/550925/ To me, it’s more threads of the American Dream unraveling. American “foreign service” – – John Perkins blew the whistle in his book “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man“. the American War Machine – – Daniel Ellsberg’s most […]

Feb 122018

I have wondered about the assertions (Kinder Morgan pipeline),  the Provincial Government has no jurisdiction.   The Federal Government decides  ?? :   JASON MACLEAN Contributed to The Globe and Mail Jason MacLean is an assistant professor at the University of Saskatchewan, College of Law Mere moments after the B.C. government announced its intention to develop […]

Nov 172017

http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/06/13/bilderberg-2015-guest-list-invited_n_7576766.html   by Jennifer MacMillan, The Huffington Post Canada (There’s a good video at the top of the Huff Post article.  Please go to the URL if you wish – – the following is a copy of the text only.)   It’s likely the most exclusive gathering of powerful people in the world, and you’ve […]

Sep 152017

Very good video and written documentation.   With thanks to Alexandra Morton; First Nations Chiefs, people; and thousands of supporters. Among other issues,  there is further excellent documentation of a Canadian phenomenon, the use of the RCMP to defend corporate interests AGAINST our laws. Corporate interests act with impunity.   The RCMP respond when the corporate interest […]

Aug 202017

With thanks to Cliff.  From The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/aug/18/neoliberalism-the-idea-that-changed-the-world?CMP=share_btn_twtheguardian.com Neoliberalism: the idea that swallowed the world The word has become a rhetorical weapon, but it properly names the reigning ideology of our era – one that venerates the logic of the market and strips away the things that make us human. By Stephen Metcalf Friday 18 […]