Nov 232017

Earlier, we shared information on the link between mercury and Alzheimer’s Disease / dementia. I want to add  a short video with Boyd Haley (#1 below); remind myself about #2, another informative video. add a 2-minute CBC News report on the actions of Dr. Murray Vimy (Calgary researcher retired, World Health Organization consultant, etc.). And […]

Nov 232017

This woman, Susan, from Vancouver is my age.  She was diagnosed with MS many years ago.   Life is difficult for her.  She is knowledgeable, and determined;  she pitched in on the 1998 class action lawsuit attempt over mercury in dental amalgams (I had not heard about the lawsuit).  She wants to help out again, now, […]

Nov 042017

EU on brink of historic decision on pervasive glyphosate weedkiller  (Monsanto, roundup),  The Guardian. Oct 24, very good article.  Update, Oct 25, the EU temporarily dodged the bullet (again). AVAAZ and other organizations have successfully campaigned, mobilizing millions of people to stop the poisoning.  We have been active on this file through the years. There […]

Nov 022017

Copy of the Lab Report:     Childhood Hair Element Anaylsis- Sandra Sept 2017   The Lab Report is one in a set of postings: Why I wanted the analysis done:  Diagnosed with childhood polio, but was it polio or heavy metal poisoning?  (includes chronology) 2017-09-29  (This posting):  Lab Report on the hair analysis 2017-12-15   Now, what […]

Jan 132017

If you haven’t – – do watch.   Free viewing – – 8 episodes about 2 hours each.   Running this week. If the CDC (Centre for Disease Control)  doesn’t come down in a ball of flames over the vaccination issue and what they’ve known (what we knew, too – – but not like this!)  it will […]

Jan 102017

Free watching starts today Jan 10  until Jan 18, through the World Mercury Project. An issue we’ve followed for more than a decade, Heavy metals in vaccinations, Mercury in dental amalgams. I am forwarding this to everyone I know. ——– Forwarded Message ——– Subject: Announcing “Vaccines Revealed” – Watch for FREE through World Mercury Project! […]

Aug 182016

Many thanks to dentist Dr. Dave Warwick, Hanna AB,  for providing an update and bibliography on the Research on the health effects of mercury fillings. Scroll past the indented paragraphs (which are for newcomers), straight to heading    From: dentist Dr. David Warwick, Hanna AB.   The less spirited would have sighed and gone away The intrepids keep on singing and […]

Apr 082015

CBC Victoria interviewed a professor  about making vaccinations mandatory. I was bothered by the interview because the interviewer (who is usually very good) did not do a good job, in my opinion, of presenting the other side of the story. There was little attempt to understand the source of the resistance to vaccinations. I have […]

Mar 292014

If you think that the efforts by the people below are worthy, All that is required to give them a boost:  pass this email along.   AWARENESS will put an end to craziness.   (NOTE:  the links take you to the info on my blog. I always recommend to click on the URL there, to […]