Aug 282024

I date back to when web sites did not exist,  but email did.  And longer than that.

I cobbled together a small group of people from both sides of the border between Saskatchewan and Alberta.

Simply by arming people with information, we stopped the boondoggle idea to build a large dam on the South Saskatchewan River.  Job done.

More was not intended.  The Water is protected at least until the next ill-informed citizen resurrects the idea.

(They think they can drink money.  They don’t think about things like evaporation rates in a semi-arid zone, and a whole lot of other things.)

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2006-04-27 Water. Wrap-up statement, Proposed Meridian Dam. Battle won.

The Meridian Dam proposal has been halted in its tracks. The issue has been:

who has power and control, citizens or Government?

Banksters: Index

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Click on the Banksters: Index.      Skim and sigh along with me:

MORE THAN ONCE,  we are fighting the same battle.   The PART of  “The Commons” under assault changes back and forth;  the battle does not.  You might reply:   “Not much has changed.”  But in fact, a lot has changed for worse – – in spite of our victories.

 . . .  to be continued.

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