Feb 252025


For Your Selection END  of  FEBRUARY, 2025

I think you will be happy you watched this:    1.    2025-02-28  The Big Picture: Life Inside The Control Grid, from CHD Covid

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The links,  #1 to #9 (start – page 3 last para),   are about genetic engineering:  2004, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2012,  2024.   I’m not asking you to read the postings!  just the titles of some links.

This film (free viewing, 1 hour) tells what you might like to glean from the postings:    2004    We are TIPPED OFF!   SUPERB documentary re-done in English, Bertram Verhaag, Life Running Out of Control.

If everyone knew some basics, we’d have better dialogue:

A.   I  am an animal.   The names of a couple other animals appear in the list of links (#1 to #9).

B.   The biotechnology industries of which I am aware are in:

    •  Agriculture (crops, like canola, corn, soy, rice, sugarbeets . . . )
    •  Pharmaceuticals / drugs  / vaccines  (Covid,  HPV – Gardasil) . . .
    •  Horticulture
    •  Forestry
    •  insects, . . .  umm,  mammals, fish, viruses . . .  well, in fact,  ??  It seems to me that Every Living thing is fair game to the industry, including YOU!   And The Industry no longer requires licensing to pursue its interests.
    •  Warfare (vaccinations).  “Gain of function” is genetic engineering to make viruses more virulent – it ended up mostly in China (Wuhan Lab)  because gain-of-function research was outlawed for a time in the U.S. (thanks to President Obama*).   The covid vaccine comes to us through military RESEARCH in weapons for biological warfare.

*OBAMA TRIED.   GAIN-OF-FUNCTION;  gain-of-function falls under – – it IS genetic engineering.  That’s what covid vaccinations, mRNA are.)   The list  (#1 to #9 that follows these A, B, C’s)  is from the work our network did, beginning in the early 2000’s.   The covid vaccinations are a CONTINUATION  of that science, applied now in many more ways.   EVER-EXPANDING.

There is nothing conspiratorial about it.  The biotech industry was up-front, with lobbying and propaganda – chemicals, pharmaceuticals, – – – under the names  “Life Sciences” and Bio-technology and whatever else can be dreamed up.   You may remember that it was Bayer (as in Bayer aspirin), that bought up Monsanto’s products after Mothers in Utah put an international movement (March Against Monsanto) in motion.   Bobby Kennedy, of course,  landed the knock-out punch as lead legal counsel in the California Court battle that laid to rest

what Monsanto knew about its products (they cause disease and DEATH).

What Big Pharma knew” about the effects of their covid vaccinations BEFORE the promotional campaigns even began – – –  YE GODS.  I’m not going to reiterate the documentation here  – – it’s well-known.



*Oct 17, 2014.    “Science” (https://www.science.org/content/article/us-halts-funding-new-risky-virus-studies-calls-voluntary-moratorium)

U.S. halts funding for new risky virus studies, calls for voluntary moratorium
No grants for flu, SARS, or MERS while government pursues 1-year risk analysis

 By Jocelyn Kaiser, David Malakoff

The White House (Obama) today stepped into an ongoing debate about controversial virus experiments with a startling announcement: It is halting all federal funding for so-called gain-of-function (GOF) studies

that alter a pathogen to make it more transmissible or deadly

so that experts can work out a U.S. government-wide policy for weighing the risks. Federal officials are also asking the handful of researchers doing ongoing work in this area to agree to a voluntary moratorium.

The “pause on funding,” a White House blog states,    applies to “any new studies …

that may be reasonably anticipated to confer attributes to influenza, MERS, or SARS viruses such that the virus would have enhanced pathogenicity and/or transmissibility in mammals via the respiratory route.”

The government also “encourages those currently conducting this type of work—whether federally funded or not—to voluntarily pause their research while risks and benefits are being reassessed.” Research and testing of naturally occurring forms of these pathogens will continue

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C.      The Patenting (ownership) of genetically-engineered organisms was the original intention.

D.      The outcome of industry products is to DISEMPOWER us.   We become DEPENDENT beings in many and insidious ways.

E.      Definitions are often slippery.    mRNA falls in the stable of genetic engineering technologies.  In the list (#1 to #9)  you see nice little things like   “Terminator Technology”.  In today’s world (think of covid vaccinations)  you see nice little things like “Self-Replicating”.

That is,  self-replicating  INSIDE YOUR BODY.  That would be just like GMO crops – – once they are released into the environment,  there is no way to take them out.   (Unless you use “Terminator Technology”.   It all gets kind of messy.)

F.   Consumers in North America fought like hell for years to have genetically-engineered products labelled, as they were/are in Europe.   Big Corporates and Big Government used corruption to triumph over the public interest in Canada and the U.S.  In general you can’t tell the difference (can’t see it, can’t smell it) between what is genetically-engineered and what is not.    Do genetically-engineered products inflict harms?   . . .  You bet they do. Even death.   It’s well documented on my blog and even better elsewhere.

G.    Between Propaganda, Censorship, and treason you are prevented from knowing the full picture.  There are armies of “Communications Specialists” to ensure we remain in the dark.

H.   Genetic engineering since its introduction to corporatized-Universities has been about “takeover”.  Control.   Control the Food Supply for example by controlling the crops that are grown.  Teach the students how to Genetically-engineer.  The University produces successive crops of students trained to work in biotechnology, in silos that indoctrinate brains. Normalize what isn’t normal.

I.   Know no bounds.  Make money.   The Mother Lode was in covid vaccinations.

J.   HEALTH CANADA is, and has long been a captured agency.


What we knew ??

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2025-03-04 Theresa Tam’s emails reveal unethical experiment on Inuit infants   (Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News

2025-03-04 from the U.S. Govt Oversight Committee: “For example, the Biden-Harris Administration spent $2.5 million taxpayer dollars to study the fertility of transgender mice.”

2025-03-04 Informed skepticism, with thanks to Lyle

Very short and very powerful  (added on March 04.)

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INSERT:  I am interested in this posting about MASS CULLING in the U.S. because of Health Canada (CFIA)’s  edict to KILL (cull)  a herd of 400 ostriches at a farm outside Kelowna, B.C..   Again,  this is about viruses.  The video,  2025-02-28   The Big Picture,  is excellent background.

2025-02-18  USDA Has Spent $1.25 Billion on Mass Culling for H5N1 Bird Flu – With Disastrous Consequences         (The unsanitized word for culling, in English,  is KILLING)

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(Bottom of Page 3)  Links #1 to #9

Okay,  here are THE LINKS FOR THE STRAIGHT LINE from about year 2000, for  the genetic engineering that brings us to genetically-engineered vaccinations:  2004, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2012,  2024.   I’m not asking you to read the postings!  just the titles of some links.

  1. 2004-06-14 RR Wheat: Another big hit – $112 million pay out over Contamination of Corn (Aventis StarLink corn)
  2. 2004-11-13 Genetically modified: documentary by Bertram Verhaag “LIFE RUNNING OUT OF CONTROL; Gene Food and Designer Babies.” GM fish and pigs.
  3. 2005-02-07 Genetically modified: “Life Running Out of Control” DEBUT
  4. 2005-12-22 Government Directive on Regulating, Dept of Fisheries and Oceans, and “Life Running Out of Control”
  5. 2006-03-15 Terminator Technology will not solve the problem it is intended to address
  6. 2011-01-05 Updates: GMO’s, Monsanto, chemicals (roundup / glyphosate), genetically modified pigs
  7. 2011-01-10 Enviro-Pig = pig genes + E. coli genes + mouse DNA. Seriously. Coming to your favourite restaurant and you will never know the difference!     ( Related to covid vaccinations:  similar contaminates )
  8. 2012-03-03 Things are cookin`! (frankenfish) Update on Giant Genetically-Modified Salmon. Includes 2 new films from Germany.
  9. 2024-10-02 FOOD: I love you Lucy! GM Salmon Shut Down


Beside the Powerful   (tongue in cheek)  Mark Carney  and the CFIA Operation Chief Command Officer – – KILL the ostriches!   THE TRAGEDY & THE COMEDY.

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mRNA technology is a continuation of what Big Government, Big Corporations and Mad Scientists have been doing since before the turn of the century.    With Terminator Technology (#5)  you’d end up with seeds that don’t have a “germ”.  No more wheat germ, oat germ.  No more reproductive capacity.  But Hallelujah! say the Mad Scientists:  even if Genetically-engineered seeds over -run the country side,  they can’t reproduce! So! Terminator Technology IS THE ANSWER!  These guys don’t have common sense –they truly do not know what happens in the real world – the repercussions of their work.  At our peril.)

And the ostriches?  what’s that about?  More of the same . . . the CFIA (Health Canada)  CONTROL.    Mark Carney, leadership-hopeful for the Liberals.  . . .  Listen to the recent short clip of him in Kelowna.

2025-02-17 Mark Carney, hopeful to be prime minister. All the Power he sees.  Sedition.

I’d just like to STOP the ** . . . Globalists    (but not our Globalist Activist friends – – I’m all for them!)

– – – – – – – –  Continuing “The Selection” of postings:

  1. 2025-02-25 WHO DECIDES THE FUTURE? Dire consequences of secretive biotech regulation: Response to Asilomar. From CBAN. Related to Ostriches and Health Canada (CFIA).
  2. 2025-02-21 Fate of B.C. ostriches looms with federal court hearing. Yeeeay! Local newspapers carrying the story! Thank-you Jennifer Smith.
  3. 2004 We are TIPPED OFF! SUPERB documentary re-done in English, Bertram Verhaag, Life Running Out of Control.   No, I think it’s human beings running out of control.
  4. 2025-02-16 Words that reach the heart from Tamara Lich to Canadians.  Beside the Powerful Mark Carney and the CFIA Operation Chief Command Officer – – KILL the ostriches! The tragedy and comedy.
  5. 2025-01-31 UPDATE: CFIA (Cdn Food Inspection Agency) directive to “Cull the Ostriches” is not going to happen as directed by Cortnie Fotheringham – Operation Chief Command Officer


We appear to have BOTH armed forces AND  a Government well-staffed with  COMMAND OFFICERS.

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  1. 2025-02-21 Judge blocks federal bid to bypass court order halting ostrich culling

Drea did good coverage (above link).  Thanks for sending it Dan.    And  . . .

The local PQB News ran the ostrich story.   Wow!  That’s progress.  Main stream media reporting!


Could it be ?    MAYBE the Ostriches will lead the way to freedom?  Running down the bad guys?!   Ostriches have a mean kick to boot!

How ‘bout we all get ostrich masks?   And wrap really long necks around the Enforcers.    What fun!

Maybe we will not put up with the killing of the ostriches?  Isn’t that a fine thought?  Maybe that Judge will hold the line?

I live in anticipation of great things,



Personally,  I agree with the views and recommendations in  2025-02-28   The Big Picture

I bless the participants.  I am grateful for them  and for the Millions of you and me’s.

Please Circulate The Big Picture as far and wide as you can.

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Covid vaccines are genetic-engineering in action.   We have learned over the last 25 years:    the biotechnology industry CORRUPTS,   and it LIES, and it PROPAGANDIZES.    It is part of the bad-guy-Globalists’ agenda.  I think this is war??


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