Jan 032022

Long, but great read.

RCMP member sent on unpaid leave writes this powerful letter you must read:

Hi everyone,

Since most members make a goodbye email before they leave, I figured I should as well, despite the “special” circumstances around my departure. Anyways, my time here in the RCMP is up. For now. The low T wannabe tyrants in Ottawa have decided that I can no longer serve as a police officer because I refuse to tell them if I have submitted to their “vaccine” edict. I’ve served in the RCMP for 21 years and one of the first things I said to any person I ever arrested was “you don’t have to say anything to me.” Unfortunately, our government has told me that I have to tell them what’s in my body, and if the right drug is not inside me, I have to get it as condition of my continuing employment, human rights be damned. Why did I put vaccine in quotations above you ask? More on that later. Buckle up and tighten the straps on your government mandated shame muzzle, this goodbye email will likely ruffle some feathers.

My journey to this point of our dystopian, medical, apartheid state started like many of yours. Watching the television almost 2 years ago as reports started coming in of some strange virus out of Wuhan. I was a little concerned, but not much. You see, for the last 10 years of my life I had spent a lot of time as an amateur researcher of history and learned to my dismay that the official narrative of most events is usually a little suspect at best. Like weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or the January 6th “insurrection” in D.C., the examples are sadly numerous.

I’ve also always been a very independent person. Following the herd has never appealed to me. When a belief is put forth to me I always evaluate it for myself and don’t simply accept it’s veracity based on the authority behind it. For example, during the last Federal Government census, I could not help but notice that the gender section had 3 boxes. Male, Female and other, which was a blank box. For real, the Federal Government of Canada allowed you to make up your own gender on the last official census. I found this to be a combination of amusing and insane. Feeling particularly bull headed and cheeky at the time, I naturally chose Minotaur as my gender. Yes, that’s right, on the Canadian government census my gender is that of a mythical giant man with the head of a bull.

So back to my Covid journey. I was skeptical of the pandemic from the start but decided to wait and see what evidence would surface of this dangerous pandemic. So I sat back and quietly observed. At that time, and still at the time I’m writing this, I was the admin NCO on the watch. I was in the unique position of seeing every file that came through PRIME in the 46 hour window I was at work each week. Naturally, this included all sudden death files. Pay attention now, have another sip of your latte if you have to. Since the pandemic began, until now, I was in a position to see every single sudden death file that came through our detachment area. What did I notice in this position? Nothing. No upwards trend whatsoever. Funny enough, I didn’t see people dropping dead in my neighbourhood either.

This was a very stark contrast to what I saw in media. A non-stop chorus on TV, radio, and internet, of case counts, hospitalizations and deaths. At no time in my life had I seen anything like it. A complete disconnect between my observed reality and that which was portrayed by my government and the government subsidized mainstream media. And they were reporting deaths in care homes. Care homes? When did the media ever report deaths in care homes unless it was some sort of instance of gross negligence? It’s called end of life care for a reason. People go to care homes at the end of their life. Death is the natural consequence, and this fact used to be understood as common sense.

When the statistics started showing that the vast majority of anyone dying from Covid, either had one or more co-morbidities, or was older than the average life expectancy, my skepticism of the pandemic narrative only grew. Then in the summer of 2020, I got Covid. For a few days I was really tired and shivered a lot. Then it was over. I survived the “deadly” disease like the vast majority of anyone else who caught it. To be honest, I’ve had worse Flus, and worse hangovers.

At the end of 2020 I became convinced we were all being force fed a giant load of absolute bullshit. Don’t believe me? Look at world population statistics. Here’s a sample. At the end of 2018, the world population was 7,631,091,040 and that year 57,625,149 people died. This showed an overall death rate of .76%. I know some of you are shocked by this, but yes, 57 million people died of all types of causes in 2018. When you reach the end of your life, you die. At the end of 2019, the world population was 7,713,468,100 and 58,394,378 died. Naturally, because we had more people reaching the end of their lives, more people died. The death rate that year was .76%. Now let’s see what 2020 brought us. The year of the pandemic. At the end of 2020, the world population was 7,794,798,739 and 59,230,795 died. The death rate was .76%. Yes. That’s right. In the year of the deadly pandemic the world’s population grew by 81,330,639 people and the death rate did not change by even a hundredth of a percent. The media never once pulled back the lens to show this, they continued to show the narrow focus of case counts and Covid deaths. Even going so far as to change causes of death so that someone who died “with” Covid in their system was counted as someone who died “of” Covid. The Western world shut down over a disease about as deadly as the common flu. And our rights were shut down along with it.
Despite this disease having a non existant effect on the overall death rate of the world’s population the call came out for a mass vaccination. Since I was already skeptical of the pandemic, I was naturally skeptical of the need for a “vaccine”. Oh look, vaccine is in quotations again. Why am I doing that?

Because it’s not a f^#king vaccine!!!

A vaccine is created when a virus from nature is made harmless in a lab and then cultivated there. The vaccine, created from the neutered virus, is then injected into a person. The body then reacts to the vaccine just like it would to the unaltered, dangerous virus. However, because the vaccine is a modified harmless version of the virus, it doesn’t cause disease and the body’s natural immunity is able to “learn” how to cope with the virus. This “learning” is lifelong and is why people develop an immunity to whatever they were inoculated against. People who have been vaccinated against Measles do not get Measles, and the same with mumps etc etc. None of the so called Covid “vaccines” meet this definition. If you were wondering why “vaccinated” people are still getting Covid, and spreading it, this is why. The fact that “vaccinated” people still get Covid and spread it should tell you that this madness will never end as long as you buy into the official narrative.

How these new Covid “vaccines” work is based on a brand new technology never used on a massive scale. Particularly in regards to the 2 “vaccines” most heavily promoted, Moderna and Pfizer. These drugs use artificial Mrna technology. Think of Mrna as the software of our bodies. The operating instructions. Pfizer and Moderna use artificial Mrna based on a computer algorithm. These instructions are encapsulated in something called a nano lipid. A nano lipid is a tiny envelope of fat. There are trillions of these nano lipids in the Pfizer and Moderna shots. Once injected they circulate through your body through your body’s lymphatic system. Upon the nano lipids dissolving, your body receives new instructions for its immune system. These instructions tell your immune system to make spike proteins which resemble the spike proteins of the Covid virus. This is the key distinction you need to be aware of. Your body is being instructed to make the very pathogen that your immune system builds a defense against. This is completely uncharted territory and nothing like this has ever been done on the human population on such a large scale. The drug companies themselves have admitted they don’t know the long term side effects. When a recent FOIA request was sent to the FDA in the US, requesting the safety data they had on the Pfizer vaccine, the FDA asked a judge for 75 years to comply with the request. Nothing sketchy there.

To make matters worse. Every single Western nation has passed legislation shielding these drug companies from civil liability, if their vaccines harm people. While this legislation was passed years ago, it still applies to the Covid “vaccines.” You heard right. If the Moderna Covid “vaccine” harms you, you cannot sue Moderna. Same with every other drug company that makes any vaccine, Covid “vaccine” or not. They all have civil liability immunity for the vaccines they manufacture. Vaccine injury compensation has been paid out in the US under a tax funded program called the vaccine injury compensation fund, not as a remedy through civil lawsuits. Established in 1986, this fund has paid out $4.4 billion in claims. In Canada, we had no such vaccine injury fund until June of 2021. Hand on chin emoji goes here.

Make no mistake here. This is a large scale drug trial and whoever was jabbed is taking part. Having educated myself about these new drugs I was very skeptical when they started promoting them. Additionally, nearly all the drug companies making Covid “vaccines” have a very checkered history in quality control and ethics. J and J has payed 9 billion in settlements throughout it’s lifetime and Pfizer has payed $4.6 billion. Not for their vaccines of course, for their other pharmaceuticals. Moderna was founded in 2010 and their Covid “vaccine” is the first product they have ever put on the market. Information has since come to light that the Moderna “vaccine” was finishing in development in December of 2019, immediately before the pandemic hit. It’s almost like they were anticipating something. Do I dare put my hand on my chin and gaze thoughtfully upwards a second time?

As I was already skeptical about the entire pandemic narrative, I decided a long time ago that I was not going to take any of these “vaccines”. So as I had decided to sit back and watch how the so called pandemic unfolded, I decided to observe the vaccination campaign. One of the first things I noticed is that people like me were completely ignored and never talked about. What do I mean by people by like me? I mean people who had Covid and recovered. Suddenly, natural immunity didn’t exist anymore. Everyone had to get the vaccine regardless of whether they had natural immunity or not. Wait….. what? No one would ever suggest someone who had measles or polio should get vaccinated against those diseases. Why was natural immunity suddenly not talked about anymore? But if you knew where and how to look, it was talked about, and studied. The largest study was in Israel where the researchers concluded that natural immunity conveyed 27 times more protection than vaccination. Not double, not triple, 27 times! Fast Forward to recent times where an attorney in the US submitted a FOIA request, to the CDC, requesting records of any patient, who had a previous Covid infection, who was subsequently re-infected and then transmitted the Covid to another person. The CDC could not produce a single record of this ever happening. Yet for some bizarre reason, neither the government nor the media will ever talk about natural immunity and Covid together.

And now we are able to see much of the results of this mass vaccination campaign. And despite what you’ve been told, it’s not good. Data from the UK is showing that vaccinated adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of the unvaccinated. American VAERS data shows these Covid “vaccines” have caused more deaths than all other vaccines combined in the last 30 years. In Europe, FIFA data has revealed a 500% increase in cardiac events and sudden deaths in soccer players. Very recently, the American Heart Association released a study which demonstrated that Mrna “vaccines” dramatically increase markers related to heart conditions. A recent German study showed that the higher a jurisdictions’ vaccination rate, the higher it’s mortality rate. On November 11th of this year, a Doctor Nagase came forward to report a record 13 still born births, in a 24 hour period, at BC Children’s hospital. They average 1 per month. During a very recent Ontario provincial parliament debate, MP Rick Nicholls confronted the health minister about a sharp rise in still births from vaccinated pregnant women in Ontario. All he got for his efforts was deflection. Despite this new evidence beginning to come light, there has been absolute silence in the media. Instead, they now want to vaccinate our children. Children are at a near zero risk from Covid. Vaccinating children with these experimental drugs, with unknown long term side effects, which are starting to show increasing adverse effects, is absolutely criminal.
Since I refuse to go along with this coerced “vaccination” campaign, I am being forced onto Leave without pay. Despite the fact that approximately 70% of the Federal workforce gets testing as an option, for some inexplicable reason, the RCMP, the CBSA and Federal Corrections have a mandatory vaccination order. I refuse to go along with this. This is nonsensical, illegal and unethical. I will continue to refuse and I have obtained legal representation, along with hundreds of other federal employees. We will get our day in court and we will win. Some may ask where our union stands on the issue. The answer is they didn’t. Our union leadership immediately bent the knee and offered no resistance whatsoever. Despite these setbacks, those who are fighting this know we have the truth on our side. The truth, at the moment, may be mere pebbles rolling down a slope. This will inevitably become an avalanche. So in reality, this isn’t a goodbye email, it’s a “see you in 2022” email.

Before I go, let me say this. Don’t be afraid. The government, and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media, have promoted a nonstop campaign of fear for almost 2 years now. Turn off your television and radios. Do your own research and question everything. Knowledge begins with asking questions. With each new variant they will try and frighten you, despite the fact that never in the history of virology has a virus ever mutated to become more deadly. Selective pressures always favour a more contagious, but less deadly mutation. The new “scariant” is Omicron. They don’t tell you that they skipped Mu and Xi in the Greek alphabet. Why? Because Mu or Xi just don’t sound scary. When you hear some brain dead parrot repeat the talking point “trust the science,” politely ask them to provide a definition of science. They never can because they don’t know. What they are really saying, but are too stupid to realize, is that they are saying “trust authority and don’t ask questions.” This, my friends, is the antithesis of science.

And get some sunshine. The latest German study, you know, actually science, showed an inverse relationship between vitamin d and Covid mortality rates. The study showed, given high enough vitamin d levels, a mortality rate of zero could be achieved. In addition, please don’t let them inject this “vaccine” into your children. Why on earth would you allow an experimental drug to be injected into your children, from pharmaceutical companies that have a history of civil litigation settlements, where these same companies have blanket legal immunity from the vaccines they create, for a disease that your children are completely safe from? It’s insanity. And the latest video where Trudeau explains he is excited to begin vaccinating children, looks completely psychotic and unhinged. Keep these lunatics away from your children. Your children are going to be just fine with their natural immunity.

I don’t know how many people will get to read this. I suspect that once certain ranks are aware of this email it will be pulled from the server. That right there speaks volumes in itself. Silencing the last message of a 21 year veteran who was forced to leave simply because he didn’t tell the government whether he had a drug in his body or not, doesn’t portray a leadership of transparency or good faith. On the contrary, it demonstrates both cowardice and a complete betrayal of any professed principles. Before I go, if any of you believe in courage and freedom. You aren’t alone. In fact, many members feel this way and they have created their own website: mounties4freedom.com. Another concerned group of freedom loving Canadians has created action4canada.com. Check them out when you have time.

Anyways, I have taken up too much of your time as it is. Always laugh at those who would spread fear, and see you in 2022.

Corporal Richard Mehner, your “vaccine” free Minotaur
P.S. Chief Supt. De La Gogondiere,
I taped a copy of this letter on your office door, Martin Luther style. If you don’t understand the historical reference I invite you to look it up.


(Courtesy of Easton Spectator.com)

Dec 172021

by Jack Phillips, Epoch Times

More and more businesses in recent days have walked back previous rules mandating COVID-19 vaccine sas a condition for employment in a bid to keep workers.

Earlier this week, Amtrak—a quasi-public corporation—became the latest to rescind its vaccine requirement amid concerns about staff shortages and cut service in January. In a memo sent to staff that was obtained by The Epoch Times, Amtrak CEO William Flynn said the company would do away with the mandate that would have given employees until Jan. 4 to get fully vaccinated or go on unpaid leave.

About 500 out of more than 17,000 Amtrak workers remain unvaccinated, according to the memo. Still, the sudden loss of that many workers would have caused service disruptions, Flynn suggested, while noting that Amtrak was acting in accordance with recent court orders handed down against President Joe Biden’s sweeping vaccine mandates.

Several hospitals and healthcare systems have similarly rescinded vaccine mandates for employees and cited labor issues that were triggered by the new requirements. In early December, Florida’s AdventHealth announced the end of its vaccine requirement for some 83,000 workers, also citing the several recent court injunctions against federal mandates.

“Due to recent decisions by the federal courts to block the [Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services] vaccine mandate, we are suspending all vaccination requirements of our COVID-19 vaccination policy,” AdventHealth Chief Clinical Officer Neil Finkler said in a letter to staff. The move came after the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services confirmed to The Epoch Times that the agency suspended enforcement following two court orders several weeks ago.

Tenet Healthcare, HCA Healthcare, and Cleveland Clinic recently announced they are pulling back as well, citing labor concerns. Along with AdventHealth, the three healthcare companies operate a combined 300 hospitals and have more than 500,000 workers.

They cited recent court orders that blocked Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services from enforcing its mandate on Medicare- and Medicaid-funded medical facilities. The rule was announced by Biden on the same day that he confirmed that he would impose mandates on federal government employees, businesses who have contracts with the federal government, and, most controversially, businesses that have 100 or more workers.

The mandate for private businesses, slated to be enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), was paused by the agency last month following a scathing ruling that was issued by a panel of judges on the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. At the time, OSHA said it remained confident that the federal government would ultimately prevail in court.

“We have seen some anecdotal reports of hospitals that have paused or rolled back their vaccine mandates in light of the legal process that is currently playing out,” the American Hospital Association said in a statement to The Washington Post about the recent hospital decisions on vaccine requirements.

But the organization said that it does “not think most hospitals are changing their mandates, but some may be choosing to mandate weekly testing or other mitigating strategies for unvaccinated workers instead,” while “some have also decided to no longer terminate unvaccinated staff.”

Earlier this week, the Los Angeles Unified School District board, for different reasons, voted overwhelmingly in favor of postponing its student vaccine requirement from January 2022 until the fall of 2022 after tens of thousands of students reportedly would not comply—meaning that they would not be able to attend in-person classes.

Huntington Ingalls Industries, the largest naval shipbuilder in the United States, announced it won’t enforce the Biden administration’s federal contractor mandate. The company had told its 44,000 workers that it was not contractually obligated to comply, although a federal judge in Georgia later blocked the mandate.

The University of Iowa also recently pulled its vaccine directive for staff working on federal contracts from its website following a federal judge’s order last month. University of Iowa Faculty Senate President Teresa Marshall said on Dec. 7 that the requirement was placed on hold until federal lawsuits get sorted out.

Jack Phillips

Jack Phillips is a breaking news reporter at The Epoch Times based in New York.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Boeing Has Suspended Its Vaccine Mandate – Here Are The Details

by Bruce Hoenshell,   

With the deadline for all of Boeing’s U.S. employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 having already passed, the company said Friday that it has suspended its vaccination requirement.

In a statement to KIRO Newsradio, a Boeing spokesperson said the company does continue to encourage employees to get vaccinated and get a booster if they have not done so already.

Boeing says the decision to suspend the vaccination requirement comes after a federal court’s decision “prohibiting enforcement of the federal contractor executive order and a number of state laws.”

The full statement from the spokesperson is below:

“Boeing is committed to maintaining a safe working environment for our employees, and advancing the health and safety of our global workforce. As such, we continue to encourage our employees to get vaccinated and get a booster if they have not done so. Meanwhile, after careful review, Boeing has suspended its vaccination requirement in line with a federal court’s decision prohibiting enforcement of the federal contractor executive order and a number of state laws. As we have throughout the pandemic, we will continue to monitor and follow federal, state and local requirements.”

In October, Boeing had set the deadline of Dec. 8, 2021, as the day all employees in the United States must be fully vaccinated by or get an approved exemption they later extended it to Jan. 4 to match the federal mandate.

As we previously reported back in November Some 11,000 employees of the Boeing Co. — about 9% of the U.S. workforce — have sought religious or medical exemptions to a company and federal requirement that workers be vaccinated.

The number of exemptions sought was many times higher than executives expected. The requests have the company “scrambling for a strategy that keeps employees safe and complies with President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal contractors, but avoids an exodus of engineering and factory labor,” the news report said.

On Oct. 15, three days after the company issued the vaccine mandate, more than 1000 people protested near the IAM District 751 union hall in Everett. People lined both sides of Airport Road, some carrying signs that had messages supporting “medical freedom.”
Nov 012021

U.S.:  Police and Fire departments “across the country”, along with “city workers”.

The PBA filed its lawsuit on the same day as thousands of city workers marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to protest the vaccine mandate. Union opposition to these obligations, especially in city police departments, has been growing across the country and increasing in fervor. Earlier this month, the Los Angeles county sheriff said he would not enforce the mandate in his department. In Washington State, 1,785 state workers reportedly left or were fired for not complying with the vaccine mandate.  . . . 

October 31st News:

More than 2,000 New York City firefighters have taken medical leave in the past week as unvaccinated municipal workers face the start of sanctions Monday.

Frank Dwyer, deputy commissioner of the New York City Fire Department, said by email that the number of firefighters on medical leave was “very unusual.” The department employs roughly 11,000 firefighters.

Some first responders in the U.S. have been relatively resistant to employers’ Covid-19 vaccination mandates, with some saying they would rather lose their jobs than lose their sense of freedom over having to be inoculated.

Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro suggested in a statement Sunday that firefighters who participated in the apparent sickout were neglecting their oaths, which commit them to “faithfully discharge the duties” of their jobs. Those who do not meet the vaccination requirement have been threatened with unpaid leave starting Monday.

“Irresponsible bogus sick leave by some of our members is creating a danger for New Yorkers and their fellow Firefighters,” Nigro said. “They need to return to work or risk the consequences of their actions.”

© Mike Segar Image: Union firefighters and others protest against mandated vaccines in New York City (Mike Segar / Reuters)

Nigro, however, refuted news reports and politicians’ claims that the staffing challenge has forced the department to close a number of firehouses. U.S. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-New York, said in a statement Saturday that 26 city fire stations have closed.

“The department has not closed any firehouses,” Nigro said.

The department said fire companies — groups of firefighters composed of specialized teams — open and close regularly but might face more closures than usual. The FDNY was prepared to shut down 20 percent of them while deploying private emergency medical response services to help out, it said.

Malliotakis said New Yorkers were being left without a safety net as the city and its firefighters stand off over the mandate.

“God forbid there is a major fire, or a severe car accident, or if a crime takes place, or even worse,” she said as she pointed out a firehouse she said was temporarily without a ladder company because of staffing shortages.

Andrew Ansbro, president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, blamed city officials and suggested the vaccination requirement could have been staggered among groups of firefighters to avoid staffing shortages.

“My members have not been given the proper opportunity to be informed by the department or the city what’s going to happen to them,” he said.

Ansbro acknowledged the increase in sick days taken by firefighters but said many could be attributed to firefighters getting vaccinated and experiencing flu-like symptoms afterward.

In an information page on Covid-19 vaccines, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not use the term “flu-like” to describe symptoms or effects. It does say, “Side effects can affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days.”

The New York Police Department did not immediately respond to a question about the number of officers who have taken medical leave in the last week.

The union that represents rank-and-file officers, the Police Benevolent Association, said it has filed a lawsuit challenging the vaccine mandate.

Mayor Bill de Blasio expressed some optimism about the situation Saturday, tweeting that 91 percent of city employees had so far been vaccinated. The deadline for many workers to get at least one dose was Friday.

The NYPD reported that 84 percent of its employees, civilian and sworn, were vaccinated. The fire department’s figure was 80 percent, according to NBC New York.

Oct 262021

Published 38 mins ago on October 26, 2021  By Linda Slobodian

Mounties   Well, they’re taking a stand now, risking careers, possibly pensions, and who knows what other punishment the feds will conjure up, by offering Canadians hope and a means to fight for themselves.

To date, 45,000 people from the group Mounties for Freedom have signed an open letter

to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki protesting mandatory vaccines.

That number, comprised of fed-up people from diverse agencies across Canada, will likely increase by the time you finish reading this.

The October 21 letter, penned by RCMP members, expresses staunch opposition to Canadians being subjected to “forced coercive medical intervention.”

It calls upon Lucki to launch an investigation into how mandated health measures are made, demanding evidence that they’re reasonable, provable and legal, and claims these mandates would “not hold up under scrutiny” in court.

It demands the results of the investigation, should Lucki opt to use the law to get to the truth, be made public.

The rapidly growing number of signatures surpasses RCMP members and support staff levels standing at about 30,000 — not all of whom would have signed, of course.

But it isn’t only the Mounties signing up to protest mandatory vaccines and enforcement for both civil servants and members of the general public.

“We support the millions of Canadians who believe that all forced COVID mandates and Vaccine Passports are crimes against humanity,” states Mounties4Freedom, a new website that details who is on board.

Mounties4Freedom says it has partnered with diverse groups “united with a common goal — freedom of choice” and lists dozens of them.

They include Canada-wide members of law enforcement, fire services, corrections, armed forces, government agencies, public utilities, transportation, trades and unions, and health care workers.

Likely, members of these groups — as opposed to many of the agencies themselves — have endorsed the letter.

“Together we fight to defend our Charter Rights and Freedoms of choice, to ensure that we’re all treated with the same respect, dignity and consideration without discrimination or segregation today, tomorrow and for all future generations,” states Mounties for Freedom.

Across Canada, private-sector workers are distressed as they face taking the jab or losing their jobs.

About 267,000 federal civil servants must report vaccination status by October 29. Unvaccinated employees who haven’t received exemption will be put on administrative leave without pay and won’t qualify for employment insurance benefits.

Mounties for Freedom expressed concern that citizens will be put at risk due to a potential shortage of police in communities.

Lucki declined a request for an interview. But it appears she is undaunted by the letter.

“We are aware of the open letter and can confirm that in keeping with the government of Canada’s vaccine policy, at this time, we expect that regular members and reservists who are able will take steps to get their vaccines by the deadline,” Sgt. Caroline Duval, with RCMP headquarters media relations, told Western Standard.

“If a regular member is unwilling to be vaccinated and is placed on leave, the RCMP will take steps to ensure Canadians’ safety is not impacted by deploying vaccinated regular members and reservists as required.”

Media Relations Manager Fabrice de Dongo of the National Police Federation, which represents the RCMP, also declined to comment.

Mounties for Freedom clearly states it mission to oppose the “crimes against humanity” mandatory COVID-19 vaccines and vaccine passports pose.

It parallels what the federal government is doing to Canadians, to domestic abuse, which is “centered around power” and “physical, financial and emotional control.”

Indeed, the government gets to decide who can work and who cannot, and that everyone must take a jab, even those who don’t want to for numerous reasons.

“The federal government is currently displaying several of those traits with its own employees.”

An appeal was made to Lucki to “take a stand against the abuser.”

If Lucki doesn’t, it will cement widespread opinion that her allegiance lies with the federal government, and she obediently follows orders issued to her.

An appeal was also made to Lucki to not be loyal to “any public figure” but to stand up for Canadians and all members she represents — even those opposed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 mandates.

Many applaud Mounties for Freedom and have hopes that the group will stem the tide of evaporating freedoms.

Others criticize police for taking so long to stand up for Canadians who have been at the mercy of law enforcement officials carrying out harsh, ever-changing COVID orders, handing out fines, and slapping handcuffs on and even jailing ‘violators.”

Well, they’re taking a stand now, risking careers, possibly pensions, and who knows what other punishment the feds will conjure up, by offering Canadians hope and a means to fight for themselves.

Strength in numbers.

Oct 162021

John F. Kennedy

President John F. Kennedy
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City



Listen to the speech. Audio   View related documents. Folder


EXCERPT, high-lighted in the full text below, along with a 2nd paragraph:

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.”

― John F. Kennedy



Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen:

I appreciate very much your generous invitation to be here tonight.

You bear heavy responsibilities these days and an article I read some time ago reminded me of how particularly heavily the burdens of present day events bear upon your profession.

You may remember that in 1851 the New York Herald Tribune under the sponsorship and publishing of Horace Greeley, employed as its London correspondent an obscure journalist by the name of Karl Marx.

We are told that foreign correspondent Marx, stone broke, and with a family ill and undernourished, constantly appealed to Greeley and managing editor Charles Dana for an increase in his munificent salary of $5 per installment, a salary which he and Engels ungratefully labeled as the “lousiest petty bourgeois cheating.”

But when all his financial appeals were refused, Marx looked around for other means of livelihood and fame, eventually terminating his relationship with the Tribune and devoting his talents full time to the cause that would bequeath the world the seeds of Leninism, Stalinism, revolution and the cold war.

If only this capitalistic New York newspaper had treated him more kindly; if only Marx had remained a foreign correspondent, history might have been different. And I hope all publishers will bear this lesson in mind the next time they receive a poverty-stricken appeal for a small increase in the expense account from an obscure newspaper man.

I have selected as the title of my remarks tonight “The President and the Press.” Some may suggest that this would be more naturally worded “The President Versus the Press.” But those are not my sentiments tonight.

It is true, however, that when a well-known diplomat from another country demanded recently that our State Department repudiate certain newspaper attacks on his colleague it was unnecessary for us to reply that this Administration was not responsible for the press, for the press had already made it clear that it was not responsible for this Administration.

Nevertheless, my purpose here tonight is not to deliver the usual assault on the so-called one party press. On the contrary, in recent months I have rarely heard any complaints about political bias in the press except from a few Republicans. Nor is it my purpose tonight to discuss or defend the televising of Presidential press conferences. I think it is highly beneficial to have some 20,000,000 Americans regularly sit in on these conferences to observe, if I may say so, the incisive, the intelligent and the courteous qualities displayed by your Washington correspondents.

Nor, finally, are these remarks intended to examine the proper degree of privacy which the press should allow to any President and his family.

If in the last few months your White House reporters and photographers have been attending church services with regularity, that has surely done them no harm.

On the other hand, I realize that your staff and wire service photographers may be complaining that they do not enjoy the same green privileges at the local golf courses that they once did.

It is true that my predecessor did not object as I do to pictures of one’s golfing skill in action. But neither on the other hand did he ever bean a Secret Service man.

My topic tonight is a more sober one of concern to publishers as well as editors.

I want to talk about our common responsibilities in the face of a common danger. The events of recent weeks may have helped to illuminate that challenge for some; but the dimensions of its threat have loomed large on the horizon for many years. Whatever our hopes may be for the future–for reducing this threat or living with it–there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security–a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere of human activity.

This deadly challenge imposes upon our society two requirements of direct concern both to the press and to the President–two requirements that may seem almost contradictory in tone, but which must be reconciled and fulfilled if we are to meet this national peril. I refer, first, to the need for a far greater public information; and, second, to the need for far greater official secrecy.


The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.

But I do ask every publisher, every editor, and every newsman in the nation to reexamine his own standards, and to recognize the nature of our country’s peril. In time of war, the government and the press have customarily joined in an effort based largely on self-discipline, to prevent unauthorized disclosures to the enemy. In time of “clear and present danger,” the courts have held that even the privileged rights of the First Amendment must yield to the public’s need for national security.

Today no war has been declared–and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired.

If the press is awaiting a declaration of war before it imposes the self-discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger,” then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent.

It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions–by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.

Nevertheless, every democracy recognizes the necessary restraints of national security–and the question remains whether those restraints need to be more strictly observed if we are to oppose this kind of attack as well as outright invasion.

For the facts of the matter are that this nation’s foes have openly boasted of acquiring through our newspapers information they would otherwise hire agents to acquire through theft, bribery or espionage; that details of this nation’s covert preparations to counter the enemy’s covert operations have been available to every newspaper reader, friend and foe alike; that the size, the strength, the location and the nature of our forces and weapons, and our plans and strategy for their use, have all been pinpointed in the press and other news media to a degree sufficient to satisfy any foreign power; and that, in at least in one case, the publication of details concerning a secret mechanism whereby satellites were followed required its alteration at the expense of considerable time and money.

The newspapers which printed these stories were loyal, patriotic, responsible and well-meaning. Had we been engaged in open warfare, they undoubtedly would not have published such items. But in the absence of open warfare, they recognized only the tests of journalism and not the tests of national security. And my question tonight is whether additional tests should not now be adopted.

The question is for you alone to answer. No public official should answer it for you. No governmental plan should impose its restraints against your will. But I would be failing in my duty to the nation, in considering all of the responsibilities that we now bear and all of the means at hand to meet those responsibilities, if I did not commend this problem to your attention, and urge its thoughtful consideration.

On many earlier occasions, I have said–and your newspapers have constantly said–that these are times that appeal to every citizen’s sense of sacrifice and self-discipline. They call out to every citizen to weigh his rights and comforts against his obligations to the common good. I cannot now believe that those citizens who serve in the newspaper business consider themselves exempt from that appeal.

I have no intention of establishing a new Office of War Information to govern the flow of news. I am not suggesting any new forms of censorship or any new types of security classifications. I have no easy answer to the dilemma that I have posed, and would not seek to impose it if I had one. But I am asking the members of the newspaper profession and the industry in this country to reexamine their own responsibilities, to consider the degree and the nature of the present danger, and to heed the duty of self-restraint which that danger imposes upon us all.

Every newspaper now asks itself, with respect to every story: “Is it news?” All I suggest is that you add the question: “Is it in the interest of the national security?” And I hope that every group in America–unions and businessmen and public officials at every level– will ask the same question of their endeavors, and subject their actions to the same exacting tests.

And should the press of America consider and recommend the voluntary assumption of specific new steps or machinery, I can assure you that we will cooperate whole-heartedly with those recommendations.

Perhaps there will be no recommendations. Perhaps there is no answer to the dilemma faced by a free and open society in a cold and secret war. In times of peace, any discussion of this subject, and any action that results, are both painful and without precedent. But this is a time of peace and peril which knows no precedent in history.


It is the unprecedented nature of this challenge that also gives rise to your second obligation–an obligation which I share. And that is our obligation to inform and alert the American people–to make certain that they possess all the facts that they need, and understand them as well–the perils, the prospects, the purposes of our program and the choices that we face.

No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.

I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers–I welcome it. This Administration intends to be candid about its errors; for as a wise man once said: “An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.” We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors; and we expect you to point them out when we miss them.

Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed–and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment– the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution- -not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply “give the public what it wants”–but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.

This means greater coverage and analysis of international news–for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improved understanding of the news as well as improved transmission. And it means, finally, that government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security–and we intend to do it.


It was early in the Seventeenth Century that Francis Bacon remarked on three recent inventions already transforming the world: the compass, gunpowder and the printing press. Now the links between the nations first forged by the compass have made us all citizens of the world, the hopes and threats of one becoming the hopes and threats of us all. In that one world’s efforts to live together, the evolution of gunpowder to its ultimate limit has warned mankind of the terrible consequences of failure.

And so it is to the printing press–to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news–that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.

Oct 092021

This is a two-part posting:

  1.    Template, EMPLOYEE to his employer  (happens to be a Credit Union)

Part 1 of 2:   (appears Below)

2.  Template, customer/client (me) to the Business (a different Credit Union in this case)

Part 2 of 2: go to  Customer letter to a Business:  forced inoculation of employees is too fascist/nazi-ist for me.    https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25869

A valuable supporting document:  Lawyer Jeffrey Rath, letter to College of Physicians and Surgeons demanding resignations over mandated vaccines        https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25917


The employee created an opportunity.  We went into immediate action.  And now invite you to join the party!

A younger fellow with a family – – both he and his wife are worried that they are about to lose their jobs because of forced inoculation in the workplace.


PREFACE,   the employee writes:

I sent this to the GM/CEO yesterday (October 4, 2021).  I heard that another credit union in this area is mandating so I expect mine to follow.

I hope to find a bank/credit union that doesn’t mandate because I will be taking my funds and business there.





Word it however you like.

I am told that you intend to implement a policy that employees must have a specific medical treatment (a covid 19 inoculation) in order to maintain their employment.

I urge you not to implement such a policy.

This medical treatment is in direct contradiction to my religious beliefs and my creed. Both are explicitly protected by Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and other principles and laws that are fundamental to the functioning of a free society.

In addition, an unwanted injection is the equivalent of a physical assault, an assault on my body, which is a criminal act.

Mandatory inoculations are an affront! There are other creatures in this world that are unwillingly injected with man-made substances. These creatures are mostly livestock and experimental testing animals. Which category are you trying to put me in? Man was made in God’s image, not a cow’s image, not a pig’s image, not a mouse’s image and not a rhesus monkey’s image.

The mandatory inoculation of a man/woman reduces them to the level of an animal (or a slave if you prefer, or even a prisoner at Auschwitz if we’re looking at recent history. Nuremberg included doctors trials and convictions out of which came medical codes of ethics. People have sovereignty over their own bodies.)

Covid-19 turned out not to be especially fatal to Canadians. The initial predictions were of a fatality rate of around 3.5%. Maybe it would have been worse here if we were malnourished, polluted or otherwise unhealthy but that is not the reality.

An internet search reports that 27,921 Canadians have died with covid so far but that is of a population of around 38,000,000. That is only 0.073% of the population or about 1/50th of the 3.5% prediction.

Upon learning of the covid threat my household took steps to look after our health and when we contracted covid in mid-December of 2020 we were not especially affected other than feeling poorly for a couple days. We isolated over Christmas (of our own free will and responsibility) and lost our sense of smell until well into 2021.

Because I have had covid, I am now blessed with a natural resistance to covid that is superior to what an inoculation can provide.

The covid inoculations are not risk free. Bodily harm, including death, can and does result from these inoculations. This is under-reported in Canadian media, although for example, the myocarditis and thrombosis (heart) associated with the inoculations was on some TV News in the last few days.

To be coerced or forced into a medical procedure against my desires is not different to me than a physical or sexual assault and may actually be more damaging since the perpetrator is supposed to be someone who can be trusted.

I do not believe that God wants me to deal with unrepentant evil murdering criminals and nor do I want to. Most of the manufacturers of the covid inoculations are convicted felons who have paid unfathomable (to me) fines for the pain and suffering they have knowingly caused with their products.

They have no liability for any harm and suffering their covid inoculations cause. In no way, shape or form do I wish to support, financially or otherwise, such people! I have no reason to believe the ones who have not been convicted yet are any different and I reserve my trust until it is legitimately earned. Traditionally, most inoculations take 10-15 years to develop and test, so this trust cannot be earned before the year 2031.

I have responsibilities to my spouse, my children, my family and my employer. These responsibilities include staying healthy and not wittingly becoming a burden to them. According to U.S. government tracking, these inoculations are the most dangerous inoculations since records were kept starting in the 1980’s. I should not take an action against my will that can turn me into a burden on others.

I urge you to re-consider any policy to make covid inoculation a condition of employment.

Thank-you for your consideration.

Oct 092021

This is a two-part posting:


    1. Template, EMPLOYEE to his employer

Part 1 of 2:   An opportunity: communicate with your employer re forced inoculation as a condition of employment              https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25849

2.  Template, customer/client (me) to the Business

Part 2 of 2:  (appears Below)

A valuable supporting document:  Lawyer Jeffrey Rath, letter to College of Physicians and Surgeons demanding resignations over mandated vaccines        https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25917


The employee created an opportunity.  We went into immediate action.  And now invite you to join the party!

A younger fellow with a family – – both he and his wife are worried that they are about to lose their jobs because of forced inoculation in the workplace.

2.   forced inoculation of employees is too fascist/nazi-ist for me.    https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25869

Start with a bit of STRATEGY:

Subject: RE: Action re Credit Unions that haven’t yet set Policy: employees inoculate

. . .    An alternate strategy.   Instead of ASKING:  think this

The staff at the Credit Union might be conflicted themselves.  And it takes time to ~~~ yah dah yah da, respond to you.

I just hit the send on a communication to the Manager of a Credit Union  (copy below)

He (could be she) doesn’t have to reply to me (saves them time).  (UPDATE:  they replied.)   And they might be freer to actually DO SOMETHING.  Have a private phone conversation with someone, whatever.)

I WANT THEM to send the word up the hill to Credit Union Central.  They will have more impact there, than me.

(INSERT:  that didn’t happen, but it’s okay. The particular Credit Union is not going to mandate employees be vaccinated – not because of my email.  That’s okay, too.  I have a better sense of what’s going on.)

From: (Credit Union Manager)
Sent: October 5, 2021
Subject: RE: RE; forced vaccination of employees

Thank you for your email Sandra.  Our Credit Union does not have a policy that requires employees to be vaccinated. As this is such a polarizing topic and I know we have many of our members with competing views, I will respectfully stay out of the rest of the discussion.

– – – – – – – – –


(Ach!  I don’t think this works as a template.  You are welcome to anything that’s useful.  Copy and paste.  /S)

From: Sandra Finley
Sent: October 5, 2021
To: (The Credit Union)

Subject: RE forced inoculation of employees

TO:  (name) General Manager, (name) Credit Union

Dear (name),

Before implementation of a Policy to require that employees be vaccinated,  if that is a possibility,  I urge you to read the submission appended, from a CU employee, to his CU.

Further to that, I think there is a chance the CU’s will be caught off-guard in their response to covid, because of the level of propaganda being pumped out.

I do not know if you saw this news re propaganda around covid:  it’s from the Ottawa Citizen.  David Pugliese is one of the few (or only) Canadian journalists that covers the Military.  His work is reliable and strong.

2021-09-27 Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says  Ottawa Citizen        https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25783

The news of the Military involvement is just the icing on the propaganda cake.

Every generation is a little further away from understanding how it happened that Germany fell into the clutches of Hitler.

You are a bit closer to, but distanced by geography from what happened, for example in Hungary under the Communists.

You may not fully understand the power of propaganda.  I don’t know your family history (European?).  But you might have a degree in Business Administration.  Students of Bus Admin will have received some instruction on “marketing”, or whatever it’s called today.  Advertising is a form of propaganda, not necessarily bad.   As with everything, it depends on “in whose hands” and “for what purpose”.  Severed from the ethical, it can be insidious.

Because of the Nuremberg Code (I do not know if, through your schooling or interests, you know the Nuremberg Trials),  I expect you will find yourself on the wrong side of the Law if you mandate employees to be inoculated.   I say that, not as a threat, but because I think you would want to know, if you don’t.

You may know that there are court challenges in Canada over forced inoculation.  It unfortunately takes a long while for the challenges to work their way through the Court system.

The Credit Unions, in general,  should know the potential for vaccine mandate Policies to cause a loss of business.  . . .   Because of the rampant propaganda  (demonization) of other views, I think the broader public does not understand the extent of the resistance.

If the resistance was understood,  there would be no surprise that the PPC (People’s Party of Canada) was the major beneficiary of the Election, in terms of percentage vote increase.   I dismiss the party leader, Maxime Bernier.  But I know of at least one good PPC candidate.   I believe he stepped up to run for one reason only – – “single plank politics”  – – forced inoculation is a serious threat to democracy.  There are likely other PPC candidates like him.

I was surprised.  The analysis of election results by the pundits (ones I happened to hear) did not ascribe ANY of the surge in votes for the PPC to that central plank.  It was so obvious – – All the other parties succumbed to the fear campaign over covid.  The PPC was alone in resistance to forced inoculation.  No surprise they attracted adherents; no place else to park their votes, if they felt strongly about the single plank issue – – forced inoculation.

A specific purpose of propaganda is to inflate perceived successes, and diss every detractor.  Use the tendency to stereotype to create enemies.  Stereotyping is easy for us all – – but you risk not understanding the picture, if you don’t at least listen a little.  A successful propaganda campaign divorces people from reality;  use stereotyping, it’s easy.

I wish you well.  Please read on – – the letter submitted by an employee to his CU employer follows.

Yours truly.   – – –

Template letter by employee to his employer)

Part 1 of 2:   An opportunity: communicate with your employer re forced inoculation as a condition of employment              https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25849

Sep 292021


Sent: September 29, 2021 
Subject: Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says, Ottawa Citizen
  1.   How is this for a shocker?

2021-09-27 Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says  Ottawa Citizen    https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25783

– – – – – – –

2.   Some propaganda de-construction, in case you want practice:

2021-09-27 LA School District video de-constructed by a hypnotist.  Plus Aldous Huxley interview & narration of Brave New World         https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25781

– – – – – – –

3.   2021-09-22 Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Who’s Fighting Back, and How? includes video, commentary by Russell Brand   https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25773


Subject: For your selection Sept 23

Hi Everyone,

The conclusions of both these Pediatricians (Dr. Eric Payne and Dr. Michael Vila – – Canadian, from Calgary) are based on well-researched and foot-noted submissions to medical bodies.

The full submissions are available through the link; they are equally compelling.

Their patients are children, and both men have young families.


I copied the CONCLUSIONS of Dr. Vila below.

The efforts to stop what’s going on is global and strong.

Busy people are forwarding information.

It is the best support we can give these two doctors.

They are in for a very tough ride.

The knives are already out to get them.


RE:  #4, Sept 19, below – –  Indian Bar Association sues WHO scientist over Ivermectin, it is an important development,  well researched and documented.


1.      2021-09-22 The submissions of now TWO ALBERTA PEDIATRICIANS challenge the mandated covid vaccination


Dr. Vila’s:

In conclusion, the mRNA vaccines brought forward for the prevention of COVID have been shown to be significantly less effective than natural infection in preventing subsequent infection. Surrogate markers of transmissibility via Ct values demonstrate no difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. The vaccines are no longer as effective as they were during Pfizer and Moderna’s trials, falling to as low as 39%, below the threshold required for FDA approval. Adverse events related to COVID have only been studied in the short term, despite evidence from other vaccines that significant events can occur months or years later. Antibody-dependent enhancement is a considerate risk within this vaccine, especially when comparing SARS-CoV-2 to its closest genetic virus SARS-CoV, which showed devastating injury in non-human primates, and can be driving more severe outcomes within the population at large with respect to later variants, on top of driving further variant evolution. Reporting of adverse events is historically severely underreported, and within the pediatric population, these events clearly exceed the burden of disease. The most severe outcomes within pediatrics have not been appropriately studied as the timeline after vaccination is too short, the biodistribution data is not expansive (and often not being done at all) and yet still concerning with respect to accumulation in various organs, and rat models showing decreased fertility. Finally, the pediatric population is NOT seeing significant severe outcomes in general, and certainly not when compared to other respiratory illnesses, and are NOT drivers of transmission either.

Throughout my professional career, I have always been an advocate for the pediatric population and now, it is more important than ever that we all recognize that the risks of these vaccines in pediatrics outweigh the benefits, as I have demonstrated above. Government decisions as well as the media have rendered those who look at the science as “anti-vaxxers”, whereas that label couldn’t be further from the truth.

I expect our leaders to stand up for our children and adolescents, and request that they remove the “safe and effective” label as it pertains to vaccinating our children with experimental vaccines.

They are NEITHER safe, NOR effective in this population. 

I do not want to my nursing colleagues and friends to have any more on their plate than they already do. I would never wish anything but the best for those who truly are the glue in our health care system and the reason why our hospital is such an amazing place and so well-respected. I feel the stress for them as they are re-deployed through all this. I certainly do not want to see the adult intensive care units to be at or near capacity. But the message that the vaccine is the way out is WRONG, and this has been the case throughout the pandemic. We must listen to the science and recognize NATURAL IMMUNITY. It is the safest and best path forward. For ourselves, and especially for our children. Starting with that recognition like Israel and the European Union is a critical first step.

Thank you for reading my letter above and taking its contents with the utmost serious attention it deserves. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss any aspects of it further. Let us not forget what we’ve all been trained to do, and realize that good science requires dialogue and debate. Those of us who see the evidence as I have pointed out should not be ostracized, but welcomed.

– – – – – – – – – – – –

2.      2021-09-22 C19 – Florida Surgeon General: “completely reject fear as a way of making policies in public health.’ 



3.      2021-09 Civil Disobedience     https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25742


4.      2021-09-15 Vaccination, forced compliance: Dr Eric Payne, paediatric neurologist Submission to Alberta College of Physicians & Surgeons.      https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25723


5.      2021-08-24 Understand the dance behind “approved” and “Emergency Use Authorization” for Vaccines.    https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25720


6.      2021-09-13 Response to Biden’s ‘Declaration of War Against Unvaccinated’      https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25718


7.      2021-09-13 SK Emergency Planning Act, Minister’s Order signed Sept 13th (Vaccinations)

https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25685       I found this Minister’s Order quite shocking. So did lots of people in Saskatchewan. Heads-Up.  Often, legislation is shared among Provinces.  

UPDATE:   There is now a facebook group Saskatchewan Citizens Against Mandatory Vaccinations;  it already has over 9,700 members (Sept 23).  https://m.facebook.com/groups/saskcamv/    (I could not find the group by doing a search on Facebook;  had to use the URL.)


8.      2021-09-20 Fight to keep water      https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25748         which is related to

2021-08-30 40 Million People Rely on the Colorado River, But It’s Drying Up Fast. What Happens Next?         (https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25606)


Sent on Sept 19.  
  1. “In the streets”  is a brief report on Sept 18th Protest in Toronto from a friend, one of  “thousands” who attended.  Also, there’s input from Dan.

2021-09-19 In the streets        https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25705

– – – – – – – – –

  1. “God on Covid”  over 2,000,000 views in a short time. What’s drawing people to it?

Eric Clapton explains how isolated he felt, his concern for his family, the rifts created ~~~

2021-07-24 GOD on COVID: Eric Clapton discusses his “Disastrous” Vaccine Experience     


– – – – – – – – –

  1. The following two are related.  The second one has the numbers and story behind what happened in India. The suing of the WHO scientist draws on the “doctors trials” that were part of the Nuremberg trials.  Not only the fellows who ran the gas chambers and crematoriums were prosecuted and jailed.

2021-09  The Ivermectin Deworming Hoax – Part II: Eric Clapton’s Human Rights Warning



4.   2021 updated 09-08 Indian Bar Association sues WHO scientist over Ivermectin     https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25688

Related excerpt from “In the streets” by Dan:

India is all but deleted from the headlines now that Delta has come and gone. And the evidence that Ivermectin helped has gone unreported completely.

It was good to see that mainstream was caught red-handed spreading the lie about poison control centres dealing with a rash of IVM (Ivermectin) poisoning calls, and the story of the hospital that had so many IVM poisoning cases that people with gunshot wounds were being turned away.

That wire story went all around the world instantly, in every mainstream media source. And since it has been proven to be a blatant lie, a few have added retractions … but the damage is done and I doubt very much the puny retraction is even being viewed since the story is now buried. Here is a decent recap … https://twitter.com/DrewHolden360/status/1434591443855753220?s=08

Hope full that the case against the WHO doctor moves forward.

– – – – – – – – –

  1. An animated video by Vandana Shiva.

2021-03-16 Vandana Shiva, Divide & Rule.


= = = = = = = = = = = =

Sent on Sept 14 


Item #6 is an update on the Colorado River, with important implications for Canada.

  1. Special importance:

Vaccines:  From Okanagan Health Professionals, B.C. Canada:  Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, and Premier John Horgan   (https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25677)


2.      2021-09-13 Vaccine passports are a tipping point.     (https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25672)


3.       2021-09-09 Julius Ruechel: Under the Shadow of Damocles’ Sword: Forcing Employers to Put Their Fingerprints on Tyranny (an update on Constable Adrienne Gilvesy’s fight against mandatory vaccination)       (https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25663)


4.       2021-08-24 Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Tara Swart on How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind



5.     2021-09-08 Vaccine Passports,  Quebec  thousands take to the streets, Labour Day Weekend Protest



6.      2021-08-30 40 Million People Rely on the Colorado River, But It’s Drying Up Fast. What Happens Next?   




Sep 222021

(To generate a list of most recent postings, click on “The Battles” in upper left corner.)

  1.  Pediatrician Eric Payne made a detailed, foot-noted submission to the Alberta College of Physicians & Surgeons that challenges mandated vaccination.

2021-09-15    Vaccination, forced compliance: Dr Eric Payne, paediatric neurologist Submission to Alberta College of Physicians & Surgeons.

Note:  some person who doesn’t like healthy children, tampered with Dr. Payne’s submission.  I happened, through networks, to receive both the tampered and the actual submission.  See the above link.

NOTE:  the attenuants and adjuvants used in vaccine manufacture (boric acid just one example) are not widely known:

2020-06-10  If I am making a choice about a vaccine, I want to know this.


AND NOW, with thanks to Lyle for sending Dr. Vila’s submission.





2.  Pediatrician Michael Vila  detailed his concerns with the vaccine in a submission to Alberta Health Services (AHS).

2021-09-21 Dr Vila Letter to AHS vaccine mandate

Copy of the text:

September 21, 2021

COVID vaccine mandate


To Whom It May Concern,

I am not an “anti-vaxxer”. I am not a conspiracy theorist. I agree with, and abide by public health measures that can reduce the COVID burden on the community and on health care. Furthermore, in my position as a hospital-based pediatrician for 11 plus years, I have consistently and successfully advocated for children to be vaccinated when their parents are hesitant to do so, often educating them about the risks and benefits of vaccines and correcting any misinformation they may have. That being said, I am strongly opposed to the vaccine mandate that AHS has put forth.

I am hospital-based pediatrician who consistently uses evidence to support my medical decision-making and provide the best care to the patients I care for. I am a father of four amazing boys. And every day, I work as hard as possible to be the best pediatrician and father I can be. These are my raisons d’être. I have received every vaccine available to me since birth, including influenza vaccines annually. My boys, aged 7-13, have also received every vaccine, including influenza annually, not because they’re high risk, but because the science is clear that the benefit outweighs the risk. And this is how most of us practice medicine. We look to the gold standard if one exists, we search and critically analyze the evidence where it exists, and we balance the risks and benefits of every investigation and treatment we offer.  I practice medicine this way, and teach my children to use this method in their lives to help guide their decision-making.

Once the various iterations of the COVID vaccine were announced, I was hopeful of a return to normalcy from the times pre-COVID, as did most people. However, I was reticent given the paucity of long-term data regarding the safety of these vaccines, especially in children. I was simultaneously weighing the risk of me getting COVID vs the risk of novel mRNA vaccines. This is why I hadn’t been vaccinated at the outset of vaccine availability. The more I read the data, the more hesitant I was. Until I decided, based on my review of the literature, in a very informed way that I was taught throughout medical school and residency, that my risk from COVID was significantly less than the risk from the vaccines. That was my personal choice, and an informed and educated one.  I work at Alberta Children’s Hospital, and I would be remiss to not mention that the care of my patients obviously play a role in this decision-making also. Should we have seen a large volume of hospitalizations within the pediatric population, or if it had been obvious and supported by the evidence that being vaccinated reduced transmissibility to my patients, I would have adjusted my decision to reflect that. But the more I read the data, the more I realized that not to be the case, so I remained steadfast in my decision to not get this novel vaccine. When it was announced that COVID vaccines would be mandatory within Alberta, I was shocked. Nevertheless, the emergence of the DELTA variant resulting in increasing hospitalizations and severe disease, in conjunction with this mandate, provided me with the opportunity to further review the latest data. The data is clear in not supporting such a mandate and I will explain this below.

I recognize that this goes against public perception and more importantly, places me in the minority of physicians that have gone above and beyond listening to epidemiologists and other experts and have looked at the data myself. This stance risks my professional reputation among my colleagues who think everyone should be vaccinated but have neither the time, nor the energy to review the evidence themselves. That I am risking being unable to work in what I have always thought of as a dream, with the population I’m caring for, being able to teach medical students and residents, in this hospital environment which I absolutely love for the people who make this institution truly amazing, should highlight the level of dedication I have to this cause and the emphasis I am placing on it.

I will demonstrate below that natural immunity is far superior to vaccine immunity in terms of future infection risk, discuss the risk of transmission between those vaccinated and unvaccinated, and then show vaccine effectiveness and adverse event data. I will then discuss 2 potential disastrous adverse consequences of the vaccine with respect to Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and biodistribution data. Lastly, because I am a hospital-based pediatrician and have always been an advocate for the pediatric population, I will demonstrate why this vaccine should not be administered to the pediatric population as the risks, including long-term risks, far outweigh any potential benefits.


Natural immunity vs vaccine coverage

In Israel, the largest real-world study looking at natural vs vaccine-induced immunity had over 32,000 participants, half of whom were unvaccinated, and compared their rates of re-infection vs the other half who were vaccinated and had breakthrough infections, adjusting for the time the infection/vaccine took place, ensuring all were in Jan/Feb 2021. After adjusting for comorbidities, there is a 13.06-fold increased risk of breakthrough infection (vaccinated) vs re-infection (previous infection) in the asymptomatic group. When looking at symptomatic groups, the difference is even higher, demonstrating a 27.02-fold increased risk of breakthrough infection vs re-infection. When not adjusting for time of first exposure to either vaccine or first infection (ie. infection occurring anytime between March 2020 and Feb 2021), the results still favored natural immunity, showing a 5.96-fold increased risk of breakthrough infection vs re-infection, and 7.13-fold increased risk in the symptomatic breakthrough group compared to the symptomatic re-infected group. Adding one dose of the vaccine after being infected, resulted in a meagre (and not statistically significant) 0.53-fold decreased risk of re-infection in the 1-dose vaccine group.1

This is why in Israel, one of the first countries to implement widespread immunizations, develop one of the most robust contact tracing systems, and implement vaccine passports, their passport includes those who are vaccinated and also those who have recovered from the virus, thereby demonstrating that natural immunity can be just as protective, if not more protective than the vaccine.2 The European Union similarly accepts evidence of previous infection as immunity in its digital COVID certificate.3

Furthermore, in Qatar, a study following 43,000 antibody positive individuals over 35 weeks, documented that the efficacy of a previous natural COVID infection against re-infection is between 93-99%.4 

The NIH and WHO both independently report that this protection from natural immunity last for at least 6-8 months (8 months is the longest period studied to date).5-6



I cannot know for certain the impetus for the vaccine mandate within AHS. I would hope that the mandate was invoked to protect the patient population that we care for, with the notion that being vaccinated will prevent or reduce transmissibility. However, what I will demonstrate is the lack of scientific data to support it.

Previous studies have suggested that Ct values of ~30 or lower are consistent with the recovery of infectious virus in biological specimens, an indication of potential contagiousness and thus transmission to others. 7-9

A study out of the University of Wisconsin studied 699 swabs between June 29 and July 31, 2021 when the Delta variant was the predominant strain, increasing from 69% to 95% of all swabs over that time period. Within their symptomatic subset, they found low Ct values (<25) in 212 of 310 fully vaccinated (68%) vs 246 of 389 (63%) of unvaccinated individuals. Within the asymptomatic subset, Ct values of <25 were found in 9 of 11 fully vaccinated (82%) vs 7 of 24 unvaccinated (29%) individuals.10 The latter must be interpreted with caution given the low numbers, but the numbers are low because asymptomatic people are less likely to get tested at present. Nevertheless, this data clearly shows that the viral load of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is at the very least, not statistically significant in demonstrating that vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the virus.

A similar study out of a Massachusetts outbreak found 469 + COVID cases, 74% of whom were fully vaccinated, approximating local and national figures for immunization status.  Within this study, Ct values for the fully vaccinated had a median of 22.77, not statistically different from those were unvaccinated where the median was 21.54.11

A multicenter trial in Singapore on hospitalized patients shows a similar lack of difference in Ct values between vaccinated (Ct mean 19.2) and non-vaccinated (Ct mean 18.8) symptomatic patients.12

In a large Johns Hopkins study, no significant differences were observed between vaccinated and unvaccinated Ct values in either the Alpha or Delta lineages.13

While there seems to be significant evidence to suggest that the current mRNA vaccines prevent serious outcomes in terms of morbidity and mortality (although at similar effectiveness to a previous COVID infection), it does not alter transmissibility, so the decision for a vaccine, especially from an informed educated healthcare worker, should rest within that individual and must not be mandated. And that doesn’t even consider the waning immunity of the vaccine, or the decreased effectiveness of the vaccine against the Delta variant.


Vaccine effectiveness

Delta is clearly more transmissible than the previous variants. A Johns Hopkins study looked at over 200,000 COVID samples with 2,785 + samples tested for variants. When compared with Alpha variant, Delta has statistically significant increase in breakthrough infections (28% vs 12.4%). Most importantly, when vaccine breakthrough infection cases were compared to the unvaccinated patients in the Alpha and Delta groups, no significant differences in the likelihood of COVID related hospital admissions were observed.13

Epidemiological analysis by Israel’s public health services show marked decline in vaccine effectiveness in preventing infection (39%,14 down from 64% just 2 weeks prior15) and symptomatic illness (41%,14 down from 64% 2 weeks prior15) from Delta variant.

A large Mayo clinic study looking at over 25,000 vaccinated patients demonstrated that effectiveness of both Moderna and Pfizer waned, going from 86% and 76% respective effectiveness against COVID infection in January to 76% and 42% effectiveness against infection in July.16 It’s important to note here that the FDA has set a 50% effectiveness threshold for approving a COVID vaccine.17              

The CDC’s own study of frontline workers similarly shows that vaccine effectiveness (65% got Pfizer and 33% Moderna of the 4200 participants) dropped from 91% pre-Delta predominance to 66% once Delta was the predominant variant.18

In summary, data from Israel and Mayo clinic show that the mRNA vaccines, especially Pfizer, wouldn’t even be approved currently because its lack of effectiveness. And yet, shockingly, we’ve now moved into mandating it!!


Vaccine adverse events

               Historically, vaccine adverse events are vastly underreported. Lazarus et. Al19 demonstrated that less than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. The Public Health Agency of Canada’s Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS) and Health Canada’s Canada Vigilance program have been providing surveillance in Canada for COVID vaccine related adverse events. Up to September 3, 2021, for all ages, there have been a total of 14,702 events (27.8 per 100,000 doses). Of the 14,702 reports, 3,967 were considered serious (7.5 per 100,000 doses).20

Specifically, a large multi-center trial involving 40 hospitals across 4 states demonstrated the risk of myocarditis or pericarditis post-vaccine is 2.8 per 100,000.21 Although that number appears low, it is a statistically significant increase compared to pre-COVID vaccine rate, where the mean monthly number of myocarditis was 16.9 vs 27.3 during the vaccine period; the mean monthly number of pericarditis in the pre-vaccine period was 49.1 vs 78.8 during the vaccine period. 21

Please consider the hospitalization risk from COVID infection among the pediatric population. The cumulative risk from the start of the pandemic is 49.7 per 100,000.22

The key points are that the adverse events reporting is significantly underreported, so the true serious adverse events are much higher than reported. Even if we suppose that reporting is higher than 1%, even if it was 10%, the true incidence of serious adverse events would be approximately 75 per 100,000, much higher than the hospitalization rates in the pediatric population. Furthermore, the cumulative hospitalization risk includes cases from February 2020, while adverse events after the vaccine were from after February 2021, a full year later.

It is very important to note that the adverse events being reported are obviously short-term and temporally related to the vaccine. Many of the adverse events in pediatrics can be mid- to long-term. It is obviously very difficult to follow long-term events from vaccines as this would be resource-intensive and there has historically been very little motivation from vaccine producers and regulators to make resources available for such studies.

An example of such a long-term event would be the thrombotic events that have been known to be an adverse event of these mRNA vaccines. Micro-clots that would be insufficient to cause observable symptoms could certainly raise the baseline for thrombotic disease and future significant events.23

Examples of long-term vaccine adverse events include HBV vaccine leading to increased development of multiple sclerosis up to and beyond 3 years later24-25, HPV vaccine and development of primary ovarian failure within 2 years of the vaccine26, and HiB vaccine and insulin-dependent diabetes occurring in clusters approximately 38 months after vaccination27.

Lastly, in a recent Phase III study performed in the pediatric population, the Pfizer vaccine was tested on a group of 2,260 children, aged 12-15 years, with no prior clinical signs of COVID infection.28 Within this study, only 1,005 children were given the vaccine, which would obviously miss any potential adverse events, even very serious ones, if the rate of such an event was less common than 1 in 1,000. So even if there was a 1 in 1,200 risk of severe outcome such as death, this Phase III study would not capture it!!


Antibody-Dependent Enhancement

Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is a critical issue within the COVID vaccine. This is a phenomenon in which an antibody actually facilitates entry of the pathogen into a host allowing for higher virus production, while also suppressing cellular innate antiviral immune responses, and consequently exacerbating the disease from this pathogen.29 We have seen real world evidence of this with Dengue virus30-34, and in fact, we have seen that the dengue vaccine CYD-TDV was not approved in under 9 year-olds because immunization in the 2-5 year old group showed ADE and increased hospitalization in the 3rd year of follow-up.35-37  It is also seen in RSV with enhanced disease after administration of the first vaccine developed against it.38-40 

Most importantly, ADE has been shown in the SARS-CoV immunization. SARS-CoV is approximately 80% genetically identical to SARS-CoV-2.41 In vitro studies demonstrated ADE by observing that antibodies specific to the viral surface spike protein enhanced viral infection of immune cells.41-45 In animals vaccinated with SARS-CoV, mouse studies have similarly shown enhanced immunopathology41,46-48, as have cat studies49-51. Further, immunization of macaques enhanced pulmonary infiltration and resulted in more severe lung injury compared to unvaccinated animals.52

ADE has been demonstrated to occur in the virus most genetically similar to SARS-CoV-2 from a vaccine that utilizes the spike protein just like the mRNA vaccines we are using now! Moreover, the lesson learned from the preschool age group in Dengue demonstrates that long-term studies are required to identify ADE.


               Biodistribution Data

               The S1 antigen was found in the plasma in 11 of 13 participants who had received their first mRNA vaccine, while not identifying nucleocapsid antigen, thereby demonstrating that the S1 antigen of the vaccine is circulating throughout the body, and without evidence of prior natural infection.53 S1 subunit of the spike protein was also found to cross the blood-brain barrier and was thus found in the brain parenchyma, as well as in the lung, spleen, kidney and liver of injected mice.54

An open letter from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which is the agency of the European Union dedicated to the evaluation and supervision of medicinal products, notes that nonclinical pharmacokinetic studies such as biodistribution studies are not required to support the development and authorization of vaccines for infectious diseases.55 I can understand this rationale as it would be more relevant to look at clinical outcomes, but when long-term outcomes do not exist in the setting of a novel vaccine, biodistribution can be used as a surrogate marker to understand potential long-term outcomes. For example, if we show biodistribution and accumulation in the brain or reproductive organs, it would obviously affect the risk-benefit ratio that many use to decide whether to get vaccinated.

Pfizer’s own surrogate study of distribution in animals confirms biodistribution to the liver and plasma.56 A Pfizer Confidential study also demonstrated accumulation in adrenal glands, liver, spleen, bone marrow, and ovaries.57 Similarly, Moderna’s own surrogate studies of distribution show inflammatory changes in the spleen and lymph nodes58, as well as in subcutaneous tissue, dermis, epidermis, skeletal muscle, and perineural tissue.59

Most concerningly, within the EMA’s Assessment Report on Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, there is demonstration of decreased fertility in rats that were vaccinated, with an overall pregnancy index that was lower in mRNA-1273 vaccinated female rats (84.1%), compared to control animals (93.2%).59

So why are we not looking at biodistribution data as a marker until more time has elapsed and we can fully understand the impact on reproduction?? Especially in the adolescent population where the known risks of these vaccines already far outweigh the benefits!


Vaccine in the pediatric population

One of the most comprehensive early studies showed that the majority of the pediatric population suffers only mild disease (83%), while 13% are asymptomatic and only 3% presenting with severe disease.60 Other studies have revealed the asymptomatic rate in children to be 26% in the US61, 36% in Alberta62, 22% in Korea63.

During the period when the Delta variant became the predominant strain, the weekly hospitalization rate was only 1.4 per 100,000 children. When we look at cumulative COVID-associated hospitalizations, not mentioning anything about their reasons for admission, nor whether they had COVID-associated presentations, only COVID positivity, the cumulative risk for hospitalization is still only 49.7 per 100,000 from March 1, 2020 through August 14, 2021.22  Looking deeper into hospitalization rates with COVID positivity, the CDC has shown that from Jan-March, 2021, only 54% were thought to be COVID related. Within that segment of presumed COVID-related admissions, 71% had > 1 significant underlying medical condition, and yet still, the median length of stay in hospital was only 2.4 days.64

Adolescents (12-17) specifically have been described, by the CDC’s data, to have a cumulative hospitalization rate associated with COVID of 63.7 per 100,000. When we break down this down into the weekly hospitalization rate rather than the rate since the pandemic started, we can then further examine the difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, and their weekly hospitalization rate is 0.1 vs 0.8 per 100,000 respectively.22

Given the asymptomatic positive rates in pediatrics, and studies like the CDC looking at COVID-related vs COVID-associated admissions, we can see that most studies are clearly overreporting the hospitalization rates. The vaccination data becomes much less robust, because although adolescents still have a higher rate of hospitalization when unvaccinated, the weekly hospitalization rates for symptomatic patients who are hospitalized with COVID symptoms becomes somewhere in the range of 0.05 per 100,000 in the vaccinated to 0.4 per 100,000 in the unvaccinated.

Of note, severe disease has been relatively unaffected by the Delta variant in pediatrics, where approximately 23% of those hospitalization required ICU admission with Delta compared to 27% with previous variants.65


Hospitalization Rates of other viral RTIs

A German study looking at cumulative hospitalization rates over 1 season in all pediatric patients demonstrated the rates for Influenza A to be 53 per 100,000, Influenza B to be 16 per 100,000 and RSV to be 165 per 100,000.66

The CDC cumulative hospitalization rates (and average weekly rates, with 28 weeks in a reporting season) for influenza are 41.8 per 100,000 for the 2019-2020 season (1.5 per 100,000 average weekly rate), 33.8 per 100,000 for the 2018-2019 season (1.2 per 100,000 average weekly rate), 33.5 per 100,000 for the 2017-2018 season (1.2 per 100,000 average weekly rate).67

We are requiring adolescents to be vaccinated to go to restaurants, concerts, museums, movie theatres, and even playing hockey, among other restrictions, when their weekly rate of being hospitalized related to COVID while being unvaccinated is 0.4 per 100,000!!! This is approximately one third of the risk of hospitalization from influenza!!! And it is likely an overestimation given what myself and all of us are seeing at Alberta Children’s Hospital, that the burden of COVID-caused disease is much lower than for other respiratory viruses in years past.


Pediatric Transmissibility

The current mandates within the pediatric population certainly imply that those governing these mandates are attempting to protect children from severe disease, which I’ve described above as a very rare phenomenon above. Therefore, the only other plausible rationale for the mandates would be to limit transmissibility to the population at large. While children are certainly theoretically at risk of spreading respiratory viruses given their community contact during school or extra-curricular activities, the data does NOT support that.

A meta-analysis examining the role of children in COVID transmission revealed that only 3.8% of all transmission clusters were identified as having a pediatric index case.68 This is similar to other household contact studies from China69 and Geneva70 demonstrating a child as the suspected index case transmitting COVID to the rest of the family in 4% and 8% of the cases respectively. When examining the percentage of households where the index case was a child, numerous studies demonstrate the same effect. The index case was a child in 7% of the households in Ontario71, 8% in Switzerland70, 9% in Greece72, 5% in Denmark73, 5% in 2 different regions in China74,75, 3% in South Korea76, 0.5% in another South Korean study77, and 1% in Wuhan78.

It is abundantly clear that children are NOT driving the transmission of COVID to the rest of the community.           



In conclusion, the mRNA vaccines brought forward for the prevention of COVID have been shown to be significantly less effective than natural infection in preventing subsequent infection. Surrogate markers of transmissibility via Ct values demonstrate no difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. The vaccines are no longer as effective as they were during Pfizer and Moderna’s trials, falling to as low as 39%, below the threshold required for FDA approval. Adverse events related to COVID have only been studied in the short term, despite evidence from other vaccines that significant events can occur months or years later. Antibody-dependent enhancement is a considerate risk within this vaccine, especially when comparing SARS-CoV-2 to its closest genetic virus SARS-CoV, which showed devastating injury in non-human primates, and can be driving more severe outcomes within the population at large with respect to later variants, on top of driving further variant evolution. Reporting of adverse events is historically severely underreported, and within the pediatric population, these events clearly exceed the burden of disease. The most severe outcomes within pediatrics have not been appropriately studied as the timeline after vaccination is too short, the biodistribution data is not expansive (and often not being done at all) and yet still concerning with respect to accumulation in various organs, and rat models showing decreased fertility. Finally, the pediatric population is NOT seeing significant severe outcomes in general, and certainly not when compared to other respiratory illnesses, and are NOT drivers of transmission either.

Throughout my professional career, I have always been an advocate for the pediatric population and now, it is more important than ever that we all recognize that the risks of these vaccines in pediatrics outweigh the benefits, as I have demonstrated above. Government decisions as well as the media have rendered those who look at the science as “anti-vaxxers”, whereas that label couldn’t be further from the truth.

I expect our leaders to stand up for our children and adolescents, and request that they remove the “safe and effective” label as it pertains to vaccinating our children with experimental vaccines.

They are NEITHER safe, NOR effective in this population. 

I do not want to my nursing colleagues and friends to have any more on their plate than they already do. I would never wish anything but the best for those who truly are the glue in our health care system and the reason why our hospital is such an amazing place and so well-respected. I feel the stress for them as they are re-deployed through all this. I certainly do not want to see the adult intensive care units to be at or near capacity. But the message that the vaccine is the way out is WRONG, and this has been the case throughout the pandemic. We must listen to the science and recognize NATURAL IMMUNITY. It is the safest and best path forward. For ourselves, and especially for our children. Starting with that recognition like Israel and the European Union is a critical first step.

Thank you for reading my letter above and taking its contents with the utmost serious attention it deserves. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss any aspects of it further. Let us not forget what we’ve all been trained to do, and realize that good science requires dialogue and debate. Those of us who see the evidence as I have pointed out should not be ostracized, but welcomed.


Yours sincerely,

  1. Michael Vila, M.D., F.R.C.P.C.


Section of Pediatric Hospital Medicine

Alberta Children’s Hospital

Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Calgary




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Sep 142021

Something is seriously wrong when professionals are afraid to converse openly.
Voices Of Silenced Okanagan Health Professionals
A concerned group of health professionals who choose to remain anonymous due to threats of discipline and termination, by our own various professional governing bodies, for all who dare to question the B.C. government narrative on COVID-19 policies.



Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, and Premier John Horgan 


We are a group of extremely concerned health professionals in the Okanagan Valley, B.C. We have some critical questions regarding COVID-19, specifically about the current reporting of case numbers, statistics, and testing, and the restrictions imposed by your health orders. While discussion of adjunctive and alternative safe and effective treatments is being stifled, the policies of mandatory experimental vaccines and vaccine passports are being forced upon our province, our country, and many other countries worldwide.


Addressing Dr. Henry, Mr. Dix and Mr. Horgan: We—as healthcare practitioners and citizens—expect and deserve answers that address these concerns directly. Proclaiming that vaccine therapies are “safe and effective” is misleading and sloganistic. The reports of vaccine injuries are increasing every day, yet are being ignored. We are witnessing an increase in Covid illness occurring in fully vaccinated individuals and, irrationally, that is being followed by a promise of mandated boosters.1  The lack of answers and the vague information being provided over the past 18+ months do not instill confidence in British Columbians.


This lack of transparency has resulted in unprecedented divisiveness amongst citizens, families and friends. There are individuals who are angry that some concerned citizens are not complying and are comparing our current circumstances to the Holocaust. While this may seem extreme, the Holocaust also began with the small removal of freedoms2, just as we are seeing today. This historical atrocity started out as a slow and seemingly innocent removal of rights by the government, but quickly morphed into media control, divisiveness between groups of people, and limitations to what one select section of society could do. In this way, the ordinary citizen easily became an enemy of the state. Today a one-sided, politically-driven narrative, which is being fuelled by politicians and the media, is causing a similar divisiveness. When only one side of the story is made available to the public, it is easy to understand how individuals can become disgruntled toward other citizens who are fighting to maintain their freedom and bodily autonomy. A political agenda is clearly being pushed here, and the refusal to address questions and concerns of healthcare practitioners and citizens of B.C. speaks volumes. We hope all of B.C. and Canada will carefully consider the information included in this document and join us in demanding clear, direct and truthful answers.


You must recognize and acknowledge the problems our country faces with our media and with our supposed leaders. We are on a dangerous trajectory and we must STOP —NOW! The media’s control of information and the censorship of knowledgeable and experienced physicians, scientists, and lawyers are preventing access to the two sides of the story. The introduction of “Fact checkers”—who are wholly owned by Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Media — being paid to censor anyone who does not support the government narrative. The tools of intimidation, coercion, and bribery are being used to divide our society, and all of this is happening right in front of us. Obviously, this type of behaviour is not a reflection of good people with good ideas; to the contrary, it is criminal activity.


Groups of doctors are forming international networks to investigate public health measures and to raise questions and concerns.[1]  We call on all Canadians to join the rapidly growing movement of ordinary citizens who are standing up against tyranny and violation of our human rights and freedoms!


Please answer the 12 questions below directly, clearly and truthfully, with references to the data from the scientific research on which you are basing your decisions and policies:


1.)DEATH PERSPECTIVE – There are currently ZERO deaths from COVID-19 for ages 12-19 in B.C., and 12 deaths in ALL children aged 0-19 in ALL of Canada


Question: Why are you aggressively pressuring 12 through 19-year-old children to get the experimental COVID-19 vaccine when NO DEATHS have occurred in this age group due to COVID-19 in B.C. to date, according to the B.C. Centre for Disease Control? 4




In general, we have observed extremely low mortality in B.C. and across Canada from COVID-19. As identified in the preceding link, only two COVID-19-related deaths have occurred in the past 18 months in the 0 to 11 age range in BC.


No deaths have occurred in the age range of 12 through 19. In these childhood deaths, the influence of comorbidities was not revealed.


On the BCCDC website[2], in the Situation Report listed below in the footnotes, these statistics can be viewed on page 9.


With only 2 deaths occurring in the 1 million children and adolescents aged 0 to 19 that reside in B.C., why are we even considering mandating vaccinations, masks, isolation, and restrictions at school?


B.C. has a population of 5.17M people. As of August 21, 2021, there have been a total of 1,804 deaths due to—or related to—COVID-19. These deaths occurred over the span of 18+ months dealing with COVID-19 in our province. Further calculation demonstrates that this represents a 0.023% COVID-19 yearly mortality rate for our entire B.C. population.  Does an annual 0.023% risk of death, heavily skewed towards the elderly with comorbidities, justify a mandatory vaccine policy and a vaccine passport?


Moreover, in the age range of 0 to 59, there have been 127 deaths related to or from COVID-19 in the entirety of B.C across an 18+ month duration. Why is this information not being openly shared? Does this data not represent a very different reality than we are being led to believe in the media and in your press conferences?


The total number of people that the Government of Canada says died WITH COVID-19 (not necessarily FROM Covid19) since the beginning of the pandemic, is 26,873 as of September 3, 2021. You can view these numbers directly on the Government of Canada InfoBase website[3], using the link in the footnote (find Figure 7, and change the drop down to “deceased”). There you will find the breakdown of the 26,873 of total COVID-19 deaths by age group in Canada. To see these numbers here, we show both the BC and CANADA total deaths, said to be WITH Covid-19, broken down by age, and the percentage of those deaths by age, over the past 18+ months:

●   Age 0-19 =                   2 (0%)    BC                  12 (0%)        Canada

●     Age 20-29 =                 0 (0%)    BC                  68 (0.3%)     Canada

●    Age 30-39 =                 2 (0%)    BC                152 (0.6%)     Canada

● Age 40-49 =              16 (0.8%)  BC                354 (1.3%)     Canada

● Age 50-59 =              30 (0.16%)BC             1,033 (3.8%)     Canada

● Age 60-69 =              77 (0.4%)  BC             2,620 (9.7%)     Canada

●      Age 70-79 =            178 (9.8%)  BC              5,747 (20.5%)  Canada

● Age 80+ =            1,117 (62%)   BC            17,160 (63.9%)  Canada

Total Deaths =            1,804 (100%) BC            26,872 (100%)   Canada

Total Population = 5,145,851               BC     38,067,903                Canada


It should surprise all Canadians that there has been a total of 12 children between the ages of 0 and 19 across the entire nation that have died WITH (not necessarily FROM) COVID-19 in 18+ months. Co-morbidities have not been made public. With this data, it is reasonable to ask why the government seeks to vaccinate all children to “protect” them? It is obvious that they do not need protection.


If we compare this to the number of 0-19 year olds in Canada who typically die from influenza (the flu) each year, the public health pressure on children to get vaccinated becomes even more troubling.  The only breakdown shown for pediatrics (assuming age 0-16) in Canada showed that 10 children died of the flu in 2018 over a 12 month period.[4]  Data for deaths of children from the flu between the ages of 0 and 19 was not shown, which makes it difficult to precisely compare, but the figures are still telling. According to the Government of Canada, ten children 0-16 years old died from the flu in 12 months versus 12 children who died with COVID-19 over the last 18+ months (proportionately 8 children per 12 months). This means that COVID-19 is less dangerous than the flu for this age group. Why then is the Government pressuring children to get vaccinated?


Given 84.3% of all people who are said to have died with COVID-19 are age 70 and over, and 94% of all people who are said to have died with COVID-19 are age 60 and over, how do you justify applying public health restrictions on the rest of the population?




2.) PCR TESTING – Invalid test used to create fear based on 90%+ false positives

Question: Why are we still using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests to detect COVID-19 cases in B.C.?



The World Health Organization (WHO) originally stated that PCR tests were the “gold standard” for COVID-19 testing, recommending it as the universal test (as of March 21, 2020 laboratory testing strategy recommendations for COVID-19 interim guidance). Now the WHO admits what scientists have been saying since the beginning of the pandemic, that the PCR test is not an accurate diagnostic tool, and is in fact recommending a completely different testing protocol[5].  Also, the U.S. Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has said that it will ask the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to withdraw its emergency use authorization (EUA) of the PCR test as of December 31, 2021[6].


The entire pandemic and associated restrictions are based upon the number of “cases”; however, the number of “cases” is based upon a positive PCR test result. These PCR tests are falsely inflating the “case” numbers of people who are sick with COVID-19. This creates fear and misleading statistics.


It is important to note that the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, stated many times that “PCR tests cannot be used to detect viruses”[7].  It is now admitted that the PCR cannot tell the difference between a common cold, the flu, or any virus or variant. Also, the PCR cannot differentiate between live and dead matter meaning whether something is infectious or not.


Additionally, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer, Dr. Michael Yeadon announced “…this is nothing but fear-mongering based on junk science and fraud.”[8] He too claims that “almost all” of the tests being conducted for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are “false positives”, a phenomenon that has been observed in Florida and around the world.  Yet, we still continue to use PCR tests to manufacture fear and compliance.


Since speaking out, Dr. Yeadon has been censored and smeared in order to prevent the distribution of, and to discredit, the critical information he is sharing. He has risked his reputation, career, and his life to share this information. Dr. Yeadon has joined forces with a group of 160 doctors, who are in agreement with issues of regarding the COVID-19 narrative. [9]  Why would these highly credentialed professionals willingly put themselves in this position, where there is so much to lose, and nothing to gain, other than trying to save people from harm?


Dr. Yeadon’s credentials are impressive and include: BSc (Joint Honours in Biochemistry and Toxicology) PhD (Pharmacology), Formerly Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer Allergy & Respiratory, Pfizer Global R&D; Cofounder & CEO, Ziarco Pharma Ltd.; Independent Consultant (Scientist) (United Kingdom).


It is prohibited under the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act of Canada[10] to require someone to take a genetic test such as the PCR test as a condition of their employment or as condition of providing goods or services to that individual. It is also prohibited for any person to collect, use or disclose the results of a genetic test of an individual without the individual’s written consent. Anyone involved in contravening this law is liable to a fine of up to 5 years in jail and up to a $1,000,000 fine.


We note that all of your health orders contravene this law and that you are encouraging employers and business owners to do the same.  Why aren’t you advising the public of the legal responsibility and consequences under the GNDA?


3.)CASES – An overused term and count that means nothing in the actual diagnosis of disease


Question: What actually constitutes a legitimate COVID-19 case?  



You state a case is confirmed based on a positive PCR test; however, as per Question #2, we know these tests are shown to be inaccurate (90% false positives). Moreover, cycling of PCR tests (often in excess of 35+ amplifications) is being


used incorrectly for the detection of this virus. With the knowledge of these inflated false positives, we absolutely should not be counting these as “cases”.[11]  


4.)SPREAD – Vaccinated individuals spread COVID-19 just as much—or more—than unvaccinated individuals


Question: What science or information are you relying upon when you say in your health orders that unvaccinated individuals are at higher risk than vaccinated persons of being infected with and transmitting COVID-19, or that the presence of an unvaccinated staff member constitutes a health hazard under the Public Health Act?




Several studies as well as CDC data demonstrate evidence that vaccinated persons have high potential to spread the COVID-19 Delta variant [12].  It has been well documented that vaccinated people can—and do—spread the virus.[13]


A recently published medical study found that infection from COVID-19 confers considerably longer lasting and stronger protection against the delta variant than the current vaccines do.[14]  Vaccinated individuals were found to be 27 times more likely to experience a symptomatic COVID-19 infection than those with natural immunity from COVID19.[15]  Why are we discriminating against unvaccinated people, when the spread is clearly happening also amongst vaccinated individuals. Furthermore, those that have had a natural COVID-19 infection have been proven to have longer-term and more robust protection compared to those with the vaccine.[16]


5.)VARIANTS – Vaccines are causing the variants, and the vaccinated are more affected by variant strains than those with naturally conferred immunity


Question: What source are you looking at when you declare that the variant(s) are being caused by unvaccinated individuals?  




Dr. Byram W. Bridle (Professor of Viral Immunology at University of Guelph) explains that similarly to antibiotic resistance, COVID-19 variants are caused by not fully killing the virus, allowing for mutation.[17] Therefore, only individuals who are vaccinated can be creating the variants. As with any variant, as the CDC and WHO also state, mutations lead to a weaker and more transmittable viral strain. That is why the Delta will not have the same potential for causing deaths as the original COVID-19 strain.  As evidenced by Dr. Bridle, the continual application of COVID19 vaccinations, and furthermore boosters, will exacerbate the development of more variants.  Finally, there is no current evidence that suggests that unvaccinated individuals are causing a rise in cases. [18]


6.)VACCINE EFFECTIVENESS – Exposing the true effectiveness rate of vaccines and approval concerns


Question: Why is the inflated Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) of 94.0% utilized in reporting of vaccine effectiveness instead of the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) of less than 1.0%?  What information are you relying upon when you say vaccines prevent or reduce the risk of infection with covid-19?



Promoting the RRR instead of the ARR misleads the general population, exacerbating the non-factual concept that these vaccines prevent getting and spreading COVID-19.  The National Library of Medicine website linked below states “… the absence of the ARR in COVID-19 trials can lead to outcome reporting bias that affects the interpretation


of vaccine efficacy.”[19]  Saying that vaccinations are 94.0-95.0% effective is very misleading,[20] as people often assume this means they have a 94.0% chance that they will not become sick from COVID-19. This is not true.


To explain how RRR and ARR works in layman’s terms requires much detail. Simplifying this information, RRR signifies the risk of a health event occurring in a group of vaccinated individuals versus a group of unvaccinated individuals. This number is incorrectly interpreted to represent that 94 out of every 100 people vaccinated will be protected from COVID-19. Although this number is compelling, this is an incorrect statement regarding what that 94% means. This number does not tell you what your chances are of becoming sick if you get vaccinated.


The more valuable and accurate value that needs to be used is that of the ARR. The ARR represents the ACTUAL likelihood of disease risk between the placebo (non-vaccinated individuals) and treatment (vaccinated individuals) groups.


The ARR data directly from Pfizer and Moderna was calculated as 0.7% and 1.1% respectively.  In contrast, the RRR calculated as 95.0% and 94.0% for Pfizer and Moderna, respectively.  See the Abstract in this NIH document that presents the vaccine RRR/ARR data direct from Pfizer and Moderna.[21]


If individuals knew that the current vaccinations only confer a 0.7% to 1.1% reduction in chances of getting ill with COVID-19, would they have still have taken the vaccine given its risks?


It is imperative to clarify that the COVID-19 vaccines do NOT prevent COVID-19, nor do they stop the transmission of COVID-19. The vaccines have only been designed to reduce severity of symptoms in the individual who receives the vaccine.  As previously discussed, the virus is still transmissible by both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals. Breakthrough cases are occurring regularly in fully vaccinated individuals at an increasing rate, which is pushing the requirement for booster vaccinations.  The push by Government to require booster vaccinations at this early stage only serves to confirm that the original vaccine program being pushed is failing.[22]


7.) VACCINE SAFETY/INJURY STATS – Missing full details of the magnitude of Vaccine injuries and deaths


Question: Where is the transparency for the current statistics and details regarding counts of B.C. vaccine-related injuries and deaths?




Adverse reaction statistics and data is imperative to ensure that British Columbians can exercise their constitutional right to free and voluntary informed consent. This information should be presented daily, alongside the Covid-19 “case” numbers, so people can decide whether they want to freely accept the experimental vaccinations.  


The Government of Canada Vaccine Injury website states as of September 3, 2021 that 14,101 adverse reactions have been reported. Of those 14,101 reports of adverse reactions there are currently 3,768 reported as serious. “Serious” adverse reactions include death; however, death counts are not separately recorded on this database. [23] Why is there this lack of transparency?


Specifically, on Sept 3rd, a report quietly released by Public Health Ontario reported 106 youth, under the age of 25, were hospitalized with heart inflammation following mRNA vaccination. [24]


These vaccine injuries and deaths are not just in Canada, but all over the world:

  • (EU Vaccine injury:1.9 Million, Vaccine deaths: 20,595)[25]
  • (US Vaccine injury reported in VAERS: 650,075, Vaccine deaths: 13,911)[26]


yet the true numbers are not being disclosed accurately—if at all. Investigations show that very few vaccine injuries and deaths are actually approved and reported to government reporting agencies.29  An article from Harvard states

“manufacturers of vaccines must comply with the more expansive requirements of §600.80 of the C.F.R. Because VAERS is a passive reporting system, many adverse reactions to vaccines may not be reported.” 30


Lastly, the Harvard Pilgrim Study31 states “Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.  Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health.”


Dr. Patrick Phillips, an emergency room physician in Ontario stated that the forms are not easy to fill out, and that they are very cumbersome. Dr. Phillips also had a few reports returned to him marked as ‘invalid’.32 It is critical to properly compare the risk of COVID-19 to the risk of vaccine injury knowing they are not fully disclosed.  This is even more important when we see the pharmacies including more warnings on the Vaccines.[27]


A true clinical trial of this vaccine would include transparency where health officers would clearly provide vaccine injury details and fully track these occurrences without hesitation. Without this information and data, proper free and full informed consent cannot occur. The above included links are just some of the reporting systems, but the numbers are still very high and show much more injury than should be acceptable to any PHO or Government.



8.) PASSPORTS –Will NOT be temporary and soon the 2 shots will NOT be sufficient to obtain a valid passport


Question: You have recently stated that vaccine passports will be temporary, expiring at the end of January 2022.  However, with 1 billion dollars being offered as an incentive by the Government of Canada[28] for provinces who implement this system, it is hard to imagine this system will be scrapped by January 31, 2022, after only 5 months of use.  It is difficult to rely on your statement given what you said on May 25, 2021on television (see 2:52 into the video):


…there is no way that we will recommend inequities be increased by use of things like vaccine passports for services, for public access here in British Columbia, and that’s my advice and I’ve got support from the Premier and I have talked about this Minister Dix and others.” [29]


Prime Minister Trudeau made a similar commitment to Canadians on January 14, 2021 (see 3:30 into the same video).


Current studies (footnoted earlier) show that vaccinated individuals spread COVID-19 as well.  This begs the question, if all people spread the virus why are we segregating people?


While it is understandable that fully vaccinated individuals are looking forward to getting their passport so life “can go back to normal” or so they “can travel”, they should be made aware that once a booster is mandated, their passport will no longer be considered valid until they are post 7 days after receiving a booster.  Countries around that world that are implementing booster programs are already indicating that boosters will be needed to maintain a valid and up-to-date vaccine passport. [30] The booster system will ensure that this vicious cycle never ends and one will need regular boosters of the vaccine to keep their passport valid.


9.)TREATMENTS – There are better inpatient and at home treatments that can reduce illness severity and death


Question: Why are we not using approved and well-researched antivirals like FDA approved Ivermectin? 26 Why are we providing no out-patient treatment for at home use when other doctors in many countries are successfully doing so?




Doctors are avoiding or being prohibited from prescribing pharmaceuticals that are known to help with COVID-19 symptoms that are safe, such as Ivermectin. The negative spin being put on Ivermectin by mainstream media, that it is


only used in horses, is not true. These statements being made about Ivermectin are malicious and false as it has been safely and effectively used for years in humans.37  In 2015 William C. Campbell, emeritus research fellow at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey and Satoshi Omura, professor emeritus at Kitasato University in Japan, jointly received one half of the Nobel Prize for their work with Ivermectin that was discovered in 1975 and approved for safe use in humans in 1987.  In delivering his Nobel Prize lecture on December 7, 2015, Dr. Campbell confirmed the safety and effectiveness of using Ivermectin in humans, and noted that part of the ground breaking research was done in partnership with the WHO, the World Bank, and others.38   It was noted that because of its excellent safety profile and broad spectrum of activity, Ivermectin was catalogued by the World Health Organization as an essential medicine and is regarded by many as a “magic bullet” for global health. 39


On February 9, 2021, the chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, Haruo Ozaki, announced that Ivermectin seemed to be effective at stopping Covid 19 and publicly recommended that all doctors in Japan immediately begin using Ivermectin to treat Covid 19.40


It is interesting to note that only since the covid-19 pandemic began has the WHO changed its stance on the effectiveness of Ivermectin. While the WHO still admits that Ivermectin is on its essential medicines list (and therefore safe), the WHO now simply says that the evidence to support using Ivermectin as an effective treatment for Covid 19 is inconclusive, and that the guideline development group that they convened did not look at the use of Ivermectin to prevent Covid 19. One can only speculate as to why this group was not asked to look at that essential question. The WHO only says that this question was outside the scope of the current guidelines.41 It would seem that these much more expensive, experimental vaccines that were rushed to market under an emergency use authorization only, without proper testing and scrutiny, would be at least as inconclusive as the safe, tried and tested Ivermectin.


Additionally, Hydroxychloroquine is an approved and well-known treatment.  Medical professionals have been coerced and forced to prescribe less efficacious, and even harmful, drugs. Deaths associated with adverse drug events (i.e. related to the use of Remdesivir[31]) should be considered as a separate count from COVID-19 deaths, as those deaths could have been avoided if these effective pharmaceuticals were implemented in a timely manner.


Simple home remedies such as zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, N-acetylcysteine, and quercetin are also well known and effective at helping COVID-19 patients to recover43. Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko has led the way with these treatments. In contrast, many doctors are still sending patients with COVID-19 home without any of these treatment options.


Why have you not promoted other effective treatment apart from the experimental vaccines, or even healthy lifestyle choices and vitamin D, since it is clear that obesity, high blood pressure and inactivity were largely responsible for COVID-19 related deaths? The opposite has happened with your policies of lockdowns, closures of parks, gyms, and sports programs, and the creation of fear and anxiety through constant media messaging. These all lower the function of the immune system and increase blood pressure, which are undesirable outcomes.




Question: Whyhave you made the definition of vaccinated and unvaccinated in your public health orders so misleading and contrary to common understanding? Why do use different definitions of what it means to be “vaccinated” in your different health orders that are still in effect?




In your August 20, 2021 provincial health order, which has already gone missing from the B.C. government website, you define “vaccinated” as any individual who is 14 days post receipt of the full series of a WHO approved vaccine, or combination of approved WHO vaccines. This means that anyone who is sick or hospitalized with COVID-19 within 13 days of their 2nd shot is considered “unvaccinated”.  This is just like people who have had one shot, and are counted in


the statistics that you put forth. These definitions are very misleading and help promote the false narrative that the unvaccinated are driving the upward trend of “cases”.


You alluded to the fact that boosters are likely to be required in B.C., at least for certain populations. As we are witnessing the rollout in other countries, we predict that the plan will be to require everyone to have a booster, or several boosters, eventually. Once 2 shots are no longer what is recommended as a full series of COVID-19 vaccines approved by the WHO, then no British Columbian will be considered “vaccinated” until a booster vaccine is taken.


Also, it has been noted that the WHO does not approve of mixing and matching vaccines. This is contrary to your definition of “vaccinated” in your current health order wherein you do approve of this practice. The WHO says this should not be done unless supportive evidence is available. What evidence are you relying upon to tell British Columbians that mixing and matching of COVID-19 vaccines is acceptable or safe?   The WHO recommends that if someone has mixed and matched 2 different vaccines, no additional doses of either vaccine should be administered to that person.[32] Why are you ignoring this advice?  What science are you relying upon?


Finally, Dr. Bonnie Henry, you quietly issued an additional health order on August 31, 2021 [33], replacing the August 20, 2021 health order. The new order issued on August 31, 2021 removed some terms and added others which included changing the definition of “vaccinated” from 14 days post a full series of vaccination approved by the WHO, down to 7 days post-vaccination of an approved full series of WHO approved vaccines. Your September 2, 2021 Residential Care Staff Covid-19 Preventative Measures health order[34] uses the same 7 day period. What science are you relying on to justify this change, as you have previously stated that it requires 14 days for the vaccines to work?



11.)  TESTING ONLY UNVACCINATED INDIVIDUALS —August 20, 2021, August 31, 2021 and September 2, 2021 Health Orders


Question: In your public health order dated August 20, 2021—and now August 31, 2021 and September 2, 2021 —you are only requiring unvaccinated individuals to undergo rapid antigen testing and PCR testing. In light of the evidence and scientific research showing that vaccinated individuals are significantly more likely to contract the Delta variant than unvaccinated individuals[35]. You also say in your September 2, 2021 health order that you will not allow any staff member to be hired after October 11, 2021 unless they meet your definition of “vaccinated”. What science are you relying on to justify this policy of testing and discriminating against unvaccinated citizens?




You continue to state that you are following the science, however, you have yet to provide ANY reference to the science you are following despite being asked for this information numerous times over the last 18+ months. We demand that you be transparent and honest with the public you serve by posting the scientific studies and data you are relying upon to support your policies and health orders on the BC government website alongside your public health orders so we can review this information.


12.)  MASKS – under OATH Dr. Bonnie Henry admitted that there is scant evidence that masks are effective at preventing spread of the influenza virus but felt that can be an effective coercive tool when staff refuse to accept a vaccine


Question:  Where is the evidence that your mask mandates in your health orders actually work?  You define “face coverings” in your September 2, 2021 health order[36] as including a medical mask, or a non-medical mask, or a tightly woven fabric but does not include a clear plastic face shield.  Where is the evidence that a non-medical mask, or a piece of tightly woven fabric, is an effective means of preventing the spread of a virus?




Dr. Henry’s testimony under oath in 2015 [37] in an arbitration hearing in Ontario as an expert witness for the Sault Area Hospital (SAH) and the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) against the Ontario Nurses Association (ONA) is informative. The issue in that arbitration was that the hospital required healthcare workers to wear surgical/procedure masks each year throughout the 5 to 6 month flu season if they had not received the vaccination for influenza. The Nurses Union alleged that the policy was an unreasonable exercise of management rights and a breach of employee privacy rights.  At the time that Dr. Henry advocated in favor of the policy, she was the Deputy Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia.


Dr. Henry’s testimony in that arbitration hearing is eerily similar to the narrative she has been telling British Columbians about the Covid 19 virus. Dr. Henry was a strong proponent that there was asymptomatic spread, that unvaccinated nurses and healthcare workers should wear masks, and supported mandating forcing employees to wear masks as a consequence of choosing not to get the vaccine.


On cross-examination Dr. Henry reluctantly admitted (at paragraph 161 of the arbitration decision) that there was not a lot of evidence to support the suggestion that asymptomatic shedding actually leads to effective transmission of the virus.


At paragraph 178 of the arbitration decision, the arbitrator notes that Dr. Henry concluded after admitting that “I am not a huge fan of the masking piece”, that “there is not a lot of evidence to support mask use…”


At Paragraph 219 Dr. Henry’s evidence is summarized in part as follows:


It is a challenging issue and we have wrestled with it. I am not a huge fan of the masking piece. I think it was felt to be a reasonable alternative where there was a need to do-to feel that we were doing the best we can to try and reduce risk. I tried to be quite clear in my report that the evidence to support masking is not as great and it is certainly not as good a measure.


In the arbitration, the Nurses Union submitted that Dr. Henry was instrumental in the introduction of the “vaccinate or mask” policy in British Columbia (paragraph 256) and therefore Dr. Henry’s objectivity was suspect. The arbitrator preferred the evidence of other experts over Dr. Henry and her colleagues’ evidence.


The arbitrator noted that Dr. Henry defended the vaccine or mask policies as a way of preventing transmission from unvaccinated healthcare workers to their patients before symptom onset, or in cases of asymptomatic infection (paragraph 287). However, the arbitrator also noted (at paragraph 294) that while Dr. Henry stated there was “some evidence that people shed prior to being symptomatic and some evidence of transmission” but “there is not a lot of evidence around these pieces”. Two other experts who testified on behalf of the hospital, one of whom Dr. Henry acknowledged her expertise, both admitted that the evidence of asymptomatic spread was “scant”.


The arbitrator held (at paragraph 297), while “bearing in mind the concessions made about the quality of the evidence by Dr. McGeer and Dr. Henry”, that the following opinion of another expert was more accurate:


Although symptomatic individuals may shed influenza virus, studies have not determined if such people effectively transmit influenza… Based on the available literature, we found that there is scant, if any, evidence that asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic individuals play an important role in transmission.”


The arbitrator held that the patient safety purpose and effect of masking was not established on the evidence and that the “vaccine or mask” requirement was reduced to a “coercive tool”, a situation that would be troubling if made out. The arbitrator also noted (at paragraph 326) Dr. Henry’s recognition that the wearing of a mass could be reasonably regarded as a “consequence” for failure to consent to vaccination.


The arbitrator concluded (paragraph 327) that the vaccine or mask policy did not provide a legitimate accommodative purpose for healthcare workers who conscientiously object to immunization, but rather more closely resembled an unacceptable Hobson’s choice (free choice). The arbitrator did not accept the argument that requiring unvaccinated staff to wear a mask may encourage truly voluntary immunization, nor did the arbitrator accept that the continuance of the minority employee group who choose to mask disproves the effectively coercive aspect of a vaccine or mask policy. The arbitrator noted that one of the nurses told her managers that “I felt I was being publicly put on display for choosing not to get the flu shot. I told her I felt I was being bullied into it and harassed.”


The arbitrator concluded that the vaccine or mask policy was unreasonable and contravened KVP principles. Similar findings were made by another arbitrator in 2018 involving the St. Michael’s Hospital and the Ontario Hospital Association v. The Ontario Nurses Association.50 51


The vaccine or mask policy in issue in the Ontario Nurses arbitrations is very similar to what is going on in British Columbia with covid-19. Just as the arbitrator found that a masking policy amounted to a coercive tool that was troubling, your policies requiring rapid antigen testing, PCR testing, and masking as a condition of employment, is nothing more than a coercive tool to pressure people to accept the experimental vaccine. As the arbitrator held in 2015, a policy with this purpose is “troubling”.


You stated numerous times in your television briefings in 2020 that masks were not effective at preventing the spread of the Covid 19 virus. [38] Now you claim that masks do work and that you never said they did not. There is a glaring discrepancy between the statements that you made under oath in 2015, and in your television briefings in 2020, compared to what you are saying now in your current health orders in 2021.


Please refer to the additional published studies confirming masks are not effective.[39] [40] Also, Dr. Byram Bridle’s video also demonstrates that wearing 5 masks do not stop droplets from escaping and certainly do not prevent the Covid-19 virus from passing through a non-medical mask or tightly woven clothing.[41]


Requiring people to wear masks harms the user by reducing availability of oxygen, increasing bacterial growth within the fabric of the masks, leads to social issues for individuals that cannot mask for medical reasons, creates waste of materials and money, and contributes to further pollution and negative environmental impact.


Please provide the evidence you are relying upon that prove masks work.


Call To Action:


Dr. Henry, Mr. Dix and Mr. Horgan, the citizens of this province call on you to answer to these questions, directly and truthfully.

British Columbians will no longer tolerate the trampling of our rights, segregation, and division amongst neighbors and families.  We respect different perspectives and opinions; however, everyone deserves to see the scientific evidence you are relying upon to justify your public health orders.  All British Columbians thank you in advance for your much-anticipated response.


To our fellow British Columbians, you are our friends and family, and we need you to carefully consider the information above and be open to what is being said. We urge you to join us in fighting for the restoration of our freedoms and putting an end to the restrictions that have no basis in science and are designed only to promote fear and division and to give the government control over our lives.


Now is the time to take a stand, before it is too late.


Please share this with all your friends, family, media and everyone you can think of.


Voices Of Silenced Okanagan Health Professionals

A concerned group of health professionals who choose to remain anonymous due to threats of discipline and termination, by our own various professional governing bodies, for all who dare to question the B.C. government narrative on COVID-19 policies.

All of the documentation and websites linked in the footnotes have been archived to preserve their contents.


50 https://www.ona.org/wpcontent/uploads/ona_kaplanarbitrationdecision_vaccinateormask_stmichaelsoha_20180906.pdf 51 https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/practiceareas/privacyanddata/onawinssecondarbitrationagainsthospitalsonvaccinateormaskpolicy/275455

[1] https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/130ukdoctorsfailedcovidpoliciescausedmassiveharmespecially

children?utm_campaign=Daily%20Newsletter%3A%20130%2B%20UK%20Doctors%3A%20Failed%20COVID%20Policies%20Caused%20 %27Massive%27%20Harm%2C%20Especially%20to%20Children%20%28XumiVc%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Daily%20Newsl etter&_kx=PGxyCCxqAWnu4Hn6Ma46U0jfSKIocNqXrYAOgMHa4CsbyAo46hRNXEjcRJUBbL.K2vXAy

[2] http://www.bccdc.ca/HealthInfoSite/Documents/COVID_sitrep/Week_33_2021_BC_COVID19_Situation_Report.pdf

[3] https://healthinfobase.canada.ca/covid19/epidemiologicalsummarycovid19cases.html?stat=num&measure=deaths&map=pt#a2

[4] https://www.canada.ca/en/publichealth/services/publications/diseasesconditions/fluwatch/20182019/annualreport.html

[5] https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO2019nCoVlabtesting2021.1eng

[6] https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07212021labalertChanges_CDC_RTPCR_SARSCoV2_Testing_1.html

[7] https://brandnewtube.com/watch/karymulliswhathesaidaboutthepcrtestcovid1984_83H2TKPRvA1udPu.html

[8] https://brandnewtube.com/watch/expfizervpconcernedaboutexperimentalcovidvaccine_WjmMVkNrgHqrZgP.html

[9] https://doctors4covidethics.org/about/

[10] https://lawslois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/G2.5/page1.html

[11] https://brandnewtube.com/watch/drmikeyeadononpcrtestsforcovid19_L2vEhfBrzbkYAyX.html

[12] https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/world/articlepeoplewhoarefullyvaccinatedhavehighpotentialofspreadingcovid/

[13] https://www.globalresearch.ca/studyfullyvaccinatedhealthcareworkerscarry251timesviralloadposethreatunvaccinatedpatientscoworker s/5753908?pdf=5753908&fbclid=IwAR3oPOpu9TA8VlKGYmSyGWvUa8BHwwSnEQgDfGMPq6p2qSXBkzCyrGEbiGA

[14] https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586021021871

[15] https://www.science.org/content/article/havingsarscov2onceconfersmuchgreaterimmunityvaccinevaccinationremainsvital

[16] https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/09/no_author/harvardepidemiologistthecaseforvaccinepassportswasdemolished/

[17] https://undercurrents723949620.wordpress.com/2021/08/16/theliesbehindthepandemicofunvaxxed/

[18] https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/nopandemicoftheunvaccinatedcovidjabskepticdoctorinterviewedonfox/

[19] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7996517/

[20] https://rumble.com/vm026dexpfizeremployeetellsusthehorrifyingtruthaboutthecovid19vaccine.html

[21] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7996517/

[22] https://www.timesofisrael.com/virusczarcallstobeginreadyingforeventual4thvaccinedose/

[23] https://healthinfobase.canada.ca/covid19/vaccinesafety/summary.html

[24] https://theprovince.com/news/provincial/over100ontarioyouthhavebeensenttohospitalforvaccinerelatedheartproblems/wcm/d3720dc414354c7e9573b7d658b075b1

[25] https://www.globalresearch.ca/20595dead19millioninjured50seriousreportedeuropeanuniondatabaseadversedrugreactionscovid


[26] https://www.openvaers.com/coviddata

[27] https://21stcenturywire.com/2021/07/12/breakingfdawarningforjohnsonjohnsonvaccinelinkedtoautoimmunedisease/

[28] https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeaupromises1bvaccinepassports1.6155618

[29] https://rumble.com/vm7uzjb.c.vaxpasspunishesyounghealthcareworkerwhocantwalkfollowingmod.html

[30] https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/countriesnowcancellingcovidvaccinepassportsforthosewithoutboostershots/

[31] https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/whoguidelinedevelopmentgroupadvisesagainstuseofremdesivirforcovid19/ 43 https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/treatmentprotocol/

[32] https://www.who.int/news/item/10082021interimstatementonheterologousprimingforcovid19vaccines

[33] https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/aboutbcshealthcaresystem/officeoftheprovincialhealthofficer/covid19/covid19phoordervaccinationstatusinformation.pdf

[34] https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/aboutbcshealthcaresystem/officeoftheprovincialhealthofficer/covid19/covid19phoorderresidentialcarestaff.pdf

[35] https://www.coviddatascience.com/post/israelidatahowcanefficacyvsseverediseasebestrongwhen60ofhospitalizedarevaccinated

[36] https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/aboutbcshealthcaresystem/officeoftheprovincialhealthofficer/covid



[37] https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onla/doc/2015/2015canlii62106/2015canlii62106.pdf

[38] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CefaYs_pFs

[39] https://rationalground.com/maskschildrenandcovid19publishedstudies/

[40] https://showmeyoursmile.org

[41] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIaul0U83d0