Mar 222018

Having trouble reading this mail? View it in your browser. The Canadian government is getting money from the sales of the GM salmon. The federal government is receiving 10% royalties from sales of the genetically modified (GM or genetically engineered) salmon. The royalties to the government are part of a 2009 $2.8 million-dollar grant agreement […]

Dec 072017

I phoned to voice support directly to the Indigenous Climate Action group. What a difficult decision they had!  Turning down $150,000 isn’t something an organization can do every day. These are great young people, smart, well-organized, fun, relentless, hard-working, and effective.  Well-networked.  They’ve been activists for years, are already seasoned through experience. I am definitely […]

Sep 152017

Very good video and written documentation.   With thanks to Alexandra Morton; First Nations Chiefs, people; and thousands of supporters. Among other issues,  there is further excellent documentation of a Canadian phenomenon, the use of the RCMP to defend corporate interests AGAINST our laws. Corporate interests act with impunity.   The RCMP respond when the corporate interest […]

Jun 282017

 This is the CBAN email, with links.   Their URL for the action item is PEI approves world’s first GM fish factory (PEI is Prince Edward Island, a small Maritime province in Canada.) The government of PEI has given the company Aquabounty permission to build the world’s first factory to grow genetically modified (GM, also […]

Dec 092016 The Associated Press   SEATTLE – Washington has become the first U.S. state to sue the agrochemical giant Monsanto over pervasive pollution from PCBs, the toxic industrial chemicals that have accumulated in plants, fish and people around the globe for decades. The company said the case “lacks merit.”  Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney […]

Nov 192015

(I used the COMMENTS at bottom to post update – – court challenge in the U.S.) Today, the US government approved the world’s first GM food animal for human consumption – a GM fish that will originate from Prince Edward Island (PEI) Canada. The US company AquaBounty will produce all the GM fish eggs in […]

Jul 022014

“On the Island” this morning, CBC Radio, an opportunity to make a point  about economic indicators: RE:  Salmon fishery, increasing the take from 3% to 15% My experience with DFO and fish quotas is from Nova Scotia where we lived for 15 years.   We arrived in the nineteen-seventies.  The Grand Banks cod fishery supported […]

Nov 272013

Things that did not make sense suddenly become clear as day. why is the Government proceeding with the registration of GMO salmon? why the closure of fisheries labs on the West Coast? why can’t the Government tolerate scientists? for how little will people sell their souls? I highly recommend the video “Salmon Confidential” and bless […]