Sandra Finley

Dec 182023

Tamara Lich was jailed and denied bail because she was identified as THE LEADER of the Freedom Convoy that rocked Canada and many other countries.  Tamara is awesome and thank Goodness it was HER and not someone else who played her role.

But in an extremely short period of time — 2 or 3 weeks – –   COULD she have mobilized the millions of people around the globe who continue to demand justice for what happened during the covid years? COULD it have been something else?  like. . .

Self-organizing. Successful social movements . . . emergent, evolving, radically self-organizing (as described by David Korten in his book When Corporations Rule the World).

The systemic forces nurturing the growth and dominance of global corporations are at the heart of the current human dilemma … to avoid collective catastrophe we must radically transform the underlying system of business to restore power to the small and local.

Quotations  by David Korten   from his book   When Corporations Rule the World

The systemic forces nurturing the growth and dominance of global corporations are at the heart of the current human dilemma … to avoid collective catastrophe we must radically transform the underlying system of business to restore power to the small and local.

*****    As we continued our discussion over the next few days, the pieces began to fall into place. The Western scientific vision of a mechanical universe has created a philosophical or conceptual alienation from our own inherent spiritual nature. This has been reinforced in our daily lives by the increasing alignment of our institutions with the monetary values of the marketplace. The more dominant money has become in our lives, the less place there has been for any sense of the spiritual bond that is the foundation of community and a balanced relationship with nature. The pursuit of spiritual fulfillment has been increasingly displaced by an all-consuming and increasingly self-destructive obsession with the pursuit of money-a useful but wholly substanceless and intrinsically valueless human artifact.

It seemed evident from our analysis that to reestablish a sustainable relationship to the living earth, we must break free of the illusions of the world of money, rediscover spiritual meaning in our lives, and root our economic institutions in place and community so that they are integrally connected to people and life. Consequently, we concluded that the task of people-centered development in its fullest sense must be the creation of life-centered societies in which the economy is but one of the instruments of good living-not the purpose of human existence. Because our leaders are entrapped in the myths and the reward systems of the institutions they head, the leadership in this creative process of institutional and value re-creation must come from within civil society.

*****From our vantage point in Asia we have watched in horror as the same policies the United States has been advocating for the world have created a Third World within its own borders as revealed in its growing gap between rich and poor, dependence on foreign debt, deteriorating educational systems, rising infant mortality, economic dependence on the export of primary commodities-including its last remaining primary forests-indiscriminate dumping of toxic wastes, and the breakdown of families and communities.

*****   I share the liberal’s compassion for the disenfranchised, commitment to equity, and concern for the environment and believe that there are essential roles for government and limits to the rights of private property. I believe, however, that big government can be as unaccountable and destructive of societal values as can big business. Indeed, I have a distrust of any organization that accumulates and concentrates massive power beyond the bounds of accountability. In short, I align with those who are defining a new path that is more pragmatic than ideological and who cannot be easily pigeonholed within the conventional conservative-liberal spectrum of political choice.

***** … the systemic forces nurturing the growth and dominance of global corporations are at the heart of the current human dilemma. I now believe that to avoid collective catastrophe we must radically transform the underlying system of business to restore power to the small and local. I further believe that accomplishing the needed transformation will require the cooperative efforts of those within the system-including those who head our major corporations and financial institutions-in addition to the efforts of citizen movements working from outside it.

With regard to spiritual values, I was raised in the Protestant Christian faith but find wisdom in the teachings of all the great religions. I believe that we have access to an inner spiritual wisdom and that our collective salvation as a species depends, in part, on tapping into this wisdom from which the institutions of modern science, the market, and even religion have deeply alienated us. Through this rediscovery we may achieve the creative balance between market and community, science and religion, and money and spirit that is essential to the creation and maintenance of healthy human societies.


… we are experiencing accelerating social and environmental disintegration in nearly every country of the world-as revealed by a rise in poverty, unemployment, inequality, violent crime, failing families, and environmental de~dation. These problems stem in part from a fivefold increase in economic output since 1950 that has gushed human demands on the ecosystem beyond what the planet is capahle of sustaining. The continued quest for economic growth as the organizing principle of public policy is acceleratin.g the breakdown of the ecosystem s regenerative capacities and the social fabric that sustains human community; at the same time, it is intensifying the competition for resources between rich and poor-a competition that the poor invariably lose.

Governments seem wholly incapable of responding, and public frustration is turning to rage. It is more than a failure of government bureaucracies, however. It is a crisis of governance born of a convergence of ideological, political, and technological forces behind a process of economic globalization that is shifting power away from governments responsible for the public good and toward a handful of corporations and financial institutions driven by a single imperative-the quest for short-term financial gain. This has concentrated massive economic and political power in the hands of an elite few whose absolute share of the products of a declining pool of natural wealth continues to increase at a substantial rate-thus reassuring them that the system is working perfectly well.

Those who bear the costs of the system’s dysfunctions have been stripped of decision-making power and are held in a state of confusion regarding the cause of their distress by corporate-dominated media that incessantly bombard them with interpretations of the resulting crisis based on the perceptions of the power holders An active propaganda machinery controlled bv the world’s largest corporations constantly reassures us that consumerism is the path to happiness, governmental restraint of market excess is the cause our distress, and economic globalization is both a historical inevitability and a boon to the human species. In fact, these are all myths propagated to justify profligate greed and mask the extent to which the global transformation of human institutions is a consequence of the sophisticated, wellfunded, and intentional interventions of a small elite whose money enables them to live in a world of illusion apart from the rest of humanity.

These forces have transformed once beneficial corporations and financial institutions into instruments of a market tyranny that is extending its reach across the planet like a cancer, colonizing ever more of the planet’s living spaces, destroying livelihoods, displacing people, rendering democratic institutions impotent, and feedin on life in an insatiable quest for money. As our economic system has detached from place and gained greater dominance over our democratic institutions, even the world’s most powerful corporations have become captives of the forces of a globalized financial system that has delinked the creation of money from the creation of real wealth and rewards extractive over productive investment. The big winners are the corporate raiders who strip sound companies of their assets for short-term gain and the speculators who capitalize on market volatility to extract a private tax from those who are engaged in productive work and investment.

Faced with pressures to produce greater short-term returns, the world’s largest corporations are downsizing to shed people and functions. They are not, however, becoming less powerful. While tightening their control over markets and technology through mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances, they are forcing both subcontractors and local communities into a standards-lowering competition with one another to obtain the market access and jobs that global corporations control. The related market forces are deepenmg our dependence on socially and environmentally destructive technologies that sacrifice our physical, social, environmental, and mental health to corporate profits.

The problem is not business or the market per se but a badly corrupted global economic system that is gyrating far beyond human control. The dynamics of this system have become so powerful and perverse that it is becoming increasingly difficult for corporate managers to manage in the public interest, no matter how strong their moral values and commitment.

Driven by the imperative to replicate money, the system treats people as a source of inefficiency and is rapidly shedding them at all system levels. As the first industrial revolution reduced dependence on human muscle, the information revolution is reducing dependence on our eyes, ears, and brains. The first industrial revolution dealt with the resulting unemployment by colonizing weaker peoples and sending surplus populations off as migrants to less populated lands. People in colonized countries fell back on traditional social structures to sustain themselves. With the world’s physical frontiers largely exhausted and social economies greatly weakened by market intrusion, few such safety valves remain. Consequently, the redundant now end up as victims of starvation and violence, homeless beggars, welfare recipients, or residents of refugee camps. Continuing on our present course will almost certainly lead to accelerating social and environmental disintegration.



2023-10-20   Did Tamara Lich and Chris Barber REALLY organize the hundreds of thousands of Canadians and international supporters? Self-organizing . . . Successful social movements . . . emergent, evolving, radically self-organizing (David Korten, When Corporations Rule the World). UPDATE Tamara Lich, Chris Barber trials.

The Tamara Lich and Chris Barber trials continue in Ottawa.  Leonard Greenspon, a prominent Canadian lawyer, is representing Tamara Lich;  Diane Magas represents Chris Barber.

The two co-defendants are accused of committing mischief, intimidation, obstruction of police, and counseling others to commit mischief, intimidation, and obstruction of police.

DAY 20 (Oct 19)  of the proceedings:

The second Ottawa police officer in a row – – these are witnesses selected by the Prosecution (“the crown”) to help make the case against the Defendants – –  the testimony of both officers – –

NEITHER officer has records for a period of time – – more than a week – – during which important events were happening (The Trucker (Freedom) Convoy in Ottawa).  The end of January, the beginning of February, 2022.  Critical negotiations between the Truckers and the Police Liaison Teams (PLTs) were taking place.   The phones of the two officers were updated.  The data (e.g. text messages) was all lost.

DAY 21  (Oct 20) 

As I understand:  the defence received heavily-redacted “more” disclosure regarding the data from the phones of the two officers. The redactions cover the time period of the missing data.   . . .  uh oh.

= = = = =

In my view,  The System, the way it works,  HAS TO HAVE someone to prosecute.   You can’t have a court case that doesn’t have a Defendant.  In this case Tamara Lich and Chris Barber.

Did Tamara Lich and Chris Barber REALLY organize the hundreds of thousands of Canadians and international supporters? 

The question ignores the fact that there have been additions to our knowledge base.  “Self-organizing” is a recognized and studied phenomenon.


Self-organization, also called spontaneous order in the social sciences, is a process where some form of overall order arises from local interactions between parts of an initially disordered system. The process can be spontaneous when sufficient energy is available, not needing control by any external agent.    (Thank-you Wikipedia!)

In my view, a difficulty for authorities is that their modus operandi conventionally requires the designation of “leaders” to whom “fault” can be assigned and prosecuted.   They HAVE TO punish to set an example to others, to discourage others from standing up for the Rule of Law, for example.

I attended the Sentencing of Artur Pawlowski, September, Lethbridge, AB.   I don’t doubt that the Judge believed himself – – his personal righteousness, when justifying the “guilty” verdict as necessary for deterrence.

At the Enquiry (into the Invocation of the Emergency Act) I heard prosecutors and others asking  “Who told you . . .”, or “Who led . . .”, or “Do you know (one of the people jailed for being seen to be a leader)? . . .  Did you have conversations with…?  When did you first meet . . .?   Who introduced you . .  .?  Who are the leaders?   (We have to put “the leaders”  in jail, fine them, castrate them.  Give us the evidence we need!)

ALTERNATELY,  the process becomes the punishment. . . .  Yeah,  we’ll isolate you in a Remand Centre, bail denied, no trial, for well over a year, well beyond what is allowed by law.  No problem!  And comrades beware!  We freeze bank accounts and credit cards of those who rise in support of  justice.  No trial yet? – – – toooo bad!  The precedent is set: Julian Assange!  HA ha! )

Make sure there is a long memory of what happens to anyone who is involved in protest, no matter how legal it is.  And no matter the depth and length of the grievance and consequently the public support.

“Successful social movements are

emergent, evolving, radically self-organizing,
and involve the dedicated efforts of many people,
each finding the role that best uses his or her gifts and passions.”  

(sounds to me like the Freedom Convoy.  It is similar to what I wrote in 2004.  About the Network   (top of my blog).

David Korten, author of “When Corporations Rule the World“.

QUESTION:  Does or can  David Korten’s prescription  (emergent, evolving, radically self-organizing, many working together, individuals finding the role that suits their passions)  help to address the problem with getting people to take the advice offered by Donella Meadows?  . . .   Are monumental meeting and organizing challenges addressed?

Personally,  I think the changes we need are, and will continue to happen, if we are willing to give up control.   Where “facts are uncertain, values in dispute, stakes high and decisions urgent”  we may do well to recognize that things are rapidly evolving  and  “radically self-organizing” (we aren’t standing still).

History tells us this is the way it sometimes happens.   The world did not foresee the Berlin Wall coming down,  the fall of the Communists in East Germany (1989).   It was accomplished without major bloodshed and seemingly, out of the blue.  . . . But not.

The petry dish was the Gdansk Shipyards, Lech Walesa, and the Solidarity Movement in Poland 10 years earlier.  It was growing and spreading, a pattern not recognized while it was happening – – or maybe NOT REPORTED?  – –  or maybe individual events reported, but devoid of CONTEXT?  How were we to discern a pattern, to know it was coming?

I am a fan of Canadian suffragette, Nellie McClung – – “Just do it” (what needs to be done).  Empowered and distributed leaders emerge.  I think that is what I am observing today, and thankfully, many of those leaders are young and talented.  They abound among the musicians, in theatre, in the arts – –  in addition to the usual places you might expect.  Even retirees are taking on the challenges in various ways – –  in line with their passions.  It all matters and it all helps.

The actions of the Corporatocracy have been bold and extreme.   They are digging us deeper and deeper into violence.   This is no time for timidity, in my humble opinion.

2011-01-03 “All our Cowardice and Servility” from the Museum of Non-violent Resistance at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin

In July I suggested:  If you have time for only one posting, make it the Artur Pawlowski update.

I went to Lethbridge, Alberta for the sentencing of Pawlowski scheduled for  August 9th 

The use of the Justice system to silence citizens has to be stopped.   You get a fair trial.   It’s not fair if you have to pay literally a million dollars in lawyer bills to get to an Appeal Court to establish your innocence (which Pawlowski did (July 2022), which Pawlowski COULD do, but only because of crowd-funding).

And then have to start over again in a Provincial Court with charges of mischief (criminal), looking at potentially 10 years in jail. ~~~

On August 9th I showed up at the Court House early, to ensure a seat in the Court Room.   I went through Security inside the front door of the Court House 3 times, trying to find in which Court Room the sentencing of Pawlowski would take place.   FINALLY,  one of the fellows working the Security line said aloud (not looking me in the face),  the Sentencing has been postponed to September 18th.  Bless him!   (The person at the desk inside the Court House, sitting at a computer, would not give me that info.)

I am returning to Lethbridge for Sept 18th   – –  which I did.  It was a wonderful time with wonderful people.

Pawlowski was found guilty;  and sentenced to jail.  HOWEVER,  he had already served time in jail (some of it in solitary confinement).  So Pawlowski did not go to jail;  he was sentenced to time already served.

AND  the verdict is already under appeal.

Dec 162023

This one (Lawmakers Dodge U.S. Sovereignty Question During House Hearing on WHO Reform) may light a fire under your bum.

The Canadian version of the “Sovereignty Question” from Friday’s report below, being “dodged” by U.S. lawmakers is in Bill 36 (Canada – B.C).

    1. The Cabinet and the Minister of Health can adopt as law in BC any regulations, codes, standards or rules enacted in foreign jurisdictions or international bodies.8

See    2023-12-06 Bill 36 is the Health Professions & Occupations Act. First class tyranny. But we can stop it, by pitching in to help the Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine. Just spread the word.

= = = = = = = = = = =

Lawmakers Dodge U.S. Sovereignty Question During House Hearing on WHO Reform,  with thanks to the CHD.

By  Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.     EXCERPT:

.  .  .  “One wonders if turning over your country’s sovereignty to an unaccountable agency run by globalist pawns for its funders is an act of treason, and if so, whether U.S. government employees could be called to account in future,” Nass added.

Miss a day, miss a lot.Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the Day. It’s free.

Lawmakers Dodge U.S. Sovereignty Question During House Hearing on WHO Reform,  with thanks to the CHD.

A hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Wednesday focused on the World Health Organization (WHO): Should it be reformed and, if so, how?

INSERT:  As per the Constitution, the U.S. House of Representatives makes and passes federal laws. The House is one of Congress’s two chambers (the other is the U.S. Senate), and part of the federal government’s legislative branch. The number of voting representatives in the House is fixed by law at no more than 435, proportionally representing the population of the 50 states.

However, experts who spoke with The Defender said the hearing, originally scheduled for October but postponed until this week, lacked substance and sidestepped important issues.

Three witnesses testified: Loyce Pace, MPH, assistant secretary for global affairs at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), John Nkengasong, Ph.D., ambassador-at-large, U.S. global AIDS coordinator and senior bureau official for global health security and diplomacy at the U.S. Department of State and Atul Gawande, MD, MPH, assistant administrator for global health at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

Statements by lawmakers and witnesses centered around China’s level of cooperation with the WHO, the importance of asserting U.S. leadership over the WHO and U.S. interests related to the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) and the “WHO Pandemic Agreement,” both currently under negotiation.

Lawmakers also discussed the importance of the WHO in helping nations prepare for the “next pandemic,” and the broader role of the U.S. in the global public health infrastructure.

While there was some discussion of preserving U.S. sovereignty if the IHR amendments and/or Pandemic Agreement are approved by the WHO’s member states, there was little mention of controversies related to COVID-19 restrictions and vaccines, the COVID-19 lab-leak theory or controversial gain-of-function research.

Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist, biological warfare epidemiologist and member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory committee, live-blogged the hearing for CHD.TV. She also shared critical remarks about the proceedings with The Defender.

“The witnesses, all government officials working and negotiating with the WHO, were selected to toe the party line,” she said. “Nothing new was allowed out of their mouths.”

Valerie Borek, associate director and lead policy analyst for Stand for Health Freedom, said she “was not impressed by the hearing.”  “The issue of whether the treaty and IHR amendments would threaten American sovereignty was brought up, but dismissive answers denying it did not get follow-up,” she said. “The hearing was titled ‘Reforming the WHO,’ but there was very little talk of what that meant.”

Nass said there was “much dissembling about the issue of whether U.S. agreement [to the IHR amendments and/or Pandemic Agreement] would transfer sovereignty, but the witnesses lied and said it would do no such thing,” Nass said. “The answers were a mishmash of talking points and meaningless blather — running out the clock.”

“The witnesses brazenly lied under oath,” Nass added. “Brazenness seems to be a feature of the pandemic age.”

Witnesses sidestepped lab leak questions

Much of the testimony — and a substantial portion of the opening remarks of Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), chair of the subcommittee — centered around China’s level of cooperation with the WHO and its role in a “cover-up” of the early danger and spread of COVID-19.

“When the WHO should have been conducting independent investigations into the origins of COVID-19 and presenting the global community with verified information to help keep them safe, we instead saw that they ignored some facts and parroted back statements that came from the Chinese Communist Party,” Wenstrup said.

“The WHO’s lack of independent investigation potentially allowed the beginning of the pandemic to be worse and spread further. … All in all, we saw the WHO more influenced by politics than public health.”

Some of the witnesses and several of the lawmakers on the subcommittee credited the WHO’s role in protecting global public health.

“There is no international organization as central to this work as the World Health Organization, which has contributed to monumental advancements in healthcare access, improvements in population health outcomes, and the defeat of deadly diseases,” said Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.), ranking member of the subcommittee.

The witnesses conceded difficulties cooperating with the Chinese government during the COVID-19 pandemic. “China has not been forthcoming the way it should be in working with WHO,” Nkengasong said.

Rep. Kweisi Mfume (D-Md.) said WHO officials should be questioned about the difficulties working with the Chinese government.

However, when Wenstrup asked the three witnesses to respond to a question about Dr. Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance and his role in research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology — the source of the alleged lab leak— they sidestepped the question.

“The WHO whitewashed the origin question,” Nass said. “This panel has shone a light on absolutely nothing so far, as anticipated.”


Lawmakers, witnesses claim ‘next pandemic’ coming

Lawmakers and witnesses appeared to agree on the need to be prepared for a future pandemic.

“We must be better prepared when the next pandemic surfaces and a scientifically focused WHO is paramount to that,” Wenstrup said. “Nothing is more important than global public health and properly reforming the WHO is the first step to that protection.”

Along similar lines, Ruiz said, “I want to take the time to emphasize now that our work to prevent and prepare for future pandemics is not in conflict with enhancing international cooperation. Instead, our efforts are strengthened and fortified by it.”

“In order for us to ensure our nation is truly prepared for the next pandemic, we must continue to engage with the international community on work that prevents future threats from reaching our nation,” he added.

Suggesting there’s “no ocean large enough to protect Americans from a virus that can spread rapidly across the globe,” Pace claimed, “It’s only a matter of time before the world faces another serious public health threat.”

WHO only interested in ‘power grab’

Lawmakers and witnesses also didn’t question the need for amendments to the IHR (2005) or for a Pandemic Agreement, but instead focused their attention on the issue of protecting U.S. sovereignty and American interests in the event WHO’s member states approve either or both of these instruments.

Wenstrup said the Pandemic Agreement and IHR amendments “must ensure American interests are protected. They must not violate international sovereignty and they must hold China and others accountable. Further, any accord or treaty must be presented to Congress for approval,” he said.

Ruiz chimed in with,“The United States has served as the preeminent leader in global health for decades and now is not the time to cede that role to another country angling for global influence. Now is the time to reinforce the United States’ global health leadership with meaningful reforms to the WHO that promote transparency and strengthen international cooperation in the event of future pandemics.”

Pace highlighted the role the U.S. played in proposing some of the IHR amendments.

“It’s quite important for us to ensure that in these deliberations … evolve in a way that serves all countries and … ensures our highest and best level of prevention, preparedness and response,” Pace said. “It’s one of the reasons that the U.S. actually took a leadership role in calling for the revisions of the International Health Regulations and introduced the original 13 or handful of amendments.”

According to Gawande, “The additional reforms the U.S. is advocating for under reforming the international health regulations make a clearer tiered response.” At present, the USAID official said, the WHO can declare only a “public health emergency of international concern” as it did in the case of COVID-19.

“We’re looking for a three-level set of tiers, so that there is an earlier indication that countries have a health issue developing of concern,” Gawande said.

In her live blog, Nass remarked that this proposal is not evident in copies of the proposed amendments that have been made public.

“Gawande misrepresents the IHR amendments and says they seek a tiered response,” Nass wrote. “It seems he has seen a later version than was made public.”

Pace said her agency “work[s] closely with our colleagues at the Department of State and USAID, as well as other federal agencies, to build pandemic prevention, preparedness and response capacities worldwide.”

“HHS is leading efforts to update the International Health Regulations to make them clearer, more precise and better fit for purpose,” Pace said. “We’re advocating for amendments that would ensure rapid and transparent information sharing, enhance WHO’s ability to assess health threats and improve global implementation and compliance,” she said.

Pace “asserts that reform is the reason the U.S. led the way in proposing changes to the IHR,” Borek said. “That assertion conflates expansion of scope and authority with reform. It’s like saying, ‘you messed up, here’s more responsibility,’” she added. “The only ‘reform’ [the WHO is] interested in is the type Pace is spearheading — a power grab.”

Pace argued that medical innovations did not reach the U.S. in a timely manner during the pandemic and that the IHR amendments would alleviate this issue.

“One of the shortcomings unfortunately of the COVID-19 pandemic is it did not allow for a high degree of accountability when it came to accessing innovations in particular,” she said. “One of the things we are trying to negotiate as part of this agreement is to ensure that those innovations reach everyone, including Americans, on time.”

Yet, on her blog, Nass said Pace’s agency “suppressed existing drugs to make way for innovative vaccines that turned out to harm Americans. Innovation during a pandemic is not necessarily a good thing.”

Regarding ongoing negotiations for the Pandemic Agreement, Nkengasong said the State Department is working with HHS “to support our negotiating team in Geneva,” adding that “it’s very clear … that we need this instrument … that would protect us,” as the world finds itself “in an era of pandemics.”

“It is an accord that will do the things that we have been discussing here, which is allow us to dictate early, respond early, [to] a threat that will emerge and invariably will emerge because we all know that we live in an era of pandemics,” he said.

“Ultimately, we’re focused on finding sustainable solutions that break the cycle of pandemic crisis and complacency,” Pace said.

Many analysts have argued that the proposed IHR amendments and Pandemic Agreement also pose a threat to the sovereignty of the U.S. and other countries. These claims were addressed during the hearing by lawmakers and witnesses alike.

“We don’t want respect for our sovereignty. We demand to be respected,” said Rep. Marianette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa). “We demand it especially from members who are not acting in good faith. And if we cannot be assured of our sovereignty, it is up to members of Congress to … have congressional approval so that our sovereignty is respected.”

Borek said the IHR amendments need to be treated as a treaty. “There are over 300 amendments proposed that affect more than 50% of the [IHR (2005)] document. Further, the whole point of the process right now is to turn ‘non-binding’ options into obligations.”

She added:

“The amendments could change the fundamental nature of the document, the relationship of the U.S. to other nations, dictate domestic spending and policy making, and potentially conflict with state police powers. These amendments must be seen by Congress before the U.S. goes anywhere near adopting them.”

Addressing calls for the U.S. to exit the WHO, Meeks said U.S. sovereignty is better protected by remaining in the organization.

“As the WHO seeks to alter international health regulations, it’s vital the United States and other member countries not let bad actors hijack the review process,” she said.

“We want respect for our sovereignty, and so we also limit how much WHO can control or demand things of us, and that is one of the challenges here, that we are protective of our own sovereignty and therefore do not want to have those tools challenge potentially challenge us or other member states,” Gawande said about the proposed instruments.

Nkengasong said the issue of sovereignty “has not at all been a subject of discussion during the [negotiations for] the Pandemic Agreement … We will not allow such, if ever such a discussion was to occur during the negotiation.”

“It takes an effective WHO to adequately guard global health and well-being supporting the safety and sovereignty of America,” said Pace. “Frankly, if [the] WHO didn’t exist, we would have to create it.”

Nass, in her live blog, disputed these claims, writing that those claiming U.S. sovereignty is not threatened “either [have] not read the documents” or are “lying.”

In her live blog, Nass noted that Wenstrup briefly addressed the difference between an “accord” or a “treaty” but “did not say how, nor insist on the need to review the treaty. This seems like an attempt to give up Congressional review of the amendments.”

For Ruiz though, the proposed “reforms” take “a lessons-learned approach from the early days of the pandemic,” which would “enhance oversight of member states’ compliance” with the IHR, “develop an early warning system for public health threats,” and “strengthen investigative capabilities “ for public health emergencies.

According to several of the lawmakers and witnesses, this is to best prepare the U.S. for a future pandemic, with Nkengasong saying, “It is not a question of if a new health threat will emerge. It’s a matter of when. The world needs greater cooperation, coordination, collaboration, and communication.”

This could be achieved, witnesses said, by the U.S. remaining a member of the WHO.

“One of the reasons we want to remain at the table [is] to be a voice in that room and ensure that that voice is rooted in science and in the important work of WHO, really serving not only America but the world in ways that we want to see,” Pace said.

“We know that when we are not at the table, others will take our seat at the table,” Nkengasong said. “Now the burden is on all of us, the burden of leadership to continue to put pressure on WHO to reform so that it can be more agile, it can be more forceful and it can be more accountable in responding to or putting pressure where it’s needed.”

‘There is no way the WHO can be reformed’

According to Nkengasong, if the U.S. remains in the WHO, it can “help elevate global health security as part of our foreign policy.”

Gawande added, “In a crisis, U.S. leadership is indispensable. A case in point is the U.S. providing more COVID vaccines without charge than any country in the world … We also supported COVAX as a mechanism that then got other countries to do their share,” Gawande said, adding that the U.S. and COVAX “donated close to 7 million safe and effective vaccines to over 117 countries.”

“He claims the vaccines provided by COVAX were safe and effective for COVID,” Nass wrote, referring to Gawande’s statement. “Please remind him he is under oath.”

Nass told The Defender her impression was that the hearing “was conducted in order to say an oversight hearing was conducted on the WHO, when there was no oversight happening, just a lot of grandstanding. “Both members and witnesses should be ashamed of their performance, and I invite their constituents to challenge them on it,” she said.

“One wonders if turning over your country’s sovereignty to an unaccountable agency run by globalist pawns for its funders is an act of treason, and if so, whether U.S. government employees could be called to account in future,” Nass added.       Watch the hearing here:

Dec 152023
Tucker Carlson Explains Why 
… You’ll Never Get an Apology for What Happened During COVID – “If I admitted it, I’d have to suffer the consequences.” (19:25)

Dec 152023

A whistleblower has recently come forward in Parliament with scathing allegations involving Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s $1 billion green slush fund, including a nexus of corruption and coordinated efforts to cover it up.

The cover-up indicated high-level conflicts of interest, taxpayer money squandering, gross mismanagement and evidence of a highly toxic work environment.

“Nearly 200 companies have received over $80 million, improperly funded by taxpayer dollars,” the whistleblower shares, citing claims backed by documents, transcripts and recordings.



One of those recordings is of the Chief Financial Officer of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Doug McConnachie.

“There’s a lot of sloppiness and laziness,” he can be heard saying. “There is some outright incompetence and, you know, the situation is just kind of untenable at this point. I think the minister is going to flip out when he hears this stuff.”



The allegations involve Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC).

The executive team and board of directors had to be strategically addressed, according to the recording of McConnachie.

“The discussion will be the mechanisms for getting them out,” he said.

There were two members of the SDTC tasked with operating independently of the board, who were explicitly put in place to protect shareholders. That is, the Canadian public.

Kathleen Sendall and Ed Vandenberg failed in this duty.

All of this has caused conservative MP Michael Barrett to ask, “Who got rich?”



Will the Liberals finally be held accountable for their continued corruption and flagrant disregard for ethics? And where is the RCMP? Perhaps too preoccupied with diversity, tolerance and inclusivity training.

This is only the tip of yet another conflict of interest-riddled iceberg says MP Barrett, so stay tuned.

Dec 122023

Lawyers on behalf of Chris Barber, Tamara Lich, and other Freedom Convoy participants argue that the $290 million class action against them is designed to silence their expression–expression the public had an interest in hearing [Image by Dave Chan/AFP via Getty Images]

OTTAWA, ON: The Justice Centre announces that lawyers representing Tamara Lich, Chris Barber and other defendants against a class-action lawsuit brought by Zexi Li and other Ottawa residents will be in court this Thursday, December 14, 2023. Tamara Lich and the other defendants have filed an application to dismiss Zexi Li’s $290 million class action as a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP)–a lawsuit designed to silence the expression of peaceful protesters.

In February 2022, Ottawa residents Zexi Li and Geoffrey Delaney, Happy Goat Coffee Company, and a local union commenced a $290 million class-action lawsuit against Chris Barber, Tamara Lich, and other Freedom Convoy participants, seeking damages against peaceful protesters for allegedly causing a nuisance. This lawsuit also seeks damages from citizens who donated to the peaceful protest.

Anti-SLAPP legislation serves to protect defendants against “Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation” (SLAPP)–lawsuits designed to silence a defendant’s freedom of expression through threats of damages or costs. Anti-SLAPP motions are designed to end such lawsuits and are available to a defendant in any proceeding against them. Once an anti-SLAPP motion has been filed, the defendant must demonstrate that the proceeding against them arises from their expression that “relates to a matter of public interest.” If the defendant can demonstrate that their expression does relate to a matter of public interest, the plaintiff must then demonstrate that their lawsuit has “substantial merit” and that the defendant has no valid defence. A judge must then weigh the importance of the expression at stake against the importance of the plaintiff’s allegations of harm.

Lawyers in the Justice Centre network argue that the proceedings against Tamara Lich, Chris Barber and others do, in fact, arise from their expression. Donating to and participating in the Freedom Convoy amounted to an expression of support for the protest, and of disagreement with the Government of Canada’s response to Covid–matters of public interest. Further, lawyers argue that Zexi Li’s class-action lawsuit contains factual and legal weaknesses; it is not obvious that the proceeding against the defendants has “substantial merit.” Finally, lawyers argue that the defendants do have valid defences and that the value of the expression at issue outweighs the allegations of nuisance against them.

On Thursday, December 14, 2023, the parties will proceed to oral argument at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, arguing that the plaintiffs’ entire class-action lawsuit is, in fact, a SLAPP action disguised as a nuisance claim and that the lawsuit is merely intended to punish the defendants for participating in the 2022 Freedom Convoy protest. If successful, all or part of the class-action lawsuit will be dismissed.

Lawyer James Manson stated, “Zexi Li’s lawsuit engages the very purpose that ‘anti-SLAPP’ legislation was designed to address: an attempt to silence peaceful expression, and the right of defendants to participate in public debate.”

John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre, stated “The fundamental Charter freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly must be vigorously protected and defended, whether they are attacked directly by government or indirectly through a misguided civil action.”

Dec 122023

(NOTE: StatsCan data is not reliable, in general.)

A new Canadian government report reveals a 300% rise in “unspecified causes” of death from 2019-2022 as unknown causes climbed to the fifth leading cause of death in Canada. Some health experts said the stark increase should trigger an investigation into whether the deaths are linked to COVID-19 vaccines.

bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, Alzheimer’s and suicide as causes of death.

Statistics Canada, also known as StatCan, released the report on Nov. 27 in The Daily, the agency’s online news bulletin.

The report generated a slew of nearly identical headlines — provided by Canada’s national news service — in Canada’s leading newspapers along the lines of this one in the Toronto Sun: “Life expectancy for Canadians fell for third straight year in 2022, StatCan says,” followed by the subhead: “More people died of COVID-19 in 2022 than in any other year since the pandemic began, report says.”

Andre Picard, health columnist at The Globe and Mail in Toronto, Canada’s newspaper of record, called the life expectancy drop — to 81.3 years in 2022 from 82.3 years in 2019 — “a big deal.”

“It’s only the second time this sharp a drop has happened in Canada in the past century,” Picard said. “In fact, life expectancy has been climbing steadily for decades: 71 in 1960, 75 in 1980, 79 in 2000 and 82.3 in 2019.”

COVID-19 deaths in Canada decreased to 14,466 in 2021 from 16,313 in 2020, the report shows. Canada is on track for about 7,000 COVID-19 deaths in 2023, Picard said.

COVID-19 deaths can’t account for Canada’s 7.3 % increase in total deaths in 2022 compared with 2021 — or for the country’s 17% increase in total deaths over the historic norm of 2019, or the historic drop in life expectancy in Canada and worldwide, Picard said.

Like many mainstream journalists and public health officials in the U.S. examining the U.S. drop in life expectancy, Picard blamed chronic diseases, drug overdoses, opioid deaths, smoking, unhealthy diets and “indifference” for the decline in Canada. “There are virtually no mitigation measures like masking any more, and vaccination rates have fallen sharply,” he wrote.

But Drs. Pierre Kory and Peter McCullough told The Defender they believe the most important and startling fact contained in the report is the 300% increase from 2019 to 2022 in “unspecified causes” of death in Canada.

McCullough, a highly published cardiologist who developed a widely used early treatment protocol for COVID-19, said the dramatic rise in deaths from “unspecified causes” in Canada represents a seismic and disturbing shift in Western medicine.

“Prior to the pandemic, death in Western countries was well understood,” McCullough said, with 40% due to known cardiovascular, 40% due to terminal neoplastic disease (cancer) and 20% due to other known causes such as homicide, suicide, drug overdoses and accidents.”

He added:

“Since the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines, we have witnessed unprecedented deaths without antecedent disease. A large autopsy series published by Hulscher et al, found that 73.9% of the deaths after COVID-19 vaccination were due to problems caused by the shots.”

McCullough cited the hundreds of studies examining post-vaccine, spike-protein-related injuries and deaths and the millions of deaths and injuries reported by citizens in the U.S. and Europe to their governments following mRNA vaccination.

“All deaths should be categorized according to the doses and dates of COVID-19 vaccination,” McCullough said. “Unless proven otherwise, ‘unspecified death’ should be attributed to a fatal COVID-19 vaccine injury syndrome,” McCullough said.

Kory, the former University of Wisconsin professor of medicine and president of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, told The Defender the evidence is overwhelming that the COVID-19 mRNA shots caused more deaths and injuries across the Western world than any prior drug or vaccine in history.

“The answer as to why ‘unspecified causes’ are now a leading cause of death is plain and simple,” Kory said. “That cause is the one medical intervention that the world’s governments and media have championed since the start [of the pandemic]. … The mRNA platform technology is and has been a colossal failure in both efficacy and safety.”

Kory and journalist Mary Beth Pfeiffer on Tuesday published an opinion piece in The Hill calling on governments and public health officials to study and address the problem of a global historic rise in mortality thus far not recognized by officials and not reported by mainstream journalists.

On Dec. 13, the essay was trending as the first or second most popular story on The Hill’s website, which claims 32.5 million monthly unique visitors.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert Califf on Nov. 30 published an extraordinary thread of posts on X (formerly Twitter) calling for a society-wide “all hands on deck” approach to solve the problem of the “catastrophic” decline in U.S. life expectancy.

“JAMA Internal Medicine published earlier this month that our overall life expectancy has dropped to 76 years, and remarkably, that male life expectancy in the U.S. has dropped to 73 years,” Califf wrote.

But Kory said the FDA commissioner’s post, “which hit on smoking, diet, chronic illness and healthcare, ignored the obvious: People are dying in abnormally high numbers even now and long since COVID waned. Yet public health agencies and medical societies are silent.”

The FDA and mainstream media are ignoring the fact that life insurers have been “sounding the alarm over these unexpected or, ‘excess,’ deaths, which claimed 158,000 more Americans in the first nine months of 2023 than in the same period in 2019,” Kory wrote.

“That exceeds America’s combined losses from every war since Vietnam. Congress should urgently work with insurance experts to investigate this troubling trend.”

Amy Kelly, COO of DailyClout and the program director of the Pfizer Documents Analysis Project, said that for an autopsy to reach a proper diagnosis of an mRNA-vaccine-caused death, “histopathological examination of tissues from all over the body is necessary. Most of the time, even if an autopsy is performed, the histopathological examination of tissues is not.”

She cited an interview with Dr. Arne Burkhardt, who describes the types of testing the coroners must perform but seldom do.

Dr. Robert Chandler, a Los Angeles orthopedic surgeon who taught at the University of Southern California medical school, identified “entire new disease categories” he calls “CoVax Diseases” in his study of Pfizer’s 450,000 pages of COVID-19 vaccine documents, documents the FDA was forced to release via a court order, Kelly said.

“It makes sense that the unspecified causes of death have increased so much,” Kelly said. “When a patient dies with either multiple diseases all at one time or with a previously unseen disease state, both of which happen with ‘CoVax Diseases’ Dr. Chandler has identified, I would imagine many doctors and/or coroners don’t know how to categorize those causes of death. That would lead to ‘cause unknown’ categorization of deaths.”

According to Naomi Wolf, author of “Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age,” “In the preindustrial world, people died mysteriously. But in the modern Western world, there are no mystery deaths. Every death has a death certificate which by law must identify a cause of death.”

“A minor rise in unattributed deaths is a problem that needs investigation,” Wolf said. “A major rise, such as you’ve identified, does not indicate a mass mystery to doctors and coroners, but rather it is evidence of a problem with state record-keeping — some bureaucratic malfeasance at a grand scale.”

Dec 102023

TORONTO, ON: The Justice Centre announces that the Ontario Civilian Police Commission will hear the appeal of Constable Michael Brisco today, who is challenging his conviction and penalty for donating to the Ottawa Freedom Convoy in early 2022. This case raises questions about the Charter’s protection for freedom of expression, the right of police officers to support political causes while off duty, and the privacy rights of all Canadians.

Constable Michael Brisco of the Windsor Police Service is a highly trained and respected police officer with no prior disciplinary record. He made a $50 donation to the peaceful Freedom Convoy protest through the GiveSendGo fundraising platform on February 8, 2022 – one day after an Ontario Superior Court Judge held that people could continue to engage in “peaceful, lawful and safe protest” in Ottawa so long as honking ceased. When making his donation, Constable Brisco did not identify himself as a police officer and did not contribute to the protest in his capacity as a police officer.

Days later, the GiveSendGo donor list was hacked. The Ontario Provincial Police Service acquired the list and forwarded a set of names to the Windsor Police Service, who discovered that Constable Brisco had donated to the protest.

The Windsor Police Service then chose to charge Constable Brisco for “discreditable conduct.”

After a six-day hearing before an Ontario Provincial Police Adjudicator, Constable Brisco was found guilty of discreditable conduct by a Tribunal on March 24, 2023. Two months later, on May 18, 2023, the Tribunal ordered that Constable Brisco should forfeit pay for 80 hours of work as a penalty.

With the support of the Justice Centre, on June 14, 2023, Constable Brisco filed a Notice of Appeal with Ontario Civilian Police Commission, challenging his conviction and the imposed penalty.

Counsel for Constable Brisco argue that the prosecution against him lacks sufficient evidence. The claim that the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa was an unlawful protest rested entirely on claims made in newspaper articles by various officials, including the Prime Minister and the Premier of Ontario. No credible video, photographic, or other evidence on this point was filed against Constable Brisco. Further, counsel for Constable Brisco argue that the evidence against him – a hacked list that ought to have remained private and confidential – was obtained illegally. Counting the donor list as evidence against Constable Brisco amounts to an abuse of process, counsel argue.

Brisco’s legal counsel further argue that his conviction and penalty rested on a claim that Mr. Brisco’s donation was a demonstration of support for the Ambassador Bridge blockade in Windsor, Ontario; Mr. Brisco argues that there is no evidence of a link between the Ottawa protest and the Windsor blockade, and he denied any support for the blockade during his hearing.

Finally, Constable Brisco argues that the Tribunal’s decisions to convict and discipline him fail to acknowledge or proportionately balance their impact on his Charter-protected right to freedom of expression. While a police officer’s right to free expression is limited during the performance of their duties as officers, Constable Brisco did not donate to the Freedom Convoy in his capacity as a police officer. He also expected the donation to be confidential, and he did not seek to advertise his giving. The expression of off-duty police officers is protected by the Charter to the same degree as the expression of any other citizen.

Darren Leung, one of the lawyers for Constable Brisco, stated, “Freedom of expression is a right that is guaranteed to all Canadians. Police officers are also entitled to express their political beliefs, so long as they do it without identifying themselves as police. Furthermore, it is an injustice that Constable Brisco was investigated on the basis of illegally obtained information. Instead of investigating who was responsible for the hack, the Windsor Police Service have dedicated their resources in prosecuting Constable Brisco.”

“Every Canadian, including police and also including doctors, nurses, teachers and other regulated professionals, has a right to donate to the cause of her or his choice, and to do so privately and confidentially. No Canadian should face disciplinary proceedings at the hands of her or his professional association for expressing support for a cause or movement,” stated John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre.

Dec 062023

Repeal Bill 36,  the Health Professions & Occupations Act.   First class tyranny.

Do the health care providers in my community know what’s going on, that affects them:

  • at the LEGISLATURE?
  • In the COURTS?

I will deliver the following to as many local healthcare providers as I can.  I want them and us to talk to the local MLA.   There’s a self-interest .   . . .

The Health Professions & Occupations Act does this, unbelievably: 

1. All BC practitioners must now follow health guidelines set by political appointees for their
patients or risk penalties including loss of license to practice.

Noncompliance with Ministry therapeutic guidelines may result in fines up to $200,000 or
$500,000 (corporations) and incarceration up to 6 months or 2 years.1

Anonymous complaints to the Colleges can result in summary suspension of licensure to
practice before the complaint is investigated.2,3

Appointees chosen by politicians may now enter a healthcare practice, seize patient records
and restrict access to that facility without a warrant or court order.4

Refusal to accept all Ministry mandated vaccines and therapies will likely result in

College advisory boards will now consist of government appointees only.6

All selfregulatory healthcare professions in BC will be governed entirely by politicians and
their agents, using appointees selected by the Ministry of Health.7

The Cabinet and the Minister of Health can adopt as law in BC any regulations, codes,
standards or rules enacted in foreign jurisdictions or international bodies.8

Bill 36 was one of the largest bills ever passed in British Columbia, consisting of 645 sections and 276 pages, . . . read more at The Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine

 STATUS OF BILL 36, B.C. Health Professions & Occupations Act, as at Dec 7, 2023.  (I phoned the Legislature AND I had a conversation at my MLA’s office to confirm):

The Act was passed a year ago.  HOWEVER, not all the provisions have yet been translated into Regulations.  There is time to drop into the office of MLA Adam Walker on 2nd Ave in Qualicum Beach.  They want you to phone ahead and book an appointment.  But the matter is urgent.  I’d suggest that you jot a note and drop in.  Time is short to get Bill 36 repealed.  I have found the staff in Adam Walker’s office to be receptive.  Just be normal and courteous.  Ask questions – – like is this true?  – –  Or, as you wish. – –   Have your friends go to the MLA’s office.  He needs to know that WE ARE SERIOUS about getting the legislation repealed.

Doctors’ insights on case against Bonnie Henry’s two-year vaccine mandate for healthcare workers

Youtube coverage at the Legislature, Drea Humphrey from Rebel News. Hear what very reasonable Doctors have to say:

 The Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine

A comprehensive source of information and resources for Bill 36.

There is a legal analysis of the Bill by Gail Davidson, etc.

The counsel for the group of doctors bringing the case against the two-year mandate for healthcare workers used public health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry’s contradictory statements to argue the case.


(Doc #2 in support)   2023-11-15 Doctors warn British Columbians about the province’s tyrannical health care act. I think You will want to see this.  (Bill 36)

The take-away from the interviews:  Few Doctors and other healthcare workers KNOW ABOUT THIS BILL, and what it does.

(Doc #4 in support)   2023-11-29 B.C.:   Bonnie Henry named as defendant in class-action lawsuit over her role in COVID-19 vaccine mandate

(Doc #3 in support)   ONTARIO COURT CASES AGAINST DOCTORS   (Regulating and reporting is by Province.  I found these reports, don’t have time to do more.)

2023-02-19   Ontario Doctors who Dissented from Covid-19 Doctrines Fight for their Professional Lives. by Jason Unrau. C2C Journal.